
Picante or Muy Picante hot sauce from Don Sirloin in Playa del Carmen

如果您在本地就餐,並且不喜歡高檔餐飲,那麼在Playa del Carmen餐館裡的低價旅行和用餐很容易。當您比較美元對墨西哥比索的匯率時,您的美元就走了!即使我們是加拿大人,我們仍將事情與美元聯繫起來,在我們最後一次去普拉亞德爾卡曼海灘時,換成$1US的匯率是20比索。

我們想挑戰自己,看看我們能在預算上吃什麼,並保持在每餐不足200比索= $10美國的限額內。當然,您可以舒適地進餐,而且價格要低於這個水平,但我們認為200比索可為您提供一頓美餐,包括飲料/酒精。


  • All the restaurants mentioned here are North of Avenue Benito Juárez as that is the area we were staying. There is plenty more South but we’ll save that for another adventure.
  • We don’t have any specific vegetarian restaurants on this list of Mexican Food spots. We did notice a couple of speciality vegan options but we are carnivores ourselves and didn’t try any of them.
  • 我們的酒店免費提供早餐,我們認為這是預算有限的最佳進餐方式!
  • Street food is plentiful with taco carts in parks and on street corners but since we couldn’t get the names of the carts we opted to leave those out of this travel guide to Playa Del Carmen restaurants.

閱讀我們對的評論 巴里奧拉丁裔酒店在這裡.

預算在Playa del Carmen哪裡用餐的小貼士

  1. 遠離第五大街或金塔大道。與北美價格相比,價格聽起來便宜,但事實並非如此。我們看到的價格是第十大街的三倍,比我們發現的價格高出三倍
  2. 在當地吃。我們在第五大道上看到了$20US的牛排和龍蝦,是的,這在紐約很棒,但是您在 墨西哥, 如果你問我,這有點貴。
  3. Stay away from the chains. Sorry McDonald’s, Starbucks, KFC, Subway — I’m eating locally in Playa del Carmen.
  4. 瓶裝汽水/飲料(刷新)的價格約為20比索,因此考慮到玉米餅的價格通常為15至20比索,您可以決定訂購啤酒或雞尾酒。我們分別訂購了兩個蘇打水(20比索),這才使我們學到了這道難事,而這道菜只有70比索!
  5. 帶上自己的水/水壺。您可以在當地的雜貨店以25比索的價格購買2.5升的水。在沃爾瑪,同樣大小的水壺是23比索。 這是我隨身攜帶的可再填充水瓶 和愛。
  6. 顯然,請遠離酒店內的所有餐廳。
  7. If eating street food from carts – practice safe eating! Ensure that the food is piping hot when served and that the cart is busy with lots of customer turnover — if there is a long line up of locals, you are probably safe.


Avenues or “Avenida” and run parallel to the beach. The Riviera Maya is ‘0’, and the main tourist street is 5th Avenue, 10th Avenue is next, followed by 15th and 20th. Therefore 20th Avenue is four blocks north from the beach.

Streets or “Calle” run perpendicular to the beach and to make it more confusing also have names with numbers. The major road to the west side is Avenue Benito Juárez, and the next block is Calle 2 Norte (2nd Street North) and increases from there. The next major street is Avenue Constituyentes which in essence is Calle 19 Norte.

Watch out for streets that have the same name but with the word “Bis” added to the end such as Calle 12 Norte and Calle 12 Norte Bis. This duplication confused us, and we kept thinking they were typos when we were looking for places but basically “Bis” means “again” so it’s the next block.

Don’t forget to check out our 公共交通指南 在卡門海灘!

在普拉亞德爾卡曼(Playa del Carmen),到處都有美味的當地美食,下面是一些我們推薦的美食。

Taqueria El Fogon


Taqueria ElFogón 位於30大街,Av Constituyentes靠近沃爾瑪(Walmart),這使它成為在取回用品保存在酒店冰箱中後就餐的好地方。

Quesadilla from Taquiera El Fogon in Playa del Carmen

We ate here twice. On our first visit to El Fogón we over ordered and stuffed ourselves to the brim with beef fajitas with cheese (the cheese was a bit salty for our taste), taco al pastor (seasoned pork cooked on a rotating spit and carved – similar to middle eastern shawarma – and served with pineapple). We also ordered one of the specialities, El Fogón Pollo (136 pesos) — marinated boneless chicken breast grilled and served with grilled green onion, guacamole, roasted green peppers, onion, cheese, baked potato with sour cream, tortillas and a hot tomato-based soup of pork, onions and white beans.

Grilled chicken special from El Fogon in Playa del Carmen


I expected the soup to be spicy, but it was savoury and delicious – if anyone has the recipe, please comment below because I’d love to attempt to cook this at home.

