
Clorox To Go Wipes

我總是帶著一包 高樂氏消毒濕巾,新鮮香氣,可打包!9克拉。

I know you are thinking that I’m a germaphobe and paranoid but I once spent 5 days 裡面 加勒比海的一艘遊輪船艙,因為我在飛往船上的途中發現了一些蟲子。這是在任何人知道之前 諾沃克非典 and before my “Bleach Wipe Strategy”.

如果您有興趣閱讀有關遊輪的更多信息並對此感到不適,請查看本文: “Who cares if you get sick on a Cruise Ship? The CDC does.”

Now, I’m not saying that the nice people who clean for a living don’t do their job.  I’m sure they do! It may be just for my personal piece of mind – but my mind is small and I don’t want to waste any of it on stress and/or sickness!


Inside airplane


  • The first thing when I get on board is I wipe down anything with a bleach wipe that I will potentially touch during the flight – the armrests, seat belt, tray table and headrest. Think about it… you are going to be there a long time sleeping, eating, drinking – living.
  • Another thing, don’t put anything into that seat back pocket below the tray table that you will be taking BACK with you. Seriously, think about this – people put their used “whatever” in there including dirty diapers! And I’m sorry SkyMall – I love your stuff, but I’m not reading that catalogue that lives in there.

16個很棒的飛機旅行小貼士 在這裡閱讀我們的文章.


(I do this each day I’m in the hotel)

  • 同樣,用可能會碰觸的漂白粉擦拭所有物品,包括電視,遙控器,時鐘收音機,電話,電燈開關。
  • If the hotel is nice enough to have a glass in the bathroom (versus plastic cups wrapped in plastic).  I wipe the glasses out with the bleach wipe and give it a thorough rinse. Have you seen this YouTube上的視頻??真噁心!
  • 如果碰巧您急需洗個澡而不要洗個澡。有時需要進行良好的浸泡,尤其是在騎馬,騎駱駝或劇烈遠足之後。用幾塊漂白劑清潔浴缸,並進行充分沖洗,然後再將少量瀉鹽裝滿浴缸,然後立即進入。


  • If you do pick up some sort of gastrointestinal bug and you end up in some sketchy gas station bathroom with no toilet seat protectors. You’ll be thanking your lucky stars that you have a pack of bleach wipes in your bag.

I should mention in case it isn’t obvious but don’t use the same wipe for all the surfaces, because you may just be spreading the germs around.

I’m sure you get my point from the examples above and I’m sure there are a lot more reasons to carry bleach wipes in your bag.

I’d love to hear if you travel with 高樂氏消毒濕巾, or if you have any more uses for bleach wipes…comment, share or link me up.


By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。


  1. 抱歉告訴您,但我認為您所描繪的“漂白劑”抹布不包含實際的漂白劑,並且我認為它們不會殺死諾如病毒。大多數洗手液也沒有。


    1. 嗨,S。確切地說,您實際上是正確的。這些消毒濕巾中實際上沒有漂白劑(次氯酸鈉)。

      根據網站上的內容,它包含己氧基乙醇,烷基C12-18二甲基芐基氯化銨,烷基C12-14二甲基乙基芐基氯化銨,C12-14乙氧基丙氧基化丙醇,檸檬酸,異丙醇等成分。 “殺死99.9%種細菌,它們可以在表面上存活長達48小時。殺死99.9%的病毒(例如人類冠狀病毒,A2流感病毒)和細菌。殺死金黃色葡萄球菌,大腸桿菌,沙門氏菌和鏈球菌。”


    1. 感謝瑪吉的到來。我已經在Target,沃爾瑪和Bed Bath Beyond的旅行區看到了它們。


  2. 感謝您在Twitter上的回复。查看您的博客-完全同意使用濕紙巾(此處不宣傳名牌)。我去過埃及,秘魯甚至紐約的一些非常令人作嘔的地方,這些地方派上了用場!

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