


Keep reading for some suggestions for the next time you find yourself in this multicultural Mecca.

從開車到佛羅里達州邁阿密 加拿大?查閱我們的文章,為什麼 佛羅里達之旅 是負擔得起的方式。

11 things in Miami (and the greater Miami area) to see and do

11 things to SEE and DO the next time you find yourself in this multicultural Mecca known as Miami Florida | #Miami #Florida #travel



11 Things to do in Miami Florida - Little Havana

在邁阿密市中心的拉丁社區,人們正在玩多米諾骨牌(和精彩的對話)。小哈瓦那(Little Havana)的主要街道設有精美的美術館,精美的古巴美食和遍布大街的點綴著當地水果攤。當然,有幾家雪茄店可讓您在星光大道上修行。小哈瓦那是感官盛宴和完全身臨其境的體驗,是邁阿密必看的景點。

有關我們在小哈瓦那度過的一天的更多照片,請參見我們的文章: 小哈瓦那簡介

Big Bus Miami



Villa Vizcaya Museum & Gardens Miami Florida

What do you do when you are a businessman and travel across Europe collecting art, antiques, and furniture to fill up your 180-acre estate? Well, if you’re James Deering you create a replica of Italy during its Renaissance period. There is simply no way to adequately describe this breathtaking collection of architecture and art other than to say you simply need to see it. It’s just like you have stepped over into Italy, without the expensive plane ticket and hours of travel. Be sure to check out the formal garden, and the East Terrace, which has a fantastic view of the bay.

如果您是Marvel Studios的粉絲:Villa Vizcaya在《電影鋼鐵俠3》中是普通話的故鄉!

有關此邁阿密旅遊勝地的更多照片和視頻,請查看我們的文章: 比斯開別墅博物館和花園–一切意大利化,北美本地


11 Things to Do in Miami Florida - Breakwater Hotel

在邁阿密最好的事情之一就是在南海灘上走來走去。裝飾藝術風格的色彩繽紛的建築是獨一無二的,散發出在白天和晚上都定義了該區域的特徵。白天,您會迷住大街上兩旁的色彩繽紛的小屋和房屋,而晚上,您會沉迷於沿途從俱樂部和酒吧聽到的音樂的有節奏的聲音。獨特的體驗,南海灘(South Beach)是您不容錯過的。


lincoln road mall


有關林肯路購物中心的更多信息,請查看我們的文章: 邁阿密林肯路購物中心的莫吉托斯(Mojitos),建築和藝術


11 Things to do in Miami - Miami Beach

What is Miami known for? Well, Miami Beach of course, it’s definite must-do and the best free attraction in Miami. There is no other beach in the world like this one where you can people watch all day long while you work on your tan. We like to watch the cruise ships sail in and out of the Port of Miami and wave at the friendly people as they sail away.


lincoln road mall


看看我們對這次旅行的評論 通過南海灘的邁阿密美食之旅

7.在沃爾夫森博物館(Wolfsonian Museum)學習一些東西

11 Things to do in Miami Florida - Wolfsonian Museum

位於邁阿密繁華的裝飾藝術區, 沃爾夫森博物館 探索藝術和設計如何幫助塑造和反映我們作為人類的經驗。他們經常舉辦有關輪換的展覽,而包括安迪·沃霍爾(Andy Warhol)在內的世界上一些最著名的藝術家曾一次或多次在這裡展出。當您在這裡時,請務必接受這種體驗。


11 Things to do in Miami Florida - Drive to Key West

Key West is always within reach anytime you’re in Miami. It is just a drive along (a very cool) bridge until you hit the beach. On the way, you will stop along with other keys, such as Key Largo, for breaks and to take in a bit of what those islands have to offer. Once you are in Key West, be sure to visit the southernmost point and have your picture taken there. There is also a Hemingway Museum, which is a great visit if you like books and cats, and the locals are sure to keep you entertained with food and drinks for as long as your wallet and attention span will allow.

讀: 佛羅里達西部一日遊沒有禁止冒險!

9.在Monkey Jungle親密接觸

monkey jungle


在我們的文章中查看我們的文章 在佛羅里達州邁阿密的猴子叢林裡閒逛


11 Things to do in Miami Florida by Calculated Traveller - Bayside Marketplace



11 Things to do in Miami Florida - Everglades National Park

距邁阿密約1小時路程, 大沼澤國家公園 is the largest tropical wilderness in the United States according to Wikipedia. We’ve spent many a day here walking the trails and visiting with the alligators watching the birds and just getting away from it all.

11 things to SEE and DO the next time you find yourself in this multicultural Mecca known as Miami Florida
Big Bus Miami



點擊 這裡 有關“計算旅行者”的更多佛羅里達州文章。
有關“計算旅行者”的更多博物館和其他文化歷險,請單擊 這裡.

Do you have any suggestions for things to do in Miami Florida? Let us know in the comments below, and we’ll check them out on our next trip.

By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。


  1. 謝謝瑪麗的信息,難道在7月中旬很難獲得奧蘭多的交通服務嗎?


  2. 在佛羅里達州,當然可以乘船遊覽大自然。帆船是划船的一種環保方式,並且,如果您選擇使用摩托艇,請緩慢行駛,以保護海洋生物並不會嚇到鳥類。您還將消耗更少的燃料,因為阻力隨速度呈指數增長,而不是呈線性增長。任何人都可以在邁阿密以高價獲得豪華遊艇租賃。租船是查看有錢人和名人的豪宅,在沙洲上放鬆身心的唯一方式,或者欣賞壯觀的城市天際線或在比斯坎灣浮潛。

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