
Budapest Gellert Hill view

Budapest is easily one of my favourite cities in the world, and I’ll be the first to admit my bias on the Hungarian capital since moving from my native Canada. There are many rewarding things about living in a Central European country where the culture is completely foreign. Yes, the Hungarian language is complex, and the gastronomy may not be the easiest on our tummies, but the Pearl of the Danube offers a wide variety of sightseeing, nightlife, and activities that will tickle anyone’s fancy. Here are my two cents and your quick guide to Budapest Hungary.

冬天旅行嗎?你可能會喜歡這樣 布達佩斯的冬天 指導。

Guide to Budapest – Thermal Ruda Baths Budapest

A First Time Beginners Guide to Budapest Hungary - Rudaas Thermal Bath

If there’s one thing, I always insist visitors take part in it’s a pampering trip to the thermal baths for their first time in Budapest. Although I love showing my friends bright yellow Szechenyi (seh-chen-yee) in City Park, I suggest opting for the “Wellness” package at Rudas (ru-dash). You’ll enjoy a view of the Danube and Gellért Hill from the rooftop tub as well as chill out in the newly renovated pools and saunas. Crowds are few, and it’s modern compared to the typical Turkish baths, but certainly peaceful. Szent Lukacs (St. Lucas) is also a great budget option if staying away from the crowds is your thing.

Here’s a great article with 參觀熱水浴的技巧.

退房 Rudas Baths在TripAdvisor上.



A First Time Beginners Guide to Budapest Hungary - Szimpla

布達佩斯的夜生活是瘋狂的,著名的廢墟酒吧證明了其作為派對中心的聲譽。原本的, 西普利亞,是戰爭期間被摧毀的改建建築物的一個很好的例子。它具有怪異的裝飾,例如浴缸或輪胎翻面的座位,並在周日提供水煙,現場音樂表演和新鮮市場。其他著名和獨特的場所包括 福加什, 安克特, 和 立即的, a multi-level club with 26 rooms offering top 40’s, electronic, R&B, and reggae to dance the night away. Prefer a hip atmosphere with great beers and chill vibes? Léhűtő (lay-who-tuh) or Élesztő (eh-less-tuh) are top-notch craft beer bars in the centre with hundreds of options on tap or bottled.


A First Time Beginners Guide to Budapest Hungary - Langos Street Food

I dare say Hungarian cuisine is delicious. I love it all and will always be confident everyone will like at least one of the cuisine’s delicious street foods. You’ll find booths for chimney cakes on almost every corner for around 1 euro and listed on the dessert menu of every restaurant is palascinta (thin pancakes). If you like strudel, you’ll love rétes (reh-tesh) found inside 大中央市場大廳, an incredible fresh market. Or, if you want something more unique and savoury, pick langós (lang-osh), a deep-fried dough topped with sour cream and grated cheese. Just like a fluffy pizza, you can order it at the stand right outside metro station “Arany János”. Last but not least, if you want to be like a local, you must eat Túró Rudi, chocolate-covered curd cheese!

Here’s a great article profiling an 匈牙利美食之旅.


City Park and Margaret Island are both excellent green getaways from the bustling city where you can picnic, play frisbee, and rent a bike. But if you’re after great views, I recommend taking a hike up Gellért Hill on the Buda side for the ultimate panorama of Pest. Also, consider taking one of the many free walking tours like NEXT City Tour’s Free Tour of Budapest if you’d like to learn more about the history and culture of Hungary. It’s a perfect overview guided by a local who knows the ins and outs of the city.

A First Time Beginners Guide to Budapest Hungary by Calculated Traveller


盡力與當地人說匈牙利語有很長的路要走 (相信我!).


早上/下午/晚上好-Jóreggalt / napot /estét(Yo reh-gaht / nah-pot / ez-ted)

你好嗎? – Hogy Vagy? (好耶好耶)



是/否– Igen / Nem(ee-gen / nem)

Cheers! – Egészségedre! (egg-eh-sheg-eh-dray)



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By Lea Kuliczkowski

Lea畢業於加拿大安大略省多倫多的瑞爾森大學RTA媒體學院。 Lea相信她對新文化的好奇來自她對中國,意大利和波蘭人的混雜背景。她喜歡新的冒險之旅,無論它生活在不同的大陸上還是在她的家鄉多倫多查看當地美食。旅行將莉亞帶到了許多美麗的國家,並且一直夢想著她的下一個目的地。

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