蒂姆·霍頓斯(Tim Hortons)的加拿大國慶頌歌

Canada Tim Hortons

On July 1st Canadian’s everywhere will be celebrating Canada Day.

It’s Canada’s Birthday!

我以為為了紀念加拿大國慶日,我還將介紹另一個加拿大人– 蒂姆·霍頓斯(Tim Hortons)。

Tim Hortons (or Timmies/Tim’s to us Canadians) is a coffee and baked goods chain founded in Hamilton, Ontario in 1964 and is named for its founder Tim Horton, a Canadian Hockey player. There are more than 3,000 Tim Hortons restaurants in Canada.

您可以在世界任何地方獲得星巴克,但在加拿大隻能獲得原始的* Tim Hortons。

* I say original because in 1995, Tim Horton’s merged with Wendy’s International and is slowly moving into the United States with locations in the North Eastern States.

蒂姆·霍頓斯(Tim Hortons)是加拿大的偶像,在電視節目的加拿大主題劇集中起著重要作用 “How I Met Your Mother”.

Sure we have other coffee chains in Canada like Second Cup, Timothy’s and Coffee Time but for me, when I’m driving across the border into the United States I have to get my one last Timmie’s fix before I get my passport stamped.

In honour of Canada Day and Tim Hortons I thought I’d ask my friends the following questions:

1. What’s your Timmie’s order

Tim Hortons計算得出的旅行者金

我如何喜歡我的Tims: Coffee – regular (1 milk/1 sugar)


加拿大國慶日計劃: ” No plans at this point. Probably sitting in our backyard watching fireworks. We can usually see at least 3 different displays from our backyard.”

Tim Hortons

7個月大的Alyssa R

我如何喜歡我的Timmies: Coffee – Medium Double Double (2 milks/2 sugars)
(of course, it’s really just water in a cup)

拍攝的照片: At lunchtime at her neighbourhood Tim’s

加拿大國慶日計劃: “Visiting the tall ships in Hamilton, Ontario”

Tim Hortons




加拿大國慶日計劃: “…likely be doing yard work and then I might try to capture some fireworks for my collection”

Tim Hortons


我如何喜歡我的Timmies: My Tim’s order is a French Vanilla cappuccino and (since it’s usually in the morning) a bacon/egg/cheese breakfast sandwich on English muffin. BUT if I’m flying, I always, always, always get a Tim’s bottled apple juice and a chocolate chip muffin.

加拿大國慶日計劃: “This Canada Day, I think we might avoid the chaos of downtown for a backyard barbecue”

Tim Hortons


我如何喜歡我的Timmies: “Today it’s really nice outside so I’m enjoying a small Ice Latte (this one has a hazelnut shot). My regular drink of choice at Tim Horton’s is usually just an extra small black coffee, but when summer is here I’ll go for an iced drink.”

加拿大國慶日計劃: “I just finished doing a big trip across part of Canada, as well as part of the United States so for Canada Day I will be finding something to do a little closer to home in Edmonton. There are always lots of festivals and activities throughout the summer in Edmonton. I might check out The Works, which is an arts festival downtown or feats, which is a dance festival. There’s also a good firework display down by the Alberta Legislature building in the evening.”

Tim Hortons


拍攝的照片: at home – using my limited edition Timmie’s mug

加拿大國慶日計劃: ” Fireworks, ya’ gotta go out there and see the show”

Here’s wishing you a Happy Canada Day – no matter where you are!

Are you a Tim’s Fan? What’s your drink order?

Do you have a drink/food that you absolutely must have when you get home from a trip? I’d love to hear about it.

By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。


  1. 喜歡這個!我是如此興奮地發現一個Timmies當我去羅切斯特...只有如此傷心地看到它關閉週末!什麼……他們不明白嗎???蒂姆·霍頓(Tim Horton)的飲酒者得到了證實,儘管我的首選是浸泡茶!向加拿大的機構致敬!

  2. 我曾經愛過蒂姆·霍頓(Tim Horton),我很確定我和我的家人是保持我們當地蒂米(Timmy)生意的人。儘管現在我因蒂姆·霍頓的咖啡回味而關閉,並且避免了不健康的甜甜圈(菜單上的每個甜甜圈),但我仍然喜歡蒂姆·霍頓的這是全國性的偶像。成為加拿大人讓我感到驕傲。甚至我來自英格蘭的客人也必須停下來,在到達機場後立即得到蒂姆的禮物。他們帶回了什麼加拿大紀念品?蒂姆·霍頓(Tim Horton)的熱巧克力粉和蒂姆·霍頓(Tim Horton)的旅行杯。加拿大國慶節快樂!

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