
Koh Phi Phi

It’s hard not to fall in love with Thailand. Sure, it’s wildly touristic, which makes getting off the beaten track a little more challenging. But once you visit this South East Asian country, you can understand why people flock here in such droves! Having visited Thailand a few times in my teens, I recently went back to spend three weeks in Thailand. I had an absolute ball.

I mean, it’s cheap, full of cool things to see and do, the food’s epic, and the natural beauty on display is insanely gorgeous. Also, thanks to its popularity as a tourist hotspot, the infrastructure’s in place to make travelling in Thailand safe and straight-forward. It’s as if this incredible country’s been purpose-built for travellers.





關於旅行的事實 is that it’s better when things aren’t planned to a tee. It leaves room for flexibility, which helps you go with the flow when you’re actually in the country. In that spirit, I’m not going to suggest a specific day-to-day run-through of how to spend your time in Thailand. Instead, I want to point out a selection of top spots to consider including in your itinerary.



Ao Nang Beach 3 week adventure in Thailand

Honestly, you could spend your entire three weeks in and around Krabi. There’s just a huge amount to do here. It was also the first place I visited and one of my favourite places I experienced on my trip.

甲米位於泰國的西南側,本身就是一個涵蓋廣闊地區的省份。這可能會導致景點之間的距離過大,但是請不要拖延!您到的每個地方都令人驚嘆,並且Instagram機會比您想像的要多(嘗試這些 Instagram的態度字幕 拍攝的照片),使旅程本身成為吸引力的一部分。

Among the plethora of things to do here, Krabi’s also a gateway to many of Thailand’s famous islands. For that reason, I’d make it a go-to place on your three week Thailand itinerary.







奧南(Ao Nang)是甲米府一個熱鬧的小旅遊小鎮,擁有另一個史詩般的海灘,可直達這些島嶼。檢查一下它的熱鬧氣氛,商店和市場攤位,良好的夜生活以及可以放鬆的優質海灘。您也可以從這裡進入這些島嶼,並進行各種前往周邊地區的旅行。


One of my favourite days in Thailand was spent touring the nearby little islands. Pay for a local tour guide to take you and a few friends out to them – there are masses to visit, but most tours visit 4 of the most popular islands.

An island tour is unquestionably one of the most touristic things to do here, but it’s hard to overstate how beautiful the islands are! Spend the day exploring what can only be described as paradise.


水晶潟湖是甲米必做的事情之一。否則稱為 翡翠池,這裡的水就如您所期望的那樣清澈,非常適合在炎熱的天氣裡游泳。與大量遊客和當地人閒逛,他們在這裡享受真正令人驚嘆的周圍環境的令人耳目一新的沉浸。


溫泉與翡翠池非常接近,如果您將兩者結合起來,可以享受優質的甲米一日遊。這些溫泉池(稱為 空通湯溫泉)坐落在美麗的茂密熱帶雨林中,讓您在溫暖的水中浸泡時具有史詩般的背景。泰國並非完全寒冷,因此,如果您開始過熱,請跳入附近的淡水溪流中進行降溫! 

6.參觀Tham Suea寺(老虎洞寺)

如果您想流汗,那麼請前往 素叻他尼寺 首先進入一組令人印象深刻的山洞,然後爬上一條燒腿的1,237步,將您帶到寺廟本身。掃管Wat(Wat)是一個令人印象深刻的景象,但其壯觀的全景景色使您的努力得到了進一步的回報。


Koh Lanta

Koh Lanta was the first island I visited on my way out of Krabi. It’s a lovely 2-hour ferry ride away and one of the most chilled out islands I visited during my trip. Expect endless expanses of sand, insane sunsets that paint the sky red, and a bunch of quirky local attractions to enjoy.


蘭塔島(Koh Lanta)並不缺少吃喝玩樂的地方。但是,請務必訪問 泰先生. It’s just a tiny street food stall (run by Mr Pad Thai himself) that parks up at the far end of Long Beach (just next door to Aleena Minimart- where you go to buy your beers first). He serves one meal only: Pad Thai (although he can do vegan and vegetarian versions). It’s by far the best Pad Thai I had in Thailand, and it only sets you back 80 TBH per portion. I recommend visiting him.


