
您好, 歡迎來到精算旅遊!

舒適旅遊. 智慧消費. 聰明玩家.

精算旅遊官方網站(CalculatedTraveller.com) 於2013年2月推出後即成為一本網路旅遊雜誌, 能為世界各風景名勝提供資訊豐富的旅遊建議, 給予最有效益的提示及坦率的評論, 並能啟發您的旅遊靈感。

當我們分享在各地旅遊景點的活動照片和故事時, 我們便致力於在每篇文章中提到有關預算規劃、準備技巧、評論和中肯的建議。不論您的預算或目的地, 我們都在此為所有類型旅遊者提供最值得信賴的資訊。

根據韋伯斯特字典(Webster’s Dictionary):
精算 (形容詞) = 處事前仔細考慮, 詳細評估可能結果後, 精心規劃行事, 得以圓滿成就某一特定目的事項

我們的願望是分享故事, 照片和記憶, 以激勵您開始邁向自己的旅程!

我們的任務是提供您屢試不爽的訣竅, 做好預算細目和行程規劃建議, 讓您達成理想。

我們的服務宗旨是為您, 我們的讀者, 協助您贏得“最划算“的機會, 避免浪費時間或陷入任何困境。


我們精心規劃, 我們虛心測試, 我們努力研究, 我們以絕對誠懇忠實的方式與您分享一切。





我們的優勢在於, 我們有縝密思考一切的習慣。


我們很不喜歡意外狀況發生, 就像超出預算或錯過連結航班這樣的事件… 所以我們總是做好了準備!

憑藉著不同的體驗、年齡、背景和生活方式, 我們的寫作群樂於分享各個景觀、經歷或旅遊產品所提供的精采特點。



我們曾經步行, 長途健行 , 航行, 甚至從飛機上跳傘下來。

我們這樣做都是為了我們這份熱愛–充分地體驗生活, 並將我們的經驗帶給其他志同道合的旅行者。


張惠僖 (Mary Chong) – 精算旅遊 (Calculated Traveller)

張惠僖 (Mary Chong)


張惠僖 (Mary Chong) 是一位屢獲殊榮的旅遊作家、社交媒體影響者、專業圖像設計師和位於加拿大多倫多精算旅遊雜誌的創始人。

誠如 A 型的人格特質, 惠僖 (Mary) 為自己在任何情況下都能做好準備而感到自豪, 無論旅遊目的地如何, 她仍然設法只攜帶隨身行李旅遊。

惠僖 (Mary)是美國旅遊作家協會 (The Society of American Travel Writers), 國際旅遊作家聯盟(The International Travel Writers Alliance), 多倫多大規模旅遊 (Toronto Travel Massive) 的活躍成員

她還為多個線上網站撰稿, 包括 FWTMagazine.com (屬於國際酒食遊家 IFWTWA 出版物), 與家人出遊 (GoneWithTheFamily.com), 旅客之路 (TheTravelersWay.com), 時髦的女遊客(TravelFashionGirl.com), 以及老饕(TheYums.com).

榮獲2018年第三名最佳國際故事獎 (Best International Story), 美國旅遊作家協會加拿大分會寫作獎(The Society of American Travel Writers Canada Chapter Writing Awards)

約旦 烏姆蓋斯(Um Qais Jordan) 的鳥,蜜蜂,編織籃子和橄欖樹

會員: 美國旅遊作家協會 Society of American Travel Writers

請點閱惠僖 (Mary)的所有文章

Calculated Traveller Ray

張衛明 (Ray Chong)


張衛明 (Ray Chong) 是加拿大多倫多當地市政府的退休醫療保健專業人員。

衛明 (Ray) 是個狂熱的自然愛好者和戶外運動家。衛明 (Ray)賦有旅行流程規劃天份, 製訂每次出遊細節, 能臨機應變, 隨時都有後備方案。

據悉, 衛明(Ray) 可以花好幾天, 逐步解決旅行預算上的難題, 直到他滿意為止。 朋友和家人經常來電諮詢這前衛精明的規劃專家, 以便達成更好的 “衛明 (Ray) 交易”。

由於對遊輪旅遊促銷的熱愛, 這位旅遊作家決定與大家共享他最愛的遊輪惠僖票價, 讓你我都受惠,人人都歡喜。

衛明(Ray)是多倫多大規模旅遊(Toronto Travel Massive) 的成員。

View all articles by Ray



Jennifer Carl caught her wanderlust as a child from her grandparents, who were world travellers well into their retirement. She remembered getting postcards from them from far off places and couldn’t wait to head out on her own adventures, although she ended up being more a road trip gal herself. Now her family enjoys packing up their RV and exploring campgrounds and destinations in the eastern US and this summer she will be taking her nine-year-old on an epic cross-country train trip. When not travelling or being a lacrosse mom, her day job is helping online entrepreneurs rock their businesses with digital marketing and virtual assistance services. Jen’s home base is in the Lehigh Valley, PA outside of her favourite city, Philadelphia.

