
Inn at the Pier Pismo Beach exterior

在加州聖路易斯奧比斯波(Piuismo Beach)的庇斯摩海灘(Pismo Beach),我坐在一張舖有潔白亞麻床單的特大床上。當我嘗試寫作時,米色的藍色和黃色色調的現代裝飾模仿了外面的海灘。

I can hear the noise of the street, the sound of bongo drums, the laughter of the people talking. It’s infectious and distracting. I put down my notebook and pen and leave the calm, serene suite to sit outside on the chairs of my balcony and pretend I’m part of the party down below.

Inn at the Pier balcony

碼頭旅館 with 104 boutique suites has pretty much everything one desires in a hotel. With easily accessible electrical plugs everywhere you look, I have a multitude of USB plugs at the ready to charge my electronic devices.  An espresso coffee maker complete with a choice of different blends, a bar fridge, safe, large 55″ flat-screen TV, and makeup mirror is there as needed.

I’m only booked to stay here for two nights, but I could see this hotel being the perfect place to stay long-term.

There’s a comfortable armchair to sit in and read with a light overhead.


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Inn at the Pier - Suite

What’s Inside Suite 259 at the Pismo Beach Inn at the Pier

  • 浴室設有獨立的淋浴間和衛生間
  • 燙衣板和熨斗
  • 室內保險箱
  • 維多利亞特濃咖啡機和咖啡/茶
  • 化妝鏡
  • 帶有閱讀燈的扶手椅
  • 特大號枕頭床
  • 帶椅子辦公桌
  • 吧台冰箱
  • 浴衣
  • 帶座椅的私人陽台,可欣賞城市風景(部分海景)
  • 亞馬遜迴聲
Inn at the Pier Pismo Beach exterior



  • 客房沒有微波爐
  • The windows and balcony door aren’t soundproof
  • 259號套房距離電梯很遠
  • 我在整個酒店或房間內都找不到任何回收箱。
Inn at the Pier rooftop



位於酒店主樓的Pier at Inn餐廳和酒吧提供早餐,午餐和晚餐。我們住宿的兩個早晨都在這裡吃早餐。

Blonde at the Inn at the Pier French Toast


Blonde at the Inn at the Pier The Usual

“ Ushe”(或“平常”)早餐,包括定做的2個雞蛋,培根或蘋果雞肉香腸,自家製土豆,帶奶油的吐司和時令房屋蜜餞。我發現這道菜有點油膩,但除此之外,味道還不錯。

Pismo Beach California


如果您想探索聖路易斯·奧比斯波縣(San Luis Obispo County)的地區,但又不想旅行太遠,您將很高興知道自己就在Pismo海灘上。這個海灘是散步早晨,呼吸新鮮的海洋空氣以及凝視清脆的藍色海洋數英里的理想之地。庇斯摩海灘(Pismo Beach)和1200英尺的庇斯摩海灘碼頭(Pismo Beach Pier)離Inn at the Pier僅有幾步之遙。我本可以在這裡待幾個小時。

北庇斯摩海灘(North Pismo Beach)有許多步道,可通往海灘,可欣賞海景,並且是Memory Park Pointe Vista和Dinosaur洞穴公園的所在地。


碼頭旅館(Inn at the Pier)拐角處就是庇斯摩海灘(Pismo Beach)市中心,那裡有許多紀念品商店,餐廳和酒吧。如果您正在尋找糖果,那麼也有一些糖果和冰淇淋商店。

認真的購物者應該花10分鐘的車程才能到達 庇斯摩海灘奧特萊斯 擁有37家商店,包括Coach,Calvin Klein,Kate Spade,Michael Kors等。

有關更多加利福尼亞海灘的信息,請查看我們的文章 這裡

Edna Valley Winery


跳上一輛美麗的風景車,您會發現自己進入了 埃德納谷 酒鄉。您可以輕鬆地進行一兩個葡萄酒品鑑會,因為在埃德納河谷和阿羅約格蘭德谷有250多個酒莊。沿海氣候使該地區成為創造屢獲殊榮的葡萄酒的理想之地。當然,參觀此地區確實是您自己品嚐美味葡萄酒的唯一途徑。


晚上返回酒店之前,我建議您開車去 赫斯特城堡。距皮斯摩海灘碼頭酒店(Inn at Pier Pismo Beach)酒店約40分鐘路程,這是一個歷史悠久的停留點。一家與眾不同的博物館被稱為國家歷史地標,是一個美麗的景點。當您到達赫斯特城堡時,由於其優越的地理位置,您可以看到它位於所有其他事物之上,並且在某一點上它坐落在San Simeon村莊之上。確保您花時間看一下Casa Grand Mar,Casa Grande,並瞥一眼以其藍綠色而聞名的美麗室外游泳池。



Located in the Morro Bay area is Tognazzini Dockside Restaurant in historic Embarcadero. I would describe the atmosphere of this sit-down restaurant as cosy. We ate our seafood from the patio, under the watchful gaze of Morro Rock in the background. You may be lucky and catch a glimpse of the fishing boats with fresh, delicious seafood returning to shore. #travel #food #restaurant #seafood #MorroBay #California #USA

位於莫羅灣地區, Tognazzini碼頭餐廳 在歷史悠久的恩巴卡德羅。我會把這家坐下來的餐廳的氣氛描述為舒適。我們在天井下,望著莫羅·洛克(Morro Rock)的凝視,從露台上吃了海鮮。您可能很幸運,瞥見漁船,新鮮美味的海鮮返回岸邊。

Morro Bay Skate Board Museum


對我來說,沒有什麼比看到某個事物的歷史更具吸引力了。這 莫羅貝滑板博物館 在我走進大門之前就讓我著迷了。這個博物館是獨一無二的,因為您可以看到當今滑板的整個歷史。博物館展示了1930年代初至2019年滑板運動的展品。我能夠參觀博物館,並參觀了200多個不同時代的滑板。

Ocean Dunes Natural Preserve


大洋沙丘自然保護區 is a natural attraction that one must see with their very own eyes. As I got closer to the tall ocean dunes, I couldn’t believe their size and majesty. Many hikers spend time hiking these dunes. I don’t blame them because it’s something I could do all day! Not only can you camp on this beach, but you could also go horseback riding, and drive right up to the beach. If you are in an adventurous mood, you can rent an ATV or buggy from one of the many rental companies on the beach. Keep in mind that this is the only state park that allows this in California. Many people would say this is reason enough to visit Pismo Beach on any given day.




601 Cypress Street,庇斯摩海灘,CA 93449,美國

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阿勒格萊托葡萄園度假酒店 在帕索羅布爾斯


By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。

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