Heart Pounding White Water Ride with Niagara Jet Adventures

Heart Pounding White Water Ride with Niagara Jet Adventures

Looking for a high-speed, heart pounding, lose your voice from screaming, water adventure in Niagara Falls, New York without getting wet?

Have I got one for you!

Niagara Jet Adventures — 1650HP barreling through Devil’s Hole white water rapids in the Niagara River Gorge

I’m what you would call a timid “scaredy cat” when it comes to adventure.

Yeah, sure I talk a good game.

I’ve even done some, what I would call daring, out-of-the-normal-Mary type of activities such as dogsledding, ice fishing, snow tubing, and indoor sky diving.

I play the “I can handle any adventure” card quite expertly but once I’m there about to take the leap, my legs tremble, and my mind cycles through a roulette wheel of scenarios.

“You can do this, Girl!”

“Are you insane?”

“Just DO it! Carpe Diem!”

“Seriously, are you really going to do this?”

Where the roulette wheel stops nobody knows…

Of course, I keep all these thoughts to myself while husband Ray just says “Yeah Baby, Let’s DO THIS!”

I figure, why ruin HIS fun and besides if we are going to bite the big one, at least we were together when it happened!

I’m not going to lie. It took me a bit of time to relax and it was pretty obvious I wasn’t hiding my fear very well because owner Chris Bohnenkamp, our driver on the tour, turned to me at one point and asked with concern if I was okay…

A few minutes into the tour and a few 360-degree spin turns later I was screaming with glee versus screaming with fear.

Heart Pounding White Water Ride with Niagara Jet Adventures

The custom-designed jet boats are created by Chris specifically with a flat bottom so that they are capable of operating in as little as 1 to 2 feet of water.

Another key design feature is that Niagara Jet Adventures boats have a covered and an open section to them. Benefit being that you can ride in the covered section and stay totally dry OR ride in the wet section and get totally soaked.

They are also able to give passengers a rougher (AKA more fun) ride because they don’t have to worry about “swamping” or flooding the boat, which is prone to happen in completely open jet boats.

Check out the video to see all the fun!

This “scaredy cat” had nothing to worry about – I had a blast!

Safety is first priority at Niagara Jet Adventures as each of the 32-feet long, 14-feet wide jet boats is US Coast Guard Certified.

Heart Pounding White Water Ride with Niagara Jet Adventures

Not only that but we were all wearing life jackets and had watched a safety video prior to the 60 minute thrill ride.

Niagara Jet Adventures - life jackets

All seats have shock absorbers to take the impact of the white water and grab bars so you can hold on securely.

Want to stay dry?
There are 26 interior seats with large panoramic windows, comfy seats and cubbies to store your belongings.

Niagara Jet Adventures - Wet Seats

Want to get wet?
There are 16 raised outside seats on the wet deck. Wet being the ultimate word because if you sit here you will get totally drenched. Not to worry — just bring a towel, change of clothing and a waterproof camera. (Lockers are available)

Want a great view AND stay dry?
Splurge for the co-pilot seat!

Heart Pounding White Water Ride with Niagara Jet Adventures by Calculated Traveller

For an extra $10 there are 2 co-pilot seats, one on either side of the driver.

I highly recommend these seats because you really feel like you are part of the action as you have a totally unobstructed view.

Heart Pounding White Water Ride with Niagara Jet Adventures

Heart Pounding White Water Ride with Niagara Jet Adventures

Tips for your Niagara Jet Adventure

  • Arrive 30 minutes before the tour.
  • Children must be 40″ tall to ride.
  • Guests under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
  • Tours run all year long (as long as there isn’t any ice in or on the river).
  • Pay attention to the safety video and life jacket demonstration.
  • Use the rest room before the tour begins.
  • If you are prone to motion sickness I wouldn’t recommend this tour.

Scaredy Cat no more!

Heart Pounding White Water Ride with Niagara Jet Adventures by Calculated Traveller

Niagara Jet Adventures
555 Water Street, Youngstown NY 14174

Niagara Jet Adventures also offers full wet jet boat tours where the entire boat is open to the elements. If you like history, in 2016 they will be launching Niagara Falls history tours where they will tour through the entire length of the Niagara River all the way to Niagara Falls.

Heart Pounding White Water Ride with Niagara Jet Adventures by Calculated Traveller

Have you experienced a wild ride with Niagara Jet Adventure? What did you think of it?

Travel assistance provided by Niagara Tourism. As always, all my opinions are entirely my own.

By admin

Mary Chong is based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. A food and travel writer, and founder of Calculated Traveller, when not working as a freelance graphic designer, Mary is either travelling with her husband Ray or planning the next big adventure.

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