
2014 Holiday Gift Guide for Travellers Calculated Traveller

歡迎來到您生活中所有旅行者的第二屆年度節日禮物指南!對於2014年,我們做了一些不同的事情。我們聯繫了一些過去的貢獻者和現任工作人員作家,對我們擁有的項目提出了一些建議 (或想要) 在我們的旅行裝箱單上。嘿,如果WE旅客喜歡我們的旅行中的這些物品,您一定會知道您列表中的人會想要他們的。

張惠僖 (Mary Chong) recommends…

Lewis N. Clark Featherlight組織包裝多維數據集

我最喜歡的旅行物品必須一直 包裝立方體.

過去我曾經擁有其他品牌,但是自從我被介紹給Lewis N. Clark Featherlight Packing Cubes以來,老實說我再也回不去了。較大的可擴展袋非常適合隨身攜帶的整個寬度,我喜歡這樣的多功能性:我可以在短途旅行中保持“苗條”狀態,或者在帶更多衣服時將其解壓縮並延長旅行時間。中號是存放襪子,內衣等物品的理想尺寸。從一家旅館搬到另一家旅館時,整理好行李箱和所有物品是保持理智的關鍵!您列表中有組織或想要有組織的旅行者會喜歡這些,而且它們的顏色也多種多樣!

哥倫比亞女士Mighty Lite III夾克


A Columbia Women’s Mighty Lite III packable thermal jacket is a fabulous gift for those world travellers in your life. Ultra-lightweight and water-repellant – It won’t keep you warm enough in the Arctic but I’ve worn mine in transit to Florida in January, around town at home in late fall and I plan to bring it with me on my next trip through Europe in the Spring. This jacket has the same Omni-Heat reflective lining as the 我去年檢查過的基礎層. If you’d like to read a full review check out this article: Packable Down與Omni-Heat Columbia夾克。它也可以在飛行中用作枕頭或腰部支撐,並有一些不錯的顏色!

張衛明 (Ray Chong) recommends…


在海灘上的時候,我喜歡演奏音樂–在加勒比海中,我一邊欣賞禪宗音樂的寧靜,一邊聽海浪,甚至聽鮑勃·馬利(Bob Marley)的演奏。我評論了這款便攜式 iClever藍牙揚聲器 可以滿足我的音樂需求。它輕巧,便攜,並配有鋰離子電池,可長時間播放,並且兼容藍牙。它還具有用於為其他小型設備充電的USB連接器,並具有麥克風,以便您可以將其無線鏈接到手機以進行免提通話。對於那些不想使用藍牙的人來說,它還有一個輔助輸入,供那些希望保持藍牙連接的人使用。這是一款出色的中音揚聲器,低音適中,聲音中音不錯。高音足夠高,不會聽起來很小。我已經在中等音量下運行了大約10-12個小時,這並沒有讓我感到失望。不要指望它為夜總會提供動力,但這對清單上的音樂旅行者來說是一個完美的禮物。



邁克爾·桑西納(Michael Soncina) recommends…




您的名單上有一位嶄露頭角的移動攝影師嗎?去年,我聯繫了Photojojo,為我的Nexus 3手機購買了一套外接鏡頭。當我寫博客並越來越多地使用智能手機拍照時,我認為這些鏡頭會改善我的工作。鏡頭易於使用,並可以通過磁性貼紙連接到手機。所有鏡頭均配有鏡頭蓋和磁性鑰匙扣,便於運輸。我喜歡魚眼鏡頭和2倍變焦鏡頭,但是如果可以承受的話,我建議您使用整套眼鏡(魚眼鏡頭,2倍變焦,廣角,望遠,超級魚眼鏡頭和偏光鏡)。鏡頭的照片質量很棒,但是不干膠標籤並不總是最好的。如果您在將鏡頭固定在手機上時遇到問題,請發送電子郵件給Photojojo,他們將與您分享大量用戶創建的解決方案。

關志傑(Jamie Kwan) recommends…

Timbuk2 Snoop斜挎包

I own this bag personally, and would absolutely recommend it to anyone who wants a bag that doubles as both a travel bag and a normal commuter’s bag. I use this bag every single day. You don’t even have to be a pro photographer to make good use of the Snoop bag. Aside from the very useful camera insert, tripod holder, and memory card pocket, as well as the durable material, my favourite feature of this bag is the ‘incognito’ look to a stranger passing by! I get so nervous when I have a very VERY obvious camera bag. The Snoop Messenger Bag barely gives any hints to it being a camera bag…so don’t travel and look like a tourist!


