
7 Travel Tips in Case of Emergency


7 travel tips in cases of emergency to help a traveller be prepared


You don’t want to lose a Passport and prevention is the best course of action. We always put a photocopy of our passports in our suitcase when travelling. We even go so far as carry the copies in our wallet when we are out touring or sunning ourselves on the beach, and we leave our original Passports locked in our room safe. Obviously, these copies aren’t official documents but in the case of emergency, the authorities will be able to access the real documents in your hotel safe.



  • 離開家之前,請向您本國的大使館註冊旅行計劃。如果您所訪問的國家/地區發生重大安全問題,他們會知道您在那裡並試圖找到您。
  • 在您的旅行目的地擁有大使館的位置和聯繫信息。由於我是加拿大公民,因此請注意我在行程中每個城市的加拿大,英國和美國領事館,以防萬一我需要盡快獲得幫助。


Being that we are Canadian and have Universal Health Care we take for granted that we can see a doctor or visit a hospital in case of illness at no added cost. But once you are out of the country, costs can skyrocket. I’ve had to visit doctors on cruise ships due to minor bronchitis/strep throat, and I’ve seen the high medical bill after that short visit. Just getting a doctor’s examination including temperature, blood pressure, throat swab, and cough medication added up to about $200US.


我以前寫過關於時間老公Ray的文章, 我們在地中海時傷了他的背。雷需要在我們的酒店請醫生檢查他。他接受了嗎啡注射液以及止痛藥和抗炎藥的處方。我們不得不延長旅行時間,直到他能夠飛行,從而導致在酒店住宿,食物和飛機票的額外住宿。我們的健康/旅行保險計劃已支付了全部費用。

  • 請注意您的內容中包含和不包含的內容 旅遊保險 覆蓋範圍。
  • 擁有帳號,以及聯繫電話,如果您需要給他們打電話。我們有一張層壓卡,上面有我們保存在錢包裡的所有信息。
7 Travel Tips In Case of Emergency


  • 保留您當前的處方藥清單以及劑量信息。每次獲得補充時,許多藥店已經為您提供了一份清單,如果沒有的話;如果您要求,他們會很樂意為您提供一個。
  • 如果您戴眼鏡,請保留一份處方,如果您摔壞或遺失,請多帶一副眼鏡。



  • 留下您重要文件(例如護照和信用卡)的可信任朋友/家人的副本。在緊急情況下,如果需要,他們可以通過電子郵件或傳真發送您的副本。
  • Some people scan their documents and put them online in the cloud or store them in their email. I don’t like this idea unless you are encrypting the information and know that the storage is 100% secure. You don’t want anyone but you to be able to access these documents.







  • 我和丈夫有多張聯合信用卡,但是在旅行時,我們永遠不會使用同一張信用卡,以防萬一丟失/被盜。例如,我將攜帶我的萬事達卡,而丈夫將攜帶Visa。此方法可確保如果其中一張卡發生故障,您仍然可以使用另一張卡。
  • Notify the credit card company of your travel plans so they don’t mistakenly cancel your credit card suspecting fraud. On a road trip once, they cancelled our credit card because we were buying gas in different states in 1 single 24-hour period. They had no idea that we were on a road trip driving from Toronto to Miami.


Being off the grid is an awesome way to truly get away from the digital world but to be safe, give someone back home your itinerary. It’s a good idea to have check-in times pre-arranged throughout your journey especially if your trip isn’t entirely mapped out.

We don’t want bad things to happen to us when we travel. Sometimes, bad things are unavoidable, and it’s best to be prepared — just like a good boy scout OR a Calculated Traveller!

Do you have any travel tips in cases of emergency?

By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。


  1. 這是一個很好的提示,希瑟!我不知道您是在保險單中有一個條款詳細說明了有人親自檢查您的房屋的必要性-我需要注意這一點!

  2. 很棒的信息在這裡!我還要補充一點,在社交媒體上發布照片並更新您的旅行狀態令人著迷的同時,您可能要等到回家後再進行。發布實時假期照片是一種很好的方式,可以宣布您沒有潛在的小偷。如果您確實選擇實時發布假期更新,請確保有人為您照顧房屋。您是否還知道,如果您出門了,您需要每隔三天讓某人親自檢查一下您的房屋,以確保保險?檢查您的政策並找到可信賴的鄰居或家庭成員來提供幫助。一定要給他們帶來旅途中的一些紀念品,謝謝!

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