
snow and sand photography

截至最近,Calculated Traveler已參加了安大略省的許多冬季活動。 您可以在這裡查看文章 This brought to mind a couple of situations that make photography a bit more challenging – snow and sand scenes.

To understand these similar situations we need to first consider what the camera sees. In both cases, if it’s a bright sunny day the camera sees a considerable amount of light due to the reflection from the sand, water, and bright sky, or the snow (and potentially bright sky). This light is not necessarily hitting your subject, and it’s not necessarily real either.


In the case of the snow, the white surface gives the impression of light, but that light isn’t really there, so you need to take control of the camera and tell it to shoot brighter than it thinks. You can do this by using 曝光補償,或者您的相機可能有一個 可以為您處理的設置。通常,在1到1 1/2級之間的曝光補償應該足以減少雪景中的灰色,從而獲得正確的曝光,從而為您帶來漂亮的白雪。


這種情況與海灘場景相似。如下面的照片所示,從明亮的沙子和水中反射出來的光會誘使相機認為光線比實際的要多。可能需要改變位置以減少直接射入相機的光量。另外,如果您的相機有一個 海灘 設置嘗試一下,或者調整曝光補償,直到獲得所需的照片為止。

snow and sand photography tips calculated traveller

Digital photography makes it possible to take the shot, review the results, adjust, and take another one until you get the shot you want. It’s digital after all.

有關場景模式的更多信息,請查看我的文章 您的相機想知道更多.

Snow and Sand Photography Tips by Martin Wigginton Calculated Traveller


By Martin Wigginton

馬丁·威金頓(Martin Wigginton)是新斯科舍省的一名攝影師/科技迷/教練,他在飛機上看過的電影和在劇院裡看的一樣多。雖然不是特別早上的人,但眾所周知,他會在太陽前起床,在正確的時間進行正確的拍攝,然後立即在網絡上分享。他喜歡讓世界各地的人們幾乎可以同時看到自己看到的東西的想法。


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