
Food For Thought: Eating Amsterdam Tours

There’s nothing I love more than tasting the exquisite dishes each city I visit has to offer. It was no different when I finally – 最後! – made it to Amsterdam, a destination I’ve wanted to explore for a while now. On my final day, Eating Amsterdam Tours invited me to join their 4-hour guided walk through Jordaan, a neighbourhood filled with tiny back streets, beautiful courtyards, and excellent food. I was so excited to see it all!

耶爾特(發音為 大喊大叫)是我們熱情的,喜歡美食的導遊,他帶領10人一組有趣地參加了 阿姆斯特丹美食之旅 要記住。他和食品培訓師Estefhan的目標是:讓我們所有人都擺脫食品冒險的最後一站。



Food For Thought: Eating Amsterdam Tours - Poffertjes
我們在擁有100年曆史的咖啡館Caféde Prins中以可愛的poffertjes(薄煎餅)開始了正確的旅程。白天的咖啡店和夜晚的酒吧都提供了一碗至少15塊黃油蘸的薄煎餅, 加拿大楓糖漿 (eh!), sprinkled with a generous amount of icing sugar. Poffertjes have been considered a children’s treat before bedtime; I’m not kidding! If only I grew up in Holland…


Food For Thought: Eating Amsterdam Tours - Stroopwafel
To this day, I’m still unsure how to pronounce this delicate, caramel filled waffle correctly. What I do know is the fresh and pre-packaged stroopwafel at Sprenkels found on a tiny street in Jordaan are quite tasty and worth a try. Locals and travellers alike choose to stop by and have a chat with the lovely owner, too.


Food For Thought: Eating Amsterdam Tours - Haring, Kibbeling
早餐後吃了幾頓甜品,是時候在當地最喜歡的De Urker Viswinkel品嚐阿姆斯特丹風味的魚了。菜單上有鹽水鯡魚,炸鱈魚和一瓶僅在荷蘭生產的鬱金香伏特加酒。我偏愛鱈魚。但是,很多其他人(包括一些孩子)吞噬了鯡魚!


Food For Thought: Eating Amsterdam Tours - Bitterballen
我們過馬路,一分鐘後在下一站找到我們:Caféde Blaffende Vis。這次,我們獲得了一杯荷蘭最好的IPA(來自哈勒姆),帶有一些苦瓜作為裝飾物(油炸的肉丸和肉湯混合物)。我非常喜歡小劑量的IPA,而且我知道很多人會對這種跳跳式選擇印象深刻。
Food For Thought: Eating Amsterdam Tours - Craft Beer

Meats & Cheeses

Food For Thought: Eating Amsterdam Tours - Meats & Cheeses
我們到達了一家熟食店,那裡擺滿了肉(Slagerij Louman)和奶酪(Jwo Lekkernijen)。我特別喜歡起源於荷蘭Gouda的年輕Gouda以及整盤肉。它由烤香腸,熏豬肉火腿和冷熏牛肉香腸組成,在世界上都很好。


Food For Thought: Eating Amsterdam Tours - Saté Chicken
如果您還沒有嘗試過花生醬雞肉沙爹,請停止您正在做的事情,然後去最近的印尼餐廳pronto。理想的是在阿姆斯特丹的Swieti Sranang,Jelte向我們介紹了雞肉,醃製白菜和我小時候最喜歡的蝦片!品嚐如此不同但風味突出的菜真是太有趣了。


Food For Thought: Eating Amsterdam Tours - Appeltaart
沒有美味甜點的美食之旅是什麼?我們最後也是最後一站是在CaféPapeneiland咖啡館,在那裡,我們用一大堆荷蘭蘋果派塞了自己,然後變得很傻。我喜歡的是餡餅裡面有多少蘋果餡,周圍是一層完美的金色外殼。就連比爾·克林頓(Bill Clinton)都非常喜歡阿姆斯特丹,他把整個派都帶回了酒店房間!


Food For Thought: Eating Amsterdam Tours. A review by Calculated Traveller.

For an excellent way to explore Amsterdam, consider this food tour along with Eating Europe’s other food tours in Prague, London, and Italy!

多倫多港口中心的Natrel Rink戶外滑冰

Lea是Eating Europe的來賓,在發表之前未曾評論或批准此文章。一如既往,所有觀點完全都是作者的觀點。

By Lea Kuliczkowski

Lea畢業於加拿大安大略省多倫多的瑞爾森大學RTA媒體學院。 Lea相信她對新文化的好奇來自她對中國,意大利和波蘭人的混雜背景。她喜歡新的冒險之旅,無論它生活在不同的大陸上還是在她的家鄉多倫多查看當地美食。旅行將莉亞帶到了許多美麗的國家,並且一直夢想著她的下一個目的地。

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