
Anguilla aerial view

不列顛加勒比海的安圭拉是背風群島的一部分,背風群島是小安的列斯群島北部的一群島嶼。它位於聖馬丁島以北9英里處,而在聖馬力諾島以東150英里處。 波多黎各,也是與安圭拉有直接聯繫的最近的島嶼。

Anguilla is one of the least visited Caribbean islands, but it doesn’t mean there’s nothing to do here, or it isn’t pretty. On the contrary, as you’ll see below, there are a multitude of things to do while in Anguilla!


It’s no surprise to hear that Anguilla is a popular getaway for celebrities who want a quiet alternative to 聖巴特 和聖盧西亞。

Wondering what to do in Anguilla? Keep reading…

The Best Things To Do in Anguilla, British Caribbean



Shoal Bay Beach - one of the best things to do in Anguilla

There’s nothing more quintessential experience in the 加勒比海 than enjoying its sun-soaked beaches. Despite being a relatively small island, Anguilla has 33 public beaches for visitors to enjoy. That’s 33 times more fun which makes the beach one of the best things to do in Anguilla!


在安圭拉(Anguilla)的頂級沙灘之中 淺灘灣 東, 米茲灣, 沙地村, 集合灣, 和 Maundays灣海灘.

If you love to snorkel, Shoal Bay and Maundays Beach are good choices. Alternatively, if you are looking to relax at the beach, Rendezvous and Meads Bay are great choices. And if you are looking for a little Anguilla nightlife on the island after a full day of swimming in Anguilla’s blue waters, then head to Sandy Ground Village. This fish hooked-shaped bay is a popular nightlife spot, and it’s also the main port for the yachts here. 

專業旅行提示:別忘了您的沙灘帽,防曬霜, 冷飲沙灘巾!

在Dune Preserve欣賞雷鬼音樂和朗姆酒

Dune Preserve
Photo courtesy of the Anguilla Tourism Board.

班基·班克斯(Bankie Banx)是安圭拉最受歡迎的雷鬼藝術家。他通常被稱為安圭拉·鮑勃·迪倫(Anguillan Bob Dylan),在加勒比海成名,並在80年代在歐洲和美國變得相對受歡迎。他從美國獲得了相當多的關注,並且是東海岸音樂界的常客。他還參加了一些國際電視節目,包括在美國情景喜劇中的反复扮演。 基韋斯特 並在《單身漢》中擔任嘉賓表演。

沙丘保護區 是他建造的海灘酒吧,該酒吧被CNN評為全球排名第一的海灘酒吧。這家海灘酒吧還舉辦一年一度的Moonsplash音樂節,在那裡,著名的音樂家,例如Bon Jovi和John Meyer也參加了演奏。沒有人去安圭拉,在沙丘保護區度過一個夜晚。

This laid-back bar is located in Rendezvous Bay, and it has a fantastic view of the neighbouring island of St. Martin and the Caribbean Sea. Adorned with trinkets from all over the world, driftwoods, wood planks and shells, this beach bar is a funky and cool place to enjoy drinks with friends – old and new. 

Aside from drinks and the fantastic live music, the Dune Preserve also serves fabulous food, and it’s one of the most recommended restaurants on the island as well.

Goat Cave Anguilla
Goat Cave. Photo courtesy of the Anguilla Tourism Board.


The Fountain Cavern National Park is known as the oldest ceremonial cave site in the Caribbean and, not surprisingly, is Anguilla’s top archaeological site. Located near Shoal Bay, Amerindians used this dome-shaped underground cave as a worship place based on the number of petroglyphs on the rocks, which also surrounds the two freshwater pools inside. One of the most significant details of The Fountain (as it’s known to locals) is the 16-foot tall stalagmite carved to represent the deity Jocahu (or Yucahu) – the supreme being of Taino Indians.


Swimming inside Goat Cave Anguilla
Goat Cave. Photo courtesy of the Anguilla Tourism Board.

在Prickly Pear Cays享受一日遊

Prickly Pear Cays

刺梨礁 是位於安圭拉(Anguilla)海岸的一對美麗但人跡罕至的島嶼,距離路灣(Road Bay)近6英里。


The cays is also a popular diving and snorkelling area and a popular spot for bird watching. The water surrounding the island is protected as part of Anguilla’s Marine Park, and endangered species from Hawksbill to green turtles can be found here. Anguilla’s National Trust also relocated some Lesser Antillean Iguanas to help protect its dwindling population; hence don’t be surprised if you see Iguanas hanging out on the beach with you here.

There’s no one living on these islands, and the staff of the two restaurants come here every day to serve the tourists from the mainland or the neighbouring island of 聖馬丁.

Prickly Pear Cays is where your Caribbean dreams are made of – palm-dotted, powdery white sand beach and the bluest of Caribbean waters without the horde of tourists. If you want to get away from the crowd, a trip to Prickly Pear Cays is a must.

在安圭拉唯一的博物館(Heritage Collection Museum)了解歷史

Heritage Collection Museum exterior
Photo courtesy of the Anguilla Tourism Board.

安圭拉島只有一個博物館,但歷史愛好者不必擔心,因為它到處都是關於該島的有趣花絮。在這裡,您可以了解安圭拉(Anguilla)的歷史,其地質,阿拉瓦克(Arawak)人民的歷史,製糖業以及該島上該島的奴隸制歷史。 文物收藏博物館.


The Arawaks (or Taino) played a significant role in the Caribbean’s agriculture. A peaceful farming tribe, Taino history dates back to prehistoric times, and subsequently, they played a pivotal role in the sugar industry of Anguilla.



由製糖廠Will Blake於1787年建造, 瓦布萊克之家 是島上最古老的建築,並且是加勒比地區最後一批完整無缺的種植園之一。

This heritage plantation house will give you a glimpse of life in Anguilla in the 1700s. Tour fully restored slave quarters, stables, and kitchen. The house also showcases Anguilla’s history through various exhibits. Wallblake House is open to the public, but you must book tours in advance.


wreck diving - one of the best things to do in Anguilla British Caribbean
Photo courtesy of the Anguilla Tourism Board.


If wreck diving is what you fancy, there are lots of choices in Anguilla. Among the popular wreck diving spots in the area are Sarah’s wreck, a sunken ship, and the largest shipwreck in Anguilla at 232 feet long. Unlike the other ships that were sunk intentionally, this ship was a victim of a hurricane in 1984. Meppel and Oosterdiep are also good alternatives. Meppel played a significant role in the battle of Dunkirk in World War II before it sank. In comparison, Oosterdiep was intentionally sunk by the Anguilla government when it drifted ashore.


Windward Point aerial view
Photo courtesy of the Anguilla Tourism Board.



This area doesn’t have amenities for tourists, and there are no homes or facilities in this area, so consider this when planning a trip here.

Windward Point might be too remote for some, but if you’re lucky, you might spot a Humpback whale or two in the area. Also, when you get to the hill’s highest point, the 360- panoramic view will give you a nice overlook of Scrub island, St. Martin and St. Barths.

Eat at Blanchard’s Beach Shack in Meads Bay

Blanchard’s Restaurant and Beach Shack 在米茲灣(Meads Bay)是安圭拉(Anguilla)受歡迎的午餐場所。不僅因為它可以欣賞海洋美景,還因為其價格合理的食物和精美的飯菜。





客座作者: Christine Rogador is a full-time traveler, travel writer, and web publisher who manages several travel websites. She’s been to over 50 countries and lived in 4 continents, including the Caribbean. Check out her adventures at 探索加勒比.

特別感謝 安圭拉旅遊局 提供攝影協助。

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