Views over Phi Phi! Don’t be fooled by the chilled out appearance of it – this place is wild. If you’re looking for a good night out as part of your three week trip to Thailand, be sure to head to Phi Phi.

3 week itinerary for Thailand - Phi Phi Island

我從蘭塔島(Koh Lanta)寒冷的海灘到皮皮島(Koh Phi Phi)的瘋狂。這個地方是一個全新的球類運動。皮皮島很野!

Anybody in Thailand looking for a crazy night out comes to Phi Phi, and you can’t ask for a more beautiful setting to get blindingly drunk. There’s nothing quaint about the centre of this island. It has a reputation for being sunburnt drunken tourist-central and was somewhere I thought I’d hate.

I nearly didn’t go. But then I did.

And I ended up having a fantastic 24 hours there! Phi Phi lives up to its reputation and is a lot of fun. It’s not for the faint-hearted, though, or for any travellers looking for an authentic Thai experience. If you’ve got some money to burn and want to let off some steam, though, then Koh Phi Phi’s the place to go.

Nicely, you can find some quieter spots there as well, located outside of the main town. A nice trail across the island takes you over to this haven away from the chaos of Phi Phi’s centre. Be sure to check these beaches out if you need a break from the bars and buzz. Don’t forget to go up to the lookout for sunset as well. It’s the best view in town by far and a scenic place to soak up the Phi Phi beauty (remember to take some cash to cover the entry fee).

濤島(Koh Tao)上的沿海漫步只是這裡的絕妙景點之一。在泰國進行任何三週的行程都值得在這里中途停留。


Koh Tao


All things considered, yes. Koh Tao’s an incredible place, with a lot going for it. Koh Tao’s another touristy destination, but the island handles it well and offers a nice mixture of attractions to keep you occupied. Koh Tao is one cool, bustling island with a more chilled out atmosphere to Phi Phi. It’s also dive central, so if you want to learn to dive or add to your logbook, then Koh Tao’s the place to come. It’s also stunning and enjoys a different vibe to other islands on your Thailand travel itinerary.





  • 從湄哈德(Mae Haad)到查羅(Chalok)的美妙沿海徒步旅行
  • 參觀眾多的for望台,欣賞美麗的海景
  • 租一輛小型摩托車去探索更遠的地方
  • 參加泰拳拳擊課
  • 在城裡喝啤酒,欣賞日落



Koh Samui



The nightlife’s meant to be another main allure of these two islands. For example, Koh Pha Ngan is host to the notorious Full Moon Party (book ahead of time if you’re coming for the Full Moon Party, and expect all accommodation to require minimum stays of 4 days or so). There’s also a place called Mushroom Mountain. Anyone keen to experience a special kind of ‘trip’ can probably guess what’s growing in abundance there…



Doi Suthep Temple in Chiang Mai -  a must when on a 3 week tour of Thailand

I liked Chiang Mai a lot. It’s a hell of a long way from all of the islands, though. So, with limited time available, it’s worth booking a flight there (either from Krabi or Bangkok, depending on where you find yourself).


I felt at home there almost instantly. There are heaps to see and do in Chiang Mai, too, so give yourself a few days here to experience the best of it – you have 3 weeks in Thailand after all.



Chiang Mai is temple central. There’s more than 300 of them scattered across the city! Take a bit of cash with you (some of the main ones have a small entry fee) and set about exploring. Around every corner, there’s another beautiful ancient temple. Feel free to plan the ones you want to visit, or take my approach and just set out to see what you stumble upon!


素貼(Doi Suthep)’s another Thai temple, but this one is unique. It’s one of the major tourist attractions in Chiang Mai and well worth the effort of getting there. 12km out of the city (and up a pretty steep hill), you’ll need some transport to get there. Rent a scooter, hop on a tuk-tuk or take the famous Chiang Mai ‘red car’ taxi (go in a group to share the expense).



