收拾這個! 4種旅行疾病的自然療法

Pack this! 4 Natural Remedies for Travel Ailments - Salt

Taking herbal and natural remedies at home is easy when you have a kitchen and a fully stocked pantry at your disposal, but when you are on the road or a plane, it’s a bit tougher to have natural remedies for travel ailments at the ready.


4 Natural Remedies for Travel Ailments that I keep in my carry-on bag


如果像我一樣有任何過敏或鼻竇問題,建議您嘗試用溶解在室溫水中的藥用級鹽進行鼻腔沖洗或使用 預包裝的Neti Pot鼻沖洗套件.


There are various recipes online using table salt to create a buffered solution so that it doesn’t sting… but honestly, I find it’s easier to travel with small packages of pharmaceutical-grade salt that are already buffered.

Pack this! 4 Natural Remedies for Travel Ailments - Honey


I’m a huge fan of honey as a sweetener in my 甘菊茶 after dinner but honey has long been touted for it’s healing properties as an antimicrobial.

要了解有關蜂蜜好處的更多信息,請參閱以下文章: Web MD.

I’ve recently discovered Manuka honey lozenges by Wedderspoon and love them because they are very soothing and they aren’t overly sweet. They are a bit pricey but I feel that they are worth it because the taste is great and they are preservative and additive-free.


如果僅隨身攜帶,您如何與液態蜂蜜一起旅行?和 霍尼貝蜂蜜滴劑! A new discovery for me that I found in my local health food store. They are individually wrapped solid honey pucks that you just pop into your hot tea. It takes a bit of time to get it to fully dissolve as they are sticky but I love that they are all-natural, portable and from Canada. There are 20 “pucks” in a package.

Pack this! 4 Natural Remedies for Travel Ailments - Oil of Oregano


到那個時刻 牛至油 it’s one of those things where people say, “it tastes awful but it works”



我姐姐非常喜歡 牛至油 當他們開始感到不適時,將其強行餵給她家中的每個人。

It pains me to say this — I think she’s right (I can’t believe I just put that in writing!)

At home, I use Natural Factors Oil of Oregano. The bottle says to put a few drops on the back of your hand and lick it with your tongue, but I find it’s still too potent and my preference is to dilute it with water.


I’m currently using Colflex Super Oregano Oral Spray. The bonus with this spray is that it is a blend of 4 oils – Thyme, Oregano, Lemon and Spearmint in a base of Olive Oil. The bonus is that each oil provides it’s own healing power to the mix, but the blend also gives the oregano a much better taste.

I could be wrong, but I don’t think the spray has the same healing qualities of just using plain oil of oregano, but it tastes so much better than straight oil, which encourages me to use it more often at the first sign of a sore throat.

Pack this! 4 Natural Remedies for Travel Ailments - Ginger

One of my favourite childhood memories is of my grandmother rubbing my sick stomach with a mixture of warm, fresh, ground ginger. Ancient Chinese Secret perhaps? I’m not sure if it was the warm compress, the ginger, or the fact that it was my grandma taking care of me, but I felt better.

Today, if I’m feeling an upset stomach at home, I’ll put a slice of fresh peeled ginger into a cup of hot water with a spoon of honey, but when you are travelling this isn’t a practical solution.

我在文章中寫到我對在當地的亞洲超市發現的這些蜂蜜薑汁混合飲料的愛 旅行用品–從廚房抽屜到手提箱的5件物品




When I don’t have access to hot water, I turn to 杜松子酒杜松子酒糖果。當您在旅途中時,將它們藏在錢包裡真是太棒了。有硬糖和耐嚼的糖版本,它們有多種口味,例如咖啡,蘋果,花生,芒果等。


Pack this! 4 Natural Remedies for Travel Ailments by Calculated Traveller

Do you use any of these natural remedies at home or in your travels?



By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。


  1. 無論在穀物中還是在咖啡中,我總是有蜂蜜,這似乎在寒冷的咳嗽季節對我有幫助。


  2. 當我要長途旅行時,我總是隨身帶著新鮮的生薑塊。




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