霍克利谷度假村–一周中的ME-Time Spa逍遙遊

A Mid-Week ME-Time Escape at Hockley Valley Resort and Spa - Exterior view

雨在Hockley Valley Resort的窗戶外面輕輕落下,我一點也不在乎,因為我正坐在溫暖而舒適的水療中心“耳語休息室”旁的火旁,等待一陣中風。每週我一次溫泉療養。


A Mid-Week ME-Time Escape at Hockley Valley Resort and Spa - Whisper Lounge

位於多倫多以北不到1小時的車程, 霍克利谷度假村 是一個水療中心,高爾夫球場,滑雪場和會議中心,擁有104間客房/套房,在300英畝的土地上擁有14間會議室,但我來這裡就是水療中心!




以一個開始 香精油 糖去角質,我的整個身體被去角質和去角質。快速洗淨所有糖後,我回到治療台進行熱石背部按摩。我的美容師莫妮卡(Monica)格外小心,她用結實有力的手將芳香療法精油和乳霜塗在我的皮膚上,但是當我的迷你保濕面部一次起用時,結實的手就變得柔和。整個治療以放鬆的頭皮按摩結束。


專業旅行提示: 按摩或水療護理後,請喝大量的水以幫助排毒。

工作日特價的一部分 芳香療法身體護理套餐 包括在毗鄰的Oasis咖啡廳的一個午餐入口。

A Mid-Week ME-Time Escape at Hockley Valley Resort and Spa - Oasis Cafe



歡迎水療中心的客人使用健身設施,游泳池,桑拿浴室,當然還有Whisper Lounge,那裡提供茶,水和一個安靜的地方,每天出發前可以減壓,放鬆和拔下電源。

But I’m not leaving! No, this is a ME-time escape remember?

A Mid-Week ME-Time Escape at Hockley Valley Resort and Spa


我在霍克利谷度假村(Hockley Valley Resort)的458房間是一棟典雅的兩層套房,從窗戶和池塘和鵝的陽台上可以欣賞到外面的景色。那天晚上,我穿著舒適的床上用品,從水療中心徹底放鬆了,像個嬰兒一樣睡著了(有皮膚)。

A Mid-Week ME-Time Escape at Hockley Valley Resort and Spa - Bedroom

– Two full baths – A Jacuzzi soaker tub in the upstairs bedroom and a regular bathroom on the main floor.
– Living room with wood-burning fireplace
– Desk area with pull out sofa bed in the living room
– Keurig coffee maker
– safe
– Mini-bar fridge
– Walk-out balcony with seating on each floor
– A sitting area in the upstairs bedroom
– TV on each floor

A Mid-Week ME-Time Escape at Hockley Valley Resort and Spa - Sitting area

– I found the entire suite to be cold, especially in the upstairs bedroom. There was an extra ceramic heater in the bedroom so apparently other people felt the same as I did.
– The living room TV is hung too high above the fireplace making it uncomfortable to watch. It’s so high that I found I had to hold the remote up in the air to change the channel.
– I ended up pulling out an extra blanket out of the closet and used it while laying on the sofa in the living room.

A Mid-Week ME-Time Escape at Hockley Valley Resort and Spa - cabin


晚餐時,我在霍克利谷度假村屢獲殊榮的餐廳用餐。行政總廚Iniyan Vijay主持。擁有開放式廚房,您可以在後台看到所有活動,而餐廳則擁有別緻的高檔農舍裝飾,配以深色木材,燭光和輕鬆的氛圍。我的飯很好吃,我的服務器Janek的服務很好。每門課程都安排得恰到好處,我從不覺得著急。

Honestly, if I lived a bit closer, I would consider coming here for dinner even if I weren’t staying the night. I do wish that I wasn’t dining alone because I would have loved to order a charcuterie platter. With a cured meat room and a cheese cave on the premises as well as a meat carving machine sitting proudly in the middle of the dining room I’m sure it would have been outstanding had I the opportunity to try it.

Cocktail – Cranberry Sparkle
– I had the non-alcoholic version of this cocktail.

It’s a bit unusual I know to write about a bread basket, but the bread was warm and came with an orange ginger spread.

A Mid-Week ME-Time Escape at Hockley Valley Resort and Spa - Beet Salad


甜菜色拉,煙熏山羊奶酪,剃過的布魯塞爾芽菜,甜菜克麗瑪,烤葡萄,Adamo Estate楓糖漿和芥末油醋汁,有機芝麻菜,山核桃。
– The sweet grapes balanced out the earthiness of the beets and the creamy goat cheese and beet crema contrasted with the crisp bite of the beet. This salad was delicious, healthy and beautifully presented.

A Mid-Week ME-Time Escape at Hockley Valley Resort and Spa - Roast Chicken


– The chicken was well seasoned, and comforting with the stuffing. It was also a great portion size allowing me to enjoy dessert and not feel overly stuffed. My only criticism is that I wish there were more stuffing in the chicken — it was so good.

A Mid-Week ME-Time Escape at Hockley Valley Resort and Spa - Dessert


– All desserts are made in-house, and I found this one to be very comforting and warm and sweet with the maple syrup drizzle.

Hockley Valley Blend茶是本地採購的全天然茶,是綠茶,玫瑰和薄荷的完美混合物。

A Mid-Week ME-Time Escape at Hockley Valley Resort and Spa - Breakfast






安大略省莫諾L9W 5X7

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我曾是Hockley Valley Resort and Spa的客人,一如既往的觀點完全屬於我。


By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。

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