
A City Guide to the Perfect Weekend in Porto Portugal


Stepping out of the train into the São Bento Railway station was a foretaste of what was to come. The exquisite blue and white tiled façade of the train station is certainly something to behold and was only the beginning of the architectural delights that we’d come to explore and admire throughout our stay in the beautiful city.

Today, Porto is gaining in popularity as more and more visitors to Portugal discover this northern gem and its surrounds. And it’s no wonder why, with its old-worldly and grand designs, friendly and hospitable people and all the beautiful sights and flavours to explore in and around the city, it’s easy to see why so many fall in love with gorgeous Porto.

In this guide, I’ll outline what you need to know and plan for (including a few travel tips) when spending a perfect weekend in Porto, Portugal!

A City Guide to the Perfect Weekend in Porto Portugal





如果您碰巧到達 的里斯本 first, then you may also consider taking the train from Lisbon to Porto. While you could also fly between the two cities, the quickest train takes around 3 hours, making it a fast, cheap and comfortable way to travel between Portugal’s two largest cities.

閱讀我們的 里斯本旅遊指南 這裡。





小費: 如果您是葡萄酒愛好者,併計劃參觀華麗 杜羅河谷葡萄酒之鄉,然後考慮從2點開始安排行程nd half of September as this is when the harvest season kicks off. It’s one of the most beautiful times to visit the Douro Valley region.


Whenever we’ve stayed in Porto, we’ve always chosen to remain quite central to the 聖本圖火車站。市中心的拜薩(Baixa)地區和Avenida Aliados大道周圍的地區都是絕佳的位置。從這裡,您將可以很快步行到達城市內及周邊的所有主要景點和景點。


How to get around Porto Portugal


The city’s metro system, the Metro do Porto, operates six different lines (lines A to F) that run throughout the town connecting over 80 stations. To make use of the metro, you will need to purchase a re-usable ‘Andante’ card that costs only €0.60. From there, you will top the card up and pay per journey.

It is worth noting that Porto’s metro system is divided into several zones and prices increase when travelling from one zone to another. If you’re touring solely within zone 2, for instance, then a single journey will cost €1.20. Moving from zone 2 through to zone 3 will cost €1.60 etc.

If you are confused by all the zones, don’t stress! There will always be staff willing and able to assist you at every station.

小費: 考慮到城市的緊湊程度,您可能需要比較一下Uber或Bolt等出租車服務公司,這兩家公司都在葡萄牙運營。與地鐵相比,我們經常發現這些便宜的替代品可以使用,特別是如果您要旅行兩個或兩個以上的話。因此,請務必將出租車的乘車成本與兩三張地鐵票的價格進行比較!


Weekend in Porto Portugal Travel City Guide

波爾圖有很多值得看的事情和要做的事情,但它仍然讓我感到驚奇,旅行者計劃僅一日遊。一天時間還不夠,甚至無法刮擦表面。有這麼多值得看,去做和探索的地方,這是我精選的5個 您在波爾圖旅行時應該嘗試的最重要的事情.

吃弗朗西斯娜 您週末在波爾圖至少一次

Francesinha sandwich Lisbon Portugal

Portugal’s culinary scene has seen a boom in recent years. Porto itself features several Michelin starred restaurants where you can enjoy an authentic Portuguese fine dining experience.

But, if like me, you like to delve into the culture truly and traditional flavours of any new destination you’re visiting, then you’ll undoubtedly need to give the indulgent Francesinha a try.

Francesinha是波爾圖的傳統菜餚(儘管如此,它還是對頂級傳統菜餚的一種瘋狂)。 Francesinha由麵包三明治組成,上面夾有幾種不同類型的肉類和火腿,上面放著一個煎雞蛋,然後夾上融化的奶酪以及西紅柿和啤酒醬,不適合the弱的人。

無論如何,它都非常好吃!在波爾圖時,前往 O Afonso餐廳, 聖地亞哥咖啡館 或者 Restaurante O Golfinho,僅提及少數據說是該市最受好評的Francesinha's餐廳的餐廳!


