
4 Very Different Restaurants in Montreal Quebec


從其他主要城市到蒙特利爾很容易。您可以閱讀有關我的經歷 從多倫多乘火車去蒙特利爾.


4 Very Different Restaurants in Montreal Quebec - Dunns Famous Deli

Their motto says it all – “real food for real people” and real food is what they have been serving up since 1927. Walk into 鄧恩斯著名熟食店,您會立即回到過去。從紅色的乙烯基座椅到櫃檯的舊凳子,這個地方散發出複古的魅力。這種蒙特利爾的主食全天候24小時供應蒙特利爾式的熏制肉,令人垂涎的肉丁和英里高的三明治。他們的菜單是多種多樣的,因此您將有很多選擇。確保帶出您的胃口或最好的朋友,因為您很可能會從中得到很多收益。

4 Very Different Restaurants in Montreal Quebec - Dunns Famous Deli
4 Very Different Restaurants in Montreal Quebec - Dunns Famous Deli by Calculated Traveller | #Montreal #Quebec #deli #restaurant #Canada


4 Very Different Restaurants in Montreal Quebec - Pizzeria Moretti

這家位於格里芬敦的簡單意大利餐廳散發出迷人的魅力。寬大的窗戶面向街道,使光線和傍晚的微風直射進裸露的磚牆,為用餐體驗增添個性和氛圍, 比薩店莫雷蒂 is an excellent place to stop for a bite to eat. The star of the show is their thin crust pizza. With twelve varieties to choose from, you will have a tough decision! Don’t let its name fool you; there is so much more than their delicious brick oven pizzas. Try their antipasti, their seafood-filled Fettuccine all’astice, or one of their homemade sorbets! Pizzeria Moretti is the perfect 鄰里 可以享受美食,朋友和優質服務的地方。

愛披薩嗎?查看我們的文章: 魁北克蒙特利爾最佳披薩餐廳

4 Very Different Restaurants in Montreal Quebec - Calamari Fritti
4 Very Different Restaurants in Montreal Quebec
4 Very Different Restaurants in Montreal Quebec - Pizzeria Morreti by Calculated Traveller | #pizza #Montreal #Quebec #restaurant

賈爾森·納爾遜(Jardin Nelson)美景盡收眼底的蒙特利爾經典

4 Very Different Restaurants in Montreal Quebec

蒙特利爾的獨特用餐體驗之一可能是 尼爾森花園。坐落在Jaques-Cartier廣場上一棟歷史悠久的房屋的外殼內,滿是花草樹木的花園和開放式天花板使您彷彿在法國鄉村中就餐。二十頁的菜單多種多樣,包括從雞翅和玉米片到麵食的所有內容。我建議您嚐一嘗可麗餅,鴨腿果醬或波夫奶酪以體驗傳統的加拿大法式風味。 Jardin Nelson僅在5月至9月開放,因此春季和夏季的餐桌稀缺。如果您沒有預訂,請準備好等待。

4 Very Different Restaurants in Montreal Quebec - Rabbit Crepe
4 Very Different Restaurants in Montreal Quebec - Jardin Nelson by Calculated Traveller |  #Montreal #Quebec #travel #restaurant

瑪吉奧克斯(Maggie Oakes)的老蒙特利爾法國小酒館牛排館

In Montreal’s vibrant culinary scene, Maggie Oakes stands out by their use of seasonal vegetables, local ingredients and high-quality meats. Walk into this well-designed restaurant attached to the Hotel William Gray and facing Place Jaques-Cartier, and you’ll notice the eye-catching living wall where they grow their herbs and micro-greens. The staff is top-notch and happy to make suggestions, but I recommend the charcuterie as an appetiser, one of their premium aged steaks for dinner. Be sure to save room for chocolate fondant or a seasonal fruit tart for dessert.

Upscale Grill Maggie Oakes in Old Montreal Quebec - Charcuterie Platter

閱讀我們對 威廉·格雷酒店–魁北克老蒙特利爾的高檔精品酒店.
閱讀我們對的完整評論 魁北克老蒙特利爾的Maggie Oakes小酒館–高檔燒烤店.

4 Very Different Restaurants in Montreal Quebec by Calculated Traveller Magazine | #restaurant #Montreal #Quebec #travel #Canada

These are just a few of the restaurants in Montreal that make up Quebec’s diverse culinary scene. Although the French influence is palpable and poutine remains king, Montreal’s restaurants are much more varied than you would think. You will find that many of the restaurants have menus to accommodate the millions of English-speaking tourists that flock here each year, all while staying true to their Canadian roots.



By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。


  1. 我真的很想參觀蒙特利爾,然後在所有這些餐館瘋狂地吃飯。當我在溫哥華的時候,我沒有麩質(我以為我不寬容),因此嚴重限制了我的選擇。我一定會在Pizzeria Morettii比薩店買到比薩餅,然後去Dunns著名的熟食店品嚐poutine。

  2. 嗯,好極了!我是薄皮披薩的粉絲,甚至無法想像擁有12個變種。我將不得不每天回去嘗試另一種:)而且所有芝麻菜的照片都讓我流口水!我愛上芝麻菜:)

  3. 蒙特利爾有很多很棒的餐廳,除了熟食店,我不曾去過其中的任何一家!當我十二月份在那兒時,達馬斯是我最喜歡的地方。我喜歡喜p做披薩。夏天回來時,我將不得不檢查這些景點。

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