Jacqui Gibson is a Kiwi freelance travel writer and blog director for US-based FWT Magazine, the flagship digital publication of the International Food, Wine and Travel Writers’ Association. She started out as a newspaper journalist before setting up as a freelancer in New Zealand’s capital city of Wellington. Today she is a guest blogger for Flight Network Canada, Flight Centre New Zealand and Epicure & Culture and has written travel features for Food, Wine and Travel (FWT), NZ Bride & Groom, Let’s Travel and Heritage New Zealand magazines.
View all articles by Jacqui.

Kim Humphreys, Toronto, Ontario, Canada-based travel writer/adventure seeker (Adventure Girl) who enjoys variety in her vacations. She seeks out adrenaline-filled adventures such as skydiving, mud sliding, jeep adventures, swimming with stingrays, river tubing and zip-lining. On the other hand, she also enjoys the contrast of a calm, family-oriented vacation by the ocean. She sees vacations and travelling as a chance for a new opportunity and making memories that she and her family will never forget.
View all articles by Kim.

Sidharth Krishna writes as an intern at Calculated Traveller. An aficionado of travel and nature, Sidharth revels in manifesting his escapades in his articles. Growing up as a precocious child in Dubai, he’d constantly pester his parents to take him sightseeing. Be it arduous road trips or a quick stop at the beach, Sidharth cherishes every moment of whatever journey he’d embark on. If you ask him what his prized possessions are, he’ll most certainly mention his camera as seen by his Instagram profile. When not on the road, he spends his time reading, working on his blog and listening to music. As of now, he finds himself in the automotive capital of Canada, Windsor, Ontario as he educates himself on the finesses of the journalistic discipline.

Lea Kuliczkowski is a graduate of the RTA School of Media at Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario Canada and is pursuing a career in television and video production. Her hobbies include figure skating and travelling. Lea believes her curiosity about new cultures comes from her mixed background of Chinese, Italian, and Polish. She loves new adventures whether it’s living on a different continent or checking out the local eats in her hometown of Toronto. Travel has led Lea to many beautiful countries and is always dreaming of her next destination. Most importantly, she is very excited to share her anecdotes and journeys right here on Calculated Traveller!
View all articles by Lea.

Jamie Kwan is a Toronto-based designer, with backgrounds in both architecture and digital media. He is a serial doodler, excessive post-it note user, and loves to write, photograph and sketch about culture and cities. While not a thrill-seeker, he will go out of his way to find the most hidden architectural gems in any place he visits. He has a true love for museums, having spent much of his early days working with children and wrangling dinosaurs at the Royal Ontario Museum. You can find more of his love for design at jamiekwan.com. Since 2013, he has been on the most epic of journeys to find the best grilled cheese sandwich ever.
View all articles by Jamie.

Cherri Megasko has always been a little unpredictable, walking that fine line between conformance and rebellion. But it wasn’t until she started travelling in earnest that she found her true zen. She surrendered her corporate badge, renewed her passport and braced herself for a whole new life of excitement and adventure. Snorkelling locales and the developing world are her favourite destinations, but she’ll gladly go wherever the opportunities are most curious.
View all articles by Cherri.

Michael Soncina is a sustainable tourism enthusiast based in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He has lived in Singapore and spent time WWOOFing and working with youth groups as a volunteer throughout Japan. His love for adventure took him to Central Asia, where through a series of memorable experiences, fell in love with the region.

With over 10 years working in the tourism industry under his belt, Michael spent the last six years working as a tour director for the luxury tour company, Tauck. He has had the privilege of leading countless tours throughout Europe and Japan.

His next project is his own travel and tour company, Soncina Travel and Events, based in Winnipeg. A key feature of Michael’s tours is the personal touch he imprints on each tour, while he helps with trip planning for those who are visiting the province.
View all articles by Michael.

Heather Stuart is a freelance writer and editor (HH Communications Services) living in Waterdown, ON. When not writing, she can be found running, cycling, travelling, and enjoying the outdoors with her husband, dog, and son.
View all articles by Heather.

Martin Wigginton, Travel Photography Expert (Tech Guru) has seen as many movies on airplanes as he has in theatres. While not particularly a morning person he has been known to get up before the sun to get the right shot at the right time and has apps on his iPad and phone to help him choose when and where to bring his many cameras. When the shot is taken, he is inclined to share it immediately on the web. He loves the idea of people all over the world being able to see what HE sees at virtually the same time.
View all articles by Martin.



2018 Third Place Winner Best International Story, The Society of American Travel Writers Canada Chapter Writing Awards
A Top Canadian Travel Blog

Flight Network “A Top Canadian Travel Blog” – Named by FlightNetwork.com as one of Canada’s top 100 online travel writers. Read the press release.

Top Toronto-based Bloggers to Follow by FlipKey Inc. by Trip Advisor – 2015
<br>2014 Canadian Weblog Awards Nominee
2014 Canadian Weblog Awards Nominee
Rise Market Insight #travel1k Top 1000+ Travel Blogs

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