Tomato soup from Taquiera El Fogon in Playa del Carmen


La BrocherieRôtisserie

La Brocherie Rôtisserie exterior view of the restaurant in Playa del Carmen

地址:第4街和第6街之間的15 Avenida Nte 159。

最初來自法國的業主 拉布羅切裡 菜單上的食物與我們在普拉亞德爾卡曼(Playa Del Carmen)上的便宜食品清單上的其他產品略有不同,因為這是唯一一家提供各種沙拉和帕尼尼醬的餐廳。



La Brocherie Rôtisserie quarter chicken dinner served with rice




Las Quekas exterior view of the restaurant in Playa del Carmen Mexico

地址:15 Avenida Nte S / N

有幾個 拉斯奎卡斯 卡門海灘的位置;我們在第10大街和第15大街上用餐。僅帶露台桌椅的戶外座位。

Quesadillas (15 pesos each) and Sopa (18 pesos each) are what the speciality is here. No nonsense and without any frills — meat, sauteed onions, and cheese but tasty and at the price of about 80 cents US, you can afford to try a few different varieties.

Las Quekas quesadillas in Playa del Carmen




阿薩德羅·埃爾·波羅(Asadero el Pollo)

Exterior view of Asadero El Pollo in Playa del Carmen Mexico

地址:Nate Calle 2和20

阿薩德羅·埃爾·波羅(Asadero el Pollo) 位於Collectivo(本地公交車)倉庫以北的2號和15號轉角處。

Local food at it’s best, they serve one thing only – roasted chicken cooked over charcoal and it is truly delicious. Don’t be nervous of the chainlink fencing walls, walk into the open-air dining area, and sit at an empty patio table and a waiter will quickly approach. Be warned though that this restaurant is busy so you may have to wait for an empty table/seat.

Playa del Carmen Restaurants on a Budget - Chicken cooking on the grill at Asadero el Pollo


Half-chicken dinner at Asadero el Pollo in Playa del Carmen Mexico

我們的½雞肉晚餐= 110比索

我強烈建議您將Asadero el Pollo列為Playa del Carmen餐廳的訪問清單!


地址:10 Avenida Norte,介於Calle 12和Calle 14之間

在卡門海灘(Playa del Carmen)的幾個地點, 唐·西朗 以他們的牛肉而聞名,您可能可以通過其與公牛的徽標猜到。我們參觀了著名景點對面的站點 可可邦戈夜總會.



Beef Fajitas from Don Sirloin restaurant in Playa del Carmen Mexico




Sirloin marinated and seasoned beef cooked on a rotating spit and sliced – similar to Middle Eastern shawarma. Served with refried beans, tortillas, and spicy pineapple salsa.

Playa del Carmen Restaurants on a Budget - fresh tortilla chips and salsa from Don Sirloin



我喜歡Arrachera Beef Fajita的味道,以便更好地發現牛肉更嫩,添加火腿以增加味道,但兩種菜餚都很棒。


Chimichurri Pizzeria Playa del Carmen restaurant exterior view

地址:77710,Calle 6 Nte 151,位於10th和15th Avenue之間

Chimichurri比薩店 is a pizza place, but also offers empanadas direct from Argentina. A tiny restaurant with two tables that seat four people each; this tasty spot is across the street from the Mercado Playa del Carmen. We rebelliously did not try the pizza but instead, we tried the Carne Arabe and the Carne empanadas. The empanadas were so good we ordered a third Pollo empanada immediately after we devoured the first ones. There is a bit of a wait while they warm the empanadas up in the oven but be patient because warm empanadas are worth the wait. The empanadas have a crisp outer baked shell with lots of juicy flavourful filling — and some chimichurri sauce of course on the side.

Playa del Carmen Restaurants on a Budget - Argentinian style empanadas from Chimichurri Pizzeria #PlayaDelCarmen #Mexico #food #budget #travel #empanada



Short-rib special at Chimichurri Pizzeria Playa del Carmen restaurant

專業旅行提示:在Chimichurri Pizzeria用餐時,請確保您不要著急,因為這確實需要一段時間才能準備好我們的飯菜。

El Pechugon玫瑰

El Pechugon Rosticerias exterior view in Playa del Carmen Mexico

地址:Av。華雷斯港Mza。 08升04

另一個地方是雞肉,但與其他地方不同,它是在烤肉店裡煮熟的,就在您的眼前,以美味的香氣和周圍旋轉的雞肉的鮮美來吸引您。 El Pechugon玫瑰 位於華雷斯街中央ADO公交車站以北1個街區。這裡沒有很多座位,因為它主要是外賣的,但是有一個長的吧台桌,可能有六個凳子。

We thoroughly enjoyed their Pollo and papas — roast chicken and roasted potatoes.

包裝Lunes 160比索=整隻雞,玉米餅,1/2份烤土豆,意大利面,墨西哥大米,莎莎醬,烤墨西哥胡椒。


El Pechugon Rosticerias chicken being cooked on the rotisserie in Playa del Carmen Mexico


如果和家人一起旅行,El Pechugon Rosticerias絕對應該列在Playa del Carmen餐廳的清單上,因為Lunes套餐對於4人家庭來說是足夠的食物。


Yes, we ate a lot of chicken. This was not intentional – it’s just how it happened… A few foods that we didn’t try in Playa del Carmen and regret missing out on now that we reminisce is seafood (especially fish tacos), ice cream, and churros! (伊克) So, if you can suggest a few places to eat in Playa del Carmen – please let us know for our next visit to the city.


在下面的評論中讓我們知道。我們希望知道您對Playa del Carmen的美食評論有何評論。

Tex Mex Good好吃在Braceros Mexican Grill和Bar Amarillo Texas

By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。

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