While you’re at Doi Suthep, be sure to go the extra mile (almost literally) to visit the Hmong Tribe village. It’s in the temple’s vicinity and turned into one of my favourite places in Chiang Mai. I suppose it counts as another tourist trap (expect lots of stalls selling Thai trinkets), but, thankfully, it’s managed to maintain a degree of authenticity.

High up in the hills, the view on a clear day would be spectacular (it was cloudy when I was there!). But the village itself is cool to explore too. It feels like you’ve stepped back in time, with streets and buildings that seem straight out of the history books.

Doi Inthanon National Park 3 weeks in Thailand


我感到很沮喪,因為我沒有做到 茵他儂山國家公園 (如上圖所示). It’s a reasonable distance from Chiang Mai but is supposedly another attraction that’s well worth the effort of getting there. You only have to look at pictures of it to understand why. Home to the country’s highest mountain, you’ll witness all sorts of wildlife, another temple to see, and stunning grounds to wander through.







白佛 in Pai! It’s an epic place to catch the sunset when you’re spending three weeks in Thailand.

Budha in Pai Thailand

Pai (pronounced ‘pie’) is this lovely bohemian oasis located a couple of hours north of Chiang Mai. It’s up in the hills and surrounded by rainforest, providing a dream-like quality to this relaxed, charming and exceptionally chilled out place. I’d never even heard about it until I got to Thailand. Once there, though, everyone I met started filling my ears with tales of a long and winding road with this spiritual wonderland at the end of it.

Pai lives up to much of its reputation. It is, indeed, a little haven that’s unlike anywhere else I went in the country. But I would have preferred it 20 years ago when I imagine people first started going here.




  • 前往夜市,享受充滿美味佳餚的明亮而大氣的夜晚。
  • 步行到白佛(White Buddha),前往史詩般的地方觀看日落。
  • 租一輛小型摩托車去探索周圍的地區,周圍遍布散步,峽谷和瀑布。
  • 在遍布各處的休閒酒吧和餐廳放鬆身心。


Chiang Rai Temple Thailand

I was super sad that I didn’t make it this far north on my trip. However, I heard fantastic things about Chiang Rai, which made me decide to include it here anyway. With three weeks to play with, you can make it up here. Ironically, this provincial town’s charm in the far north seems to be how far away it is from everything else. Simply, far fewer tourists make it here.

The result is a far more relaxed atmosphere compared to other places. You’ll enjoy its sleepy nature, with rivers to boat down, a jazz festival to enjoy, and a night bazaar for entertainment.  Like most places in Thailand, expect more amazing temples to visit as well. Art lovers will also enjoy the art scene in Chiang Rai and its reputation for quality food and music.


Buddha Bangkok

Last but not least is the Capital City, Bangkok. I’m not going to lie; I wasn’t blown away by it. But, you know, it’s Bangkok! You can’t come to Thailand for 3 weeks and not spend a day or two here.

我在曼谷度過了最後的36個小時,然後浪費時間在大街上逛逛,參觀了這裡的許多寺廟。有一大堆 市場 (包括浮動市場)和一些很棒的街頭美食。

Eating out in Bangkok, Thailand - Bangkok Street Eats

專業旅行提示: 如果您在星期六或星期日在曼谷,請計劃參觀 乍都乍週末 市場。在35英畝的土地上擁有超過15,000個市場攤位,您將不會感到失望。

You may also be interested in Khao San Road. It’s meant to be one of the most famous streets in Thailand, featured in The Beach, with Leonardo DiCaprio. It’s worth checking out if you’re in the area. The mass of tourists that go there creates a definite buzz. But, in all honesty, it’s just a big, busy, touristy street!

閱讀我們的文章: 在泰國曼谷外出就餐

Other than that, I’d use Bangkok as another gateway destination for your three week Thailand itinerary. You could start or finish your trip here and use the easy transport links to escape north to Chiang Mai or south to the Islands.



If you’re heading there soon, I hope the Thailand 3 week itinerary suggestions above will help you decide where to go!



特約作者丹尼·紐曼(Danny Newman) is currently writing and travelling his way around the world in a bid to figure out precisely what he’s doing with his life. He’d love you to follow along with his journey over at What’s Danny Doing.


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