
10 Reasons why you should try a cruise by Calculated Traveller




I find cruise holidays to be very easy and stress-free. It’s like a road trip but instead of you driving from place to place – it’s your hotel that’s moving. You will have the same cabin steward for the length of your trip, and they’ll remember if you like an extra blanket or pillow on only YOUR side of the bed. If you chose set dining, you would have the same waiter and assistant waiter for dinner every night, and they will remember if you prefer tea or coffee with your dessert or whether you like lemon with your water.

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您可能在意大利威尼斯參觀 Saint Mark’s Basilica (左圖)在星期一,然後進入 克羅地亞杜布羅夫尼克伯雷克 星期二在岸邊。

10 Reasons why you should try a cruise by Calculated Traveller

The great thing about this is if you don’t like a city, island, or country for whatever reason – you aren’t stuck – because tomorrow you’ll be in an entirely different location.

People often say to me that they aren’t given enough time to learn about a place, and I have to agree with them for some places. A cruise gives you an introduction… it helps you decide whether you need to go back another time to explore further and how much time you would need. Think of it as a scouting mission.



You have a shipboard ID card that acts as your onboard “credit card”, and cabin key. The barcode on your ID gets scanned each time you come on and off the ship. So, the ship staff will know if you don’t return after being ashore.

所有遊輪都參加 船隻衛生計劃(VSP) 在疾病預防控制中心(CDC)。定期對船舶進行檢查,您可以在CDC網站上查看檢查報告 http://wwwn.cdc.gov/InspectionQueryTool/InspectionSearch.aspx





When I’m travelling on land, I find I’m always wondering if that restaurant is good? Is it expensive? Is it clean?



10 Reasons why you should try a cruise by Calculated Traveller



Board Certified Doctor and other medical staff are on board every ship with monitoring equipment, diagnostic testing, and prescription medication in case of emergency. Sad to say I have had to visit the ship’s doctor a few times. Your bill for a visit gets added to your cruise ship tab.

7. Great for all ages, there’s something for everyone.

Daycare and children’s programs are available as well as babysitting services. There are also teen programs including a teen disco, Video arcade, library, disco, ballroom dance classes, bridge/card games, internet and WiFi.

10 Reasons why you should try a cruise by Calculated Traveller


It’s difficult sometimes to decide what to see. Hmm, comedian? Musical act? Illusionist? Movie Under the Stars? Broadway show? Ice Skating performance? Maybe you should skip it all and go to the casino or the jazz club or the country bar?



If the seas are rough, the ship will change course slightly to avoid the storm and make for calmer waters. Although, if the waves are too high and the ship can’t dock you will miss your port. (I missed out on a day in Florence, Italy due to rough seas). If it’s storming outside, the cruise director staff will put on extra indoor activities to help keep you occupied.




(I’d show you a picture of the gym…but truthfully, I never visit the gym because it gets in the way of my eating haha!)

I’m sure I can come up with more reasons, but I think that’s plenty to convince you to give a cruise a try…

也許我們的文章 19 Reasons Why you Shouldn’t Cruise (但我們希望您會)更具說服力?

10 Reasons Why you Should Try a Cruise by Calculated Traveller


By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。


  1. 我與4個不同的團體一起旅行,從青少年到70年代初。每個小組中的某些成員喜歡更積極和冒險的追求,而其他成員則願意玩賓果遊戲並在游泳池旁觀看比賽的滑稽動作。我發現巡航是最輕鬆的方式。我們都可以乘船遊覽,我們可能會在大多數時候一起享用早餐,全天不同地走,在準備晚飯前聚在一起喝酒,在飯廳里共進晚餐,我們大多數人都會參加表演和船上的俱樂部,而其他人可能會分拆去賭場。晚上,我的特別的人,家人和/或最親密的朋友總是在甲板上度過一段美好的時光。您既可以在一起也可以分開,但仍然可以真正享受同樣的航行。食物通常很好到極好。服務再次很好到優秀。更好的檯面上的表演真是棒極了。就整體價值而言,我找到了這些我的首選旅行選擇。

  2. 我以前從未真正考慮過進行郵輪旅行,但是您提出了進行郵輪旅行的很好理由。我從來沒有想過像公路旅行那樣的巡遊,但我想是的-除了您沒有餐館和開車的娛樂場所。

  3. 感謝您如此雄辯地將我的話語寫在紙上(或計算機上):-)我覺得您實際上走進了我的腦海,問我為什麼愛上郵輪,然後寫下了!老實說,我不能說得更好。我的第一個原因也是如此。很棒的帖子–我可以在我的Facebook頁面上為我的朋友和讀者分享姓名信譽並直接鏈接到您的網站嗎?

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