
10 Outstanding Destinations for Solo Travel


Here are ten destinations to pique your interest in travelling solo

10 Outstanding Destinations for Solo Travel - Barcelona

1.西班牙巴塞羅那。 如果您有地圖和舒適的鞋子,那麼巴塞羅那就是您的理想之選。這個宜人的城市到處都是商店和吃飯的好地方。您可以沿著海灘旁的木板路漫步,在蘭布拉大街(Las Ramblas)上的櫥窗商店,在La Boqueria市場購買野餐午餐,並驚嘆於奎爾公園(Park Guell)的高迪(Gaudi)。在這個城市獨自度假時,吃飯變得輕而易舉。在令人難以置信的西班牙小吃酒吧之一的吧台旁坐一會,人們一邊享受免費的娛樂活動,一邊享用一杯美酒和美味佳餚。

閱讀文章: 我們的回憶–巴塞羅那音樂宮(Palau de la Musica),巴塞羅那

10 Outstanding Destinations for Solo Travel - Rome

2.意大利羅馬。 You had me at Rome. Who wouldn’t want to visit the city built for the gods? Rome is well known for its fashion, the people, enjoyable food, and romance. Walking around in this city as a single will make you feel empowered and fully in the present. There are many things do in Rome, such as visiting ancient sites such as the Coliseum, the Pantheon, and the Roman Forum. Of course, visiting The Vatican City and Saint Peter’s Basilica is a must. After a day of tours and sightseeing, you may want to unwind by dining alfresco in one of the many piazzas, and cap the night off with an icy Gelato while peering at some of the City’s fountains.

Big Bus Rome


10 Outstanding Destinations for Solo Travel - Seattle Washington


3.華盛頓州西雅圖。 Due to the ever so present coffee culture, having dinner or drinking alone is common in Seattle. With a coffee shop on every corner, there is no shortage of rest stops between Pike Place Market, the Space Needle, or EMP Museum. The dense downtown area makes it easy for you to zip from one place to another via their extensive public transportation network. You can walk the waterfront and visit the Seattle Aquarium and walk up the stairs to Pike Place market, hitch a bus up to the Science Center and walk over to the Space Needle. Seeing the sights can all be done in one day but take your time and don’t rush it; let the city introduce itself to you. She has a lot to offer.

閱讀文章: 華盛頓西雅圖的六大景點


10 Outstanding Destinations for Solo Travel - Munich Germany

4.德國慕尼黑。 The happy nature of the locals in this Bavarian town is welcoming and inviting. Whether you visit a small ma-and-pop bakery or tour the Olympiapark tower, Munich will take your breath away. The best way to immerse yourself in the Munich way of life is to grab a pint at a local Biergarten or shop at the Christmas markets while you enjoy the hot mulled wine. In this city, a mug requires a deposit, so the locals hang around the stand to chat. It’s a great way to meet new people while warming up over a traditional drink.

10 Outstanding Destinations for Solo Travel - New York City

5.紐約市。 NYC is one city that is amazing to visit alone. Exploring the Big Apple and the streets of Manhattan are a must in this iconic city. Visit a cutting-edge gallery or one of the many world-famous museums. You can’t visit the city that never sleeps without one night out on the town playing a bit of Sex in the City in your head and sipping on a Cosmo. If you’re not into dining alone, there are many gourmet food markets to eat at too. Don’t forget to check out Central Park and cruise on the Hudson, or for some free entertainment, people watch in Time Square.

Planning a visit to the MET? Read Calculated Traveller Jamie’s article:

10 Outstanding Destinations for Solo Travel - Wyoming

6.懷俄明州。 For an adventurous and relaxing getaway in the US plan a visit to the great State of Wyoming. Staying at a Dude Ranch with quaint towns nearby and majestic landscapes all around is a memory you’ll never forget. While you are there take a trip over to see Devil’s Tower, it is one of America’s most iconic landmarks. Wyoming may not be the first place on your list for a solo traveller’s vacation spot but if you are ready for a unique adventure then grab your boots and a cowboy hat and book your next trip in the state with the slogan 永遠的西部.

10 Outstanding Destinations for Solo Travel - California

7.加利福尼亞。 如果您正在尋找海灘度假,那麼加利福尼亞值得一看。 聖地亞哥 alone has 17 miles of beautiful coastline with 11 beaches to explore. With so many choices you are sure to find that the perfect beach to relax, rest and decompress. Perhaps you wish to try surfing, lessons are available, and El Porto Beach in Los Angeles is a popular surfing spot no matter your skill level. As the sun goes down, head into the city and dine al fresco – it’s a fabulous way to end the day.

在這裡查看我們的文章 – Gorgeous California Beach Destinations to visit today!

10 Outstanding Destinations for Solo Travel - Las Vegas

8.拉斯維加斯! Probably the number one destination for a weekend getaway is none other than Las Vegas, the city in the desert that never sleeps. No matter where you end up when visiting the strip, you will find something that will interest you. From concerts, clubs, pool parties, live entertainment of all kinds, Vegas is sure to keep you busy when you are playing slots. Whether you stay in a suite at the opulent Venetian or perhaps a theme hotel such as Excalibur or Circus Circus you have no shortage of options in lodging style. Treat yourself to a visit to a relaxing spa during the day and dress up for dinner and a show in the evening. Vegas has it all and remember the saying “what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”

有關拉斯維加斯旅行的提示,請閱讀以下文章: 預算有限的拉斯維加斯:何時揮霍與何時節省

10 Outstanding Destinations for Solo Travel - Amsterdam

9.荷蘭阿姆斯特丹。 Amsterdam is well known as one of the best places to travel alone in Europe. It’s a lively, friendly, and safe city that has a lot to offer a single traveller. Amsterdam captivates solo vacationers with its stunning canals, renowned museums, beautiful bridges, and spectacular architecture. Whether you are there to party, immerse yourself in the culture and history, or relax and enjoy this old European city, there is something to offer a 荷蘭首都的獨行旅客.

Read about Calculated Traveller Lea’s adventures in Amsterdam:

10 Outstanding Destinations for Solo Travel - Guatemala

10.危地馬拉。 尋找中美洲獨自旅行的有趣地方嗎?危地馬拉是您的目的地。參觀瑪雅遺址或體驗眾多的文化和歷史景點。這個區域一定會吸引您的心。危地馬拉的一個好處是,它是一個廉價的度假勝地,這意味著您可以待更長的時間,也許還會學一點西班牙語。對於活躍的旅行者來說,有很多戶外探險活動,例如激流漂流,皮划艇,您還可以遠足活躍的火山。

10 Outstanding Destinations for Solo Travel by Calculated Traveller


超過50歲?退房 7 Tips for Solo travel in your 50’s.

Do you have any suggestions for destinations for solo travel?

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Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。

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