I know, I know…It’s kind of silly looking. BUT after my 16-hour flight to get to China (which felt like more than 20 hours with all the connections I made), this definitely caught my attention! Who cares how you look when you want to get some sleep! Don’t struggle with those neck pillows that weirdly make your neck sore after your flight! The Ostrich Pillow is cleverly designed to support various positions that you might need to sleep in while on a crowded flight. I’m dying to give this (innovation?) a try!

金·漢弗萊斯(Kim Humphreys) recommends…


The number one reason I would recommend someone to buy a Columbia backpack? I have had my backpack for over 10 years! It’s not only durable, but it’s also lightweight. When you travel, you’re bound to have to carry things from water bottles, sunscreen and towels…who wants their backpack to add any more weight? Not this girl. I try to, as a general rule, avoid working when I’m on vacation, but there have been the occasional times that I’ve had to bring my laptop. This backpack easily fits a laptop as well. Lastly, it has lots of nicely organised compartments. The last thing you need on vacation is to be ripping apart a backpack to find something like your money or the keys to your rental car. My backpack has seen it all…from snorkelling in Cuba to walking the streets of Disney, I literally bring the backpack on every trip. The ability to attach my water bottle (and my next suggested holiday gift giving idea) is another great feature of this bag and something I couldn’t do without.

Nike Core Hydro Flow水瓶

When you’re traveling, buying drinks, including water can be very expensive. And, if you’re travelling right, you’ve worked up a thirst. I always bring along a Water Bottle to fill up. Of course, you have to be cautious where you are filling your bottle in places such as Mexico, but this handy item saves time and money–and of the bottles on the market, I think this bottle is also one sexy water bottle. The manufacturers also added a very necessary feature—a lock for the cap so you aren’t surprised when all the contents of the bottle had leaked out when you were travelling.

莉亞·庫里奇科夫斯基(Lea Kuliczkowski) recommends…


I challenged myself with ONE carry-on backpack for my Eurotrip: a two-month backpacking tour in six countries. With only so much room in my tiny bag, every inch was extremely valuable and many sacrifices had to be made, including leaving out an excessive amount of clothing. Now, this wasn’t such a bad thing I will only bring carry on for future trips like this due to less weight – with the exception of cleaning my limited wardrobe almost every week. Having to drop euros on laundry services pretty much everywhere I went was tough as a student with limited funds (thank goodness for couch surfing sometimes!). Honestly, I’d rather spend my 10 Euros on experiences and gelato than clean clothes! This is why Scrubba is on the top of my list for gifts for travellers. Perfect for your friend or family member who loves to travel longer than a typical vacation, hike, or camp where there is little to no access of Laundromats. Scrubba wash bag is a lightweight and portable washing machine! It’s all about saving time and money for backpackers who are always on the go. The washing process only takes 3 minutes for a thorough clean, comparable to a machine wash at home- and if you’re short on time, 30 seconds of scrubbing will do the trick! The convenience is you don’t even have to wet your hands since you scrub the clothes from the outside. Just hang your articles for the night afterwards for a dry outfit ready for the morning. Voilá! Giving the Scrubba wash bag as a gift also means supporting various water projects and funds through charitable donations to bring clean water to those who don’t have access to it. Where can you go wrong with that?! I’ll take two, please!



So there you have it, whether for the holidays or other occasions, Team Calculated Traveller’s gift guide suggestions for all the travellers on your list.

By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。


    1. 我也很難在飛機上適應。自從傑米(Jamie)推薦鴕鳥皮(Ostrich)以來,我就對他們的新手套感興趣。看起來很酷,您可以將其滑到肘部上,然後將頭放在托盤桌上。

  1. 感謝您為每位旅客整理了一份有用的實用清單,瑪麗!我什至從未聽說過輕便的保暖外套,但是如果它也有男性版本,我可能真的很感興趣。另一方面,鴕鳥枕頭似乎有點奇怪。您是否應該將頭伸進去並戴好呢?但是,擁有自己的水壺並用它代替不斷購買塑料垃圾絕對是一個好主意……:)

    1. 嘿,丹尼斯。這件夾克完全有男裝版本。我丈夫擁有的那個也有兜帽!是的-您應該將整個腦袋貼在鴕鳥身上,但是它們有一個新的迷你護目鏡,您可以遮住眼睛,或者像戴手套一樣戴。有點酷!

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