
cliff diving at night

When it comes to Hawaii travel and specifically travel to the island of Maui, Ka’anapali is one of West Maui’s most popular resort areas. It’s a small town on Maui’s Western coast, very close to the historic town of Lahaina. Once an ancient Hawaiian fishing community, Ka’anapali is now home to resorts, restaurants, shopping, condominiums and outdoor activities, including watersports, golf courses, picturesque mountain views, and whale watching.

Great Things to Do in West Maui and Kaanapali Hawaii


Located just south of Kaanapali, is the town of old Lahaina. The first capital of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Lahaina, has museums and buildings representing over 500 years of history. There’s a self-guided tour through 55 acres with some buildings designated ‘National Historic Landmarks’.

Downtown Lahaina Maui


鮑德溫故居博物館, 毛伊島上最古老的房子曾經是1830年代中期新教傳教士的故鄉,現在是一個博物館,描述了夏威夷村莊傳教士的生活。

哈爾·帕豪(Hale Paahao)–老拉海納監獄 is also known as the “stuck-in-irons house” for being a jail for rowdy sailors in the 1850s.

Buddha at Lahaina Jodo Mission

和興寺博物館和拉海納茹道 使命 強調了中國和日本移民在毛伊島的影響。

Exploring Natural Ka’ anapali’s West Maui Beaches

Pu’u Keka’a, known as Black Rock, is an ancient Hawaiian landmark dominating the North End of Ka’anapali Beach. This site has deep roots in Hawaiian lore and Maui’s mythology. It is a favourite spot for it’s gorgeous views, rock jumping and 浮潛.

Black rocks at Kaanapali Beach Maui

Ka’anapali Beach has 6.3 miles on West Maui’s shore; a popular resort area for travellers to Hawaii with many hotels and condos. Famous for its reputation for great snorkelling, swimming, scuba diving; this beach is the perfect place for relaxed morning walks and picnics. You might see flying fish and humpback whales from the golden-white sandy beach. Other highlights include nightly cliff diving ceremony off the volcanic ocean cliff Black Rock.

旅遊秘訣:Whalers Village附近也有大量的購物和餐館,還有公共洗手間。但是請注意,沒有救生員。

Kaanapali Beach West Maui Hawaii

浮橋 is a paved pathway which doesn’t negatively impact the scenery, giving access to and from the resort hotels. It’s lovely at night for moonlight strolls when the tiki torches are alight along the walking path.

黑岩步道 primarily used for walking and jogging; this trail runs for 4.4 miles along the coast starting just north of Pu’u Keka’a Black Rock. There is a multitude of places to stop along the path for a rest break, drink or something to eat.

Royal Lahaina Beach front


Whalers Village shops exterior photo

捕鯨村 是一個三層開放的場地 購物中心 擁有許多設計師商店,包括高級時裝和休閒海島服裝。村莊內有各種各樣的餐館,包括快餐店到優質的海濱餐廳。查看免費活動和文化活動的時間表。

老拉海納中心海濱購物 在歷史名城拉海納。這個購物中心提供70多家餐館,精品店,衝浪商店和畫廊,供您瀏覽和漫步。



cocktail from Monkeypod Restaurant

Monkeypod餐廳 在捕鯨人村里面。這 休閒餐廳 供應比薩餅,色拉,肉,魚和麵條,以迎接海浪的聲音。在歡樂時光,開胃菜半價出售,而且比薩餅價格低廉,這對於預算有限的遊客來說是絕佳的時光。

在捕鯨人村也是 草裙舞. On Kaanapali Beach, this is one of the best open-air restaurants in the area. Serving “pub fare” like house-made taro chips with ceviche avocado salsa or steak and seafood in the fine dining restaurant.

芝士漢堡 天堂 在附近的拉海納(Lahaina)是另一個受歡迎的海濱用餐地點。菜單包括漢堡,海鮮,雞肉和沙拉,以及許多素食選擇。



Luau dancing performance from Kaanapali Beach Hotel

Kaanapali Beach Hotel has “卡納帕里盧烏(Kaanapali Luau)的傳說“, with food, dancing, and remarkable entertaining stories of the Valley Isle and Kaanapali.

Two other recommendations for a luau are “樂樂的盛宴” at the Oceanfront Polynesian Luau in Lahaina at far end of Front Street on the beach or “太平洋盧阿鼓” at the Hyatt Regency Maui.


Beach front view from Royal Lahaina Hotel Maui Hawaii

皇家拉海納度假酒店 度假村設有三個游泳池,一個水療中心和一個健身中心,提供441間現代客房,套房和別墅,精美裝飾有定制柚木家具和本地靈感藝術品。其他設施包括私人陽台,埃及棉亞麻織品,迷你吧冰箱,免費無線網絡連接和室內Kona咖啡,您的早上可以大開眼界。酒店內還設有提供全方位服務的餐廳以及冰淇淋店/咖啡店。

Kaanapali Beach Hotel property

卡納帕里海灘酒店 is famously known to be Hawaii’s most ‘Hawaiian hotel’ for offering the best island hospitality. Guest rooms at Kaanapali Beach Hotel overlook picturesque tropical gardens and landscaping. The suites are clean, comfortable with a balcony, air conditioning, ceiling fan, mini-bar fridge, hypoallergenic pillows, high definition flat-screen TV, in-room tea/coffee maker, as well as complimentary Wi-Fi. Resort facilities include a water centre with lots of activities such as guided snorkelling and conch shell blowing as well as a full restaurant, Tiki bar, lots of cultural events, and charming staff.

Great Things to Do in West Maui and Kaanapali Hawaii

希望本指南對在Kaanapali Maui的活動提供幫助。您對在西毛伊島和卡納帕里海灘(Kaanapali Beach)要做的事有什麼建議嗎?在下面的評論中讓我們知道。


提供的旅行協助 Ka’anapali Beach Resort去夏威夷 誰在發布之前沒有評論過這篇文章。

客座作者 帕爾瑪·帕瑪(Parm Parmar).
–從很小的時候起,我就渴望看到世界。結識來自不同文化的人們,參觀歷史古蹟和探索新的國家,使我對生活有了看法。我喜歡吃東西並發現新菜。攝影和錄像在我的故事講述中扮演著重要角色。作為一名自由旅行和美食作家兼博客作者,我的文章可以在我的博客上通過網絡找到,包括Blue Planet Adventure,Slice.ca,Justluxe.com,Air Transat,Huffington Post Travel,Toronto Star,Vancouver Sun,Flightnetwork, Trivago,Skyscanner,Dine Magazine和Vacay.ca,以及加拿大食品網絡。

By Guest



  1. 卡納帕里(Ka'anapali)是我們全世界最喜歡的地方之一! (包括拉海尼。)我們想住在卡納帕里海灘(Ka'anapali Beach)上的威斯汀酒店(Westin),就在黑岩(Black Rock)旁邊。距離我們去…已經很久了……現在我們要回到毛伊島時間了! :)

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