
9 Planning Tips when Travelling with Another Couple

You’re hanging out with a couple of friends enjoying a lovely dinner out, and someone says, “Hey, we should go on vacation together!”



We are fortunate that we know a few couples that we love as travel companions. On the flip side, we also know of a few couples with whom we could never travel with, but they are great fun to hang out with for a few hours. There is nothing wrong with this and doesn’t make them any less of a friend — we just know that we have different travel styles.

Before you book that all-inclusive vacation for four…

Nine Tips when Vacationing with Another Couple

Tip 1. Make sure you all get along

You may be BFF’s with Susie but does your better half get along well with Susie’s better half or are they just tolerating each other for your sake? Make sure you all get along before you start planning that journey to Asia.




During the planning stages, make sure that you split up the tasks between all parties according to strengths and weaknesses. Divide and conquer to ensure that everyone handles some of the “work”. No one wants the pressure of planning the whole trip alone.


When going on holiday with another couple, make it clear early on in the planning stages as to what the budget is for the trip so that there aren’t any unintended financial pressures imposed on anyone involved.

9 Planning Tips when Going on holiday with Another Couple




Stay in separate hotel rooms. It may seem like sharing a hotel room with another couple is a great way to save some cash by booking two queen size beds in 1 hotel room with your travel companions, but for your sanity, I feel it’s best to book two hotel rooms. And that brings us to our next point.


計劃一些 獨自與您的伴侶共度時光。您無需與另一對夫婦度過24/7。






計劃公路旅行?查看我們的文章 10路旅行-規定


By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。

1 comment

  1. 請意識到,您的BFF夫婦中的一個或兩個可能會被吸引去與您在旅途中遇到的另一對夫婦或另一對夫婦中的一個成員建立友誼。您可能會覺得與旅行中的伴侶相處融洽,但也許您不為人所知,另一對夫婦或其中一對成員以您或您的伴侶以外的其他原因而向您的BFF求助。物以類聚,人以群分。當您考慮一下時,您可能會發現自己和與之同行的情侶之間存在差異,這也許就是原因。在更短期的基礎上,例如外出吃晚飯,聽音樂會和/或演奏,您會喜歡其中一個或兩個。它們為您的生活增添了不同的視角或變化。在更長的時間內,當其他人加入社交圈時,您可能會看到他們在另一對夫婦中認識到使他們與眾不同的是什麼,與您不同。他們可能想與那些志趣相投的人認識並社交。儘管您一開始可能會感到“被淘汰”或“被推開”,但是當他們熱衷於結識另一對潛在的BFF夫婦時,很自然的事實是這種情況可能會發生,並且您無法阻止它,也不會可以還是應該。結交新朋友,但保留舊朋友,一個是白銀,另一個?是誰說的?我認為他或她認識到現實,有時甚至是令人痛苦或令人失望的-但希望只是暫時的。直到情緒消失並且理性被取代。

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