
argie grill

There’s nothing like 餡餅可以用烤箱或油炸鍋加熱,並加入適量的美味餡料和適量的香料。我對嗎?


Whenever I’m in a place where there is great latin cuisine. I get out my giant magnifying glass and my 像夏洛克·福爾摩斯一樣的獵鹿帽 我開始尋找難以捉摸的肉餡捲餅。

I have my favourites in all different cities like Miami, Fort Lauderdale and even in Toronto! But Old San Juan, Puerto Rico is different – the narrow cobblestone streets made from bluestones baked in Spain in the 1800s, the brightly painted buildings with the old wooden doors, and the wrought iron balconies covered in flowers. No trip to San Juan is complete unless I’m eating empanadas on a bench in one of the many squares (plazas), with the warm sun overhead.

如果您像我一樣愛西班牙香腸,並且您在舊聖胡安(Old San Juan),您有2個選擇。

(如果您想在家中自己的廚房中製作肉餡捲餅,請查看此食譜 這裡.)


Choice #1 – Fried Empanadas

就在聖克里斯托瓦爾堡(Fort San Cristobal)西南,而在CalleTetuán上的星巴克(Starbucks)以北。

閱讀:老聖胡安波多黎各堡卡斯蒂略聖克里斯托瓦爾 這裡

If you like your empanadas deep-fried then head over to the Old San Juan Food Court on the north side of Plaza de Colon (named to honour Christopher Columbus) next to the (famous and touristy) Cafe Berlin. The food court is a bit dingy and dark to be truthful and the restrooms are useful if you are desperate…but you aren’t there for the decor. You are here for the food. It’s good, it’s cheap and it’s authentic. The empanadas are found right at the entrance to the building.



Incidentally, if you want to try the other establishments inside the food court, I hear that the mofongo (a mashed mound of plantains, seafood, meat, or vegetables) and the pernil (roasted pork) are excellent…

Save Room for Choice #2 – Baked Empanadas



You can see by the empanada shaped sign out front that it isn’t hard to tell what they sell here! This tiny storefront sells other items as well such as sandwiches, wraps, salads, smoothies and snacks but this post is about the empanada…

As mentioned, at Mate’s the empanadas are baked so that they are healthier. The dough is dense and not flaky in comparison to the ones found at the food court. They also aren’t as long in size either but they have more filling and are stuffed thick with tasty, moist goodness with just the right amount of olives and spice. Make sure that your empanada is hot, if not ask for them to heat it up for you. A cold empanada is not a good thing.


Mate Natural Market is take-out only but it’s a quick walk back to Plaza de Colon and the bench that awaits you…

The next time you are in Old San Juan take a break from touring the forts and shopping the quaint shops and try one…or two…or perhaps three empanadas at one of the local establishments. Baked or fried, you’ll leave San Juan with a memory your taste buds won’t soon forget.

Do you have a favourite food that you are always searching for? Join the discussion…

By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。


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