Ribeira Riverfront Porto Portugal a must when spending the weekend in Porto

It doesn’t get any livelier than Porto’s riverfront known as the Ribeira set at the foot of the Douro river. This vibrant and colourful waterfront is lined with several restaurants and bars where you can sit back, grab a drink and admire the view out across the Douro river and Gaia beyond.

里貝拉區 在這裡,您還會發現幾位街頭表演者在招待路人。當蓋亞(Gaia)河對岸的燈火盡收眼底時,我特別喜歡Ribeira的夜晚。

小費: 波爾圖的部分非常陡峭。從貝克斯(Baixa)上流社區下到里貝拉(Ribeira),需要陡峭地向下步行到河邊(然後再次向山上爬,同樣要爬山)。請確保在您去波爾圖(和里斯本時,如果您計劃同時遊覽這兩個城市)時,帶上舒適的步行鞋並抓緊抓地力。


Porto Portugal wine cellar

遊覽波爾圖時,最典型的事情之一就是享受美食。 波特酒 tasting experience. This traditional fortified wine, hailing from the Porto and surrounding Douro region is somewhat of an acquired taste. Still, with many different varieties and flavour profiles to choose from, you’re bound to find the perfect Port wine for you.

Set across the river from the central city in the Gaia district you’ll find several of the top Port Houses. Some have surprisingly English names such as Taylor’s, Graham’s, Offley and Croft, to name a few, this is in large part due to the wines colourful history when English merchants discovered and fell in love with the bold flavours of this wine and subsequently bought the Port houses.


欣賞令人難以置信的教堂和建築 在波爾圖

The Arabian Room inside the Palacio da Bolsa Porto Portugal
Palacio da Bolsa內部的阿拉伯房間

關於波爾圖,令我震驚的第一件事是華麗的建築,從阿維尼達·阿里阿多斯(Avenida Aliados)襯砌的宏偉建築到美麗的教堂,上面都裝飾有傳統的藍色和白色葡萄牙語“ Azulejos”(傳統瓷磚)。每個角落都有一些新的隱藏寶石。


因此,在訪問波爾圖時,探索這些建築樂趣對您來說是很公平的。我的一些最愛包括 帕拉西奧達博爾薩 (古老的證券交易所宮殿)及其令人嘆為觀止的阿拉伯房間, Torre dos Clerigos 和Clerigos教堂 聖本圖火車站, 這 Capela das Almas, 這 聖安東尼奧教堂Igreja dos Carmelitas,僅舉幾例。

Start your perfect weekend in Porto Portugal at the São Bento Railway Station


小費:別忘了,DomLuísI Bridge是一座橫跨杜羅河的令人印象深刻的建築橋樑,連接波爾圖和蓋拉新城。

Livraria Lello書店 is the oldest bookshop in Portugal, and it’s simply gorgeous to look at as you can see in the photo above. However, since there are such long line ups to visit I suggest that you book a tour or skip it altogether – you are only here for a few days, and you best make the most of your time.


Aveiro the "Venice of Portugal. A perfect day trip during a weekend to Porto.
Aveiro the “Venice of Portugal.


從波爾圖出發,乘坐火車很容易到達,並且旅行時間約為一個小時,這是從波爾圖出發的兩個最受歡迎的一日遊景點 阿威羅吉馬良斯. Aveiro is known as the ‘Venice of Portugal’ due to its canals and colourful gondolas whereas the historic and culturally significant city of Guimarães is considered the birthplace of Portugal, where the first king, Afonso Henriques was said to be born.



Arabian Room inside the Palacio da Bolsa




在南非出生和長大, 來自Travel-Boo的Marco Santos,和他的搭檔一起在3年前搬到了陽光普照的里斯本。懷著對歐洲的絕對熱愛,他肩負著重新發現自己的葡萄牙遺產的使命。 Marco已開始寫博客,並通過他的博客Travel-Boo分享他在葡萄牙,西班牙和整個歐洲旅行和探索的熱情。

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