The Board Room Game Cafe,新斯科舍省哈利法克斯

The Board Room Game Cafe in Halifax, Nova Scotia


從手機到相機再到平板電腦再到音樂甚至DVD播放器 (好吧,既然我們擁有可播放的平板電腦,現在也許不再是DVD播放器了 電影).

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could reconnect with a few people over something as simple as a board game? If you’re in downtown Halifax you can do just that at a board game cafe.

在董事會會議室Game Cafe重新連接

每年都有成千上萬人參觀加拿大東海岸 新斯科舍省的美麗. While there, they have the opportunity to visit the province’s biggest city – Halifax. Why not take a break from all that touring and enjoy some downtime at a well-appointed café near the heart of it all?

board room game café Halifax

棋牌室遊戲咖啡廳是一家持照營業的場所,可滿足19歲或以上(無論年齡大小,都要求提供照片ID)的人,或者在某些時候邀請兒童與成人一起參加下午的會議。它擁有大量的棋盤遊戲供您選擇(超過500種),友好的知識淵博的員工之一將幫助您開始遊戲。氛圍舒適,精心設計,適合一些嚴肅的人 (或者不太嚴重) 桌面棋盤遊戲動作。

board room game cafe halifax


board room game cafe halifax nova scotia

有精選的精釀啤酒,酒精飲料和 非酒精性 beverages, and a simple but varied menu of light food items – fitting for a cafe. You can book a table, which is recommended since the tables do fill up. When we visited it was a Sunday night and by 8:00 each of the 20 or so tables were full. It was great to see that the art of dice rolling and card turning hasn’t been lost to screen tapping.

Do you like to play games? Here’s your chance to roll the dice in Halifax.

board room game cafe halifax

The Board Room Game Cafe is an eclectic place where people from all walks of life can come and enjoy themselves saving the world – or destroying it. If you’re a zombie fan, try the Zombie Dice for some quick and easy end of visit fun.

The Board Room Game Cafe哈利法克斯
1256 Barrington Street,哈利法克斯,NS B3J 1Y6

The Board Room Game Cafe in Halifax Nova Scotia is a great place to escape from it all and have a bit of fun in the city centre. #travel #Halifax #NovaScotia #Canada #boardgames #cafe #games #craftbeer

Have an interesting spot that you’d recommend for a visit? Share it in the comments below.


By Martin Wigginton

馬丁·威金頓(Martin Wigginton)是新斯科舍省的一名攝影師/科技迷/教練,他在飛機上看過的電影和在劇院裡看的一樣多。雖然不是特別早上的人,但眾所周知,他會在太陽前起床,在正確的時間進行正確的拍攝,然後立即在網絡上分享。他喜歡讓世界各地的人們幾乎可以同時看到自己看到的東西的想法。


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