
Leatherman Tread Review for Travel

Leatherman品牌是用於軍事和日常應用的高質量多功能工具的代名詞。皮革工工具絕對是您每天都應該隨身攜帶的物品。但是,Leatherman Tread是一款手鐲多功能工具,應該隨身攜帶嗎?

The Tread is the world’s first wearable multi tool. It’s a tool bracelet that sports 29 tools located in between the customizable links on the Tread. To use them, all you need to do is remove the bracelet from your wrist!

許多人會將Tread歸類為 日常攜帶, or “EDC” item. EDC is a collection of things that you carry on a daily basis – either in your pockets or a bag. I always pack a pocketknife, multi-tool, wallet, cell phone, keys, and a watch on my person, and a mini pry bar/pocket screwdriver, 手電筒, 急救箱, and writing utensils in a bag. I’m never without all these different tools and essential items. They help me stay prepared, accomplish menial tasks efficiently, and maximise my performance throughout the day.

Leatherman Tread LT Review for Travel

Did the Leatherman Tread LT fit in well with my EDC?

除了其獨特的外觀,該工具可能是最好的 繼續 multi-tool item available when travelling. That’s right. It’s TSA compliant! As someone who often flies for work, knowing that I can carry multi tools onto a plane without any security problems is pretty comforting.


Leatherman Tread Review for Travel


  • 6.5 x 10.1 x 4.4英寸
  • 5.9盎司
  • 顏色:黑色,不銹鋼
  • 一種尺寸適合所有人
  • 可調節的
  • 符合TSA
  • 功能:套筒扳手,一字螺絲刀,十字螺絲刀,氧氣瓶扳手,碳化玻璃破碎器,SIM卡撥片,切割鉤,套筒驅動適配器,開瓶器
  • 美國製造
  • 25年有限保修
Leatherman Tread Review for Travel

What I didn’t love about the Leatherman Survival Bracelet


該帶子的寬度為1.2英寸(3.05厘米),重量為160克(附有所有的Leatherman Tread鏈環),完整周長為8.56英寸(21.74厘米)。它笨重,笨拙,無法很好地適合所有人。我的手腕位於中小端,我不得不卸下29個原始的鏈節中的兩個,以使手鍊正確地適合我。

我用 自行車 每天上下班途中,踏步被證明對我的生活來說是更多的障礙,而不是好處。多倫多的城市街道目前到處都是顛簸和坑洼,騎在每一個上面都把工具推到我的手腕和拇指的根部。在我騎車7公里的工作結束時,我的拇指底部始終因鏈環摩擦和彈跳而有一個紅色標記。


Leatherman Tread Review for Travel by Calculated Traveller

考慮到所有因素,Leatherman Tread有點像昂貴的手鐲,這是一件獨一無二的珠寶,也恰好能夠固定東西。它還帶有額外的配件,例如Leatherman Tread手錶適配器和Leatherman Tread蘋果手錶。

However, despite the many tools it sports, none of the instruments are as functional when compared to any of the other most popular Leatherman products. If you have the money to spend, and large wrist size, the Tread is a piece of semi-functional EDC jewellery you’ll look good wearing. If you want to buy a functional multi-tool that you can carry every day, I suggest you buy a 萊瑟曼·米克拉(Leatherman Micra) 僅需幾分之一的費用。

I hope you enjoyed this Leatherman Tread Tool Review!

What’s your favourite Leatherman product?

我被提供了 萊瑟曼 胎面僅供參考。我沒有得到任何額外的補償。所有意見完全是我自己的。

Categorized as Gear, Reviews

By Daniel Kwan

Daniel Kwan碩士是多倫多的教育者,考古學家,博客作者,攝影師和共同創作者 好奇心。作為多倫多大學的博士候選人,他的工作將他帶到了土耳其,倫敦,巴黎,約旦和中國。除了學習外,Daniel還是教育顧問,攝影師和多倫多教育家-在皇家安大略博物館(Royal Ontario Museum)擔任工作室講師。具體來說,他的作品致力於通過使用替代媒體(例如模擬遊戲)來製作有意義且引人入勝的教育內容。

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