
foreign currency

So, the saying goes… You have to pay if you want to play!

My favourite form of playtime is travelling and with that comes dealing with unfamiliar forms of money. I thought I’d share with you some of my favourite foreign currency travel tips when you are out exploring and playing throughout the world!


10 Travel Tips when using Foreign Currency

Tip 1. Don’t use ATMs

Using ATMs may be convenient at home but I’ve found issues when using ATMs when you travel. There are often foreign transaction charges, bank charges, and high exchange rates.




It’s not nice to tip the bellhop at the hotel and then ask them back for change. Nor do you want to buy a $1 bus ticket with a $50 bill. Be a prepared Calculated Traveller and have small bills in hand when you get off the plane.

Tip 4. Um…what colour is $5 bill again?



Even more confusing is when the bills are in different colours and have faces on them. Such as Thai dollars and Singapore dollars – it’s easy to get them mixed up. (我承認這已經發生在我身上)

If you are going to multiple countries in 1 trip I recommend you order your currency early and study it to ensure you can easily identify each bill so you aren’t confused when using it.


如果您一次旅行到多個國家/地區,例如我們通過 遊輪, I’ve found it helpful to separate out the different currencies for each country into separate labelled envelopes.


10 Travel Tips when using Foreign Currency - Tip 6. Coins



Tip 7. Go local. Don’t rely on US Dollars or Euros

我知道 墨西哥, even though they have their own currency, they will accept US dollars. In fact, sometimes they prefer it. But, that’s not the case everywhere.

歐元同樣適用。在我們的最後一次旅行中 克羅地亞,我們想在當地的農貿市場上購買一些水果,而賣方則拒絕接受我們的歐元,並堅持要求我們向當地的克羅地亞庫納付款。


One for me and one for you…

Two for me and two for you…

As the saying goes, don’t put your all eggs in one basket. We never want bad things to happen but they can — be it from loss, or theft. Best not to leave one person on the trip holding all the money. I even have a 隱藏在我身上的秘密藏匿處 以防萬一。

讀: 聰明的旅行伴侶扒手證明背心


I never exchange leftover foreign currency back to Canadian dollars after a trip. I just put it away for safe-keeping for the next trip because I know that I will always be travelling again. If I know that I’ll never be returning to a specific country again, I spend what I have left at the airport while I’m waiting for my flight or I donate it to charity.

技巧10.從家庭獲得現金Sweet Home

Don’t forget to bring some cash from home. The worst thing is to exit the airport and be in the taxi on your way to your OWN home only to discover that all you have is foreign currency in your wallet! DOH!

foreign currency pinterest image


By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。

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