
16 Awesome Airport and Airplane Travel Tips



16 Awesome Airport and Airplane Travel Tips | TRAVEL | TIP | PLANE | AIRPLANE | AIRPORT



  • 與所有這些人一起在機場和飛機上,您要確保自己在整個旅程中身體健康,著陸健康並保持健康
  • 飛行前大約1-2週,我們開始服用益生菌,維生素C和牛至油來增強免疫系統。看看這篇文章 4種旅行疾病的自然療法
  • 這是很棒的飛機旅行小貼士,也是任何度假探險的理想旅行小貼士


  • Download the airline’s app to your mobile device before you get to the airport
  • 許多航空公司已經取消了座椅上內置的微型電視屏幕,而是在直接下載到平板電腦或手機的情況下提供機上娛樂內容,前提是您已經下載了他們的應用程序。
  • 登機並在登機證可用時下載登機證
  • 確保您的飛行常客里程數已鏈接到您的機票
16 Awesome Airport and Airplane Travel Tips


  • We are often moving from hotel to hotel, especially when we are on a road trip and found that it’s easier to remember where things are in our carry-on or purse if we pack the same way every time. It’s a muscle memory trick we use so that we instantly know where to find something or we know if something is missing. This method of packing saves you from wracking your brain wondering if the earplugs are in the left pocket or the right pocket.
  • 同樣的道理 包裝立方體 if you use them (if you don’t, you really should). Put the same items in each colour coded packing cube and you’ll always know where everything belongs in your checked bags.
  • Another reason to use packing cubes is should your carry-on bag need to be inspected by security, they don’t need to rummage through your bag. They can take the cube out and rescan it through the x-ray machine without opening the cube.

到那個時刻 包裝立方體市場上有很多 在亞馬遜。



  • 瑜伽褲和運動衫特別適合長途飛行。更好的主意是穿帶口袋的褲子,或者至少帶口袋的夾克,這樣您就可以在某個地方藏好登機牌,護照,mp3播放器,手機等。
  • 此外,如果您打扮得整整一點,並且看起來對空乘人員很合時,那麼您升級到頭等艙的機會就更大。

5. Don’t wear a belt to the airport


  • You’re just going to have to remove your belt when going through security anyhow and this will cause a delay.
  • 如果您必須系上安全帶,請在前往機場之前將其放在隨身行李中,並在經過安全檢查後再佩戴。




  • 如果你旅行 僅隨身攜帶 像我們一樣,在飛機上穿最重的鞋子或靴子,這樣您的包就更輕了。
  • 穿涼鞋或人字拖似乎是個好主意,這樣可以安全地輕鬆地脫下鞋子,但是赤腳行走很討厭。另外,在航班緊急情況下,您將需要穿著合適的鞋子。
  • 飛行時穿壓縮襪對您的健康有好處。 在這裡閱讀為什麼.


  • 保持水分。帶著空瓶子到機場。到達大門後,請經過安全檢查並將其註滿飲水機。
  • 打包幾個穀物棒或格蘭諾拉麥片棒,以防航班延誤。在機場購物很昂貴,而且他們可能沒有您最喜歡的小吃。

查看文章 收拾這個!旅途中的飲食


我們最喜歡的可折疊袋是這個 Gonex背包 because it packs small and is fairly durable. It’s great as a day bag around town but also is great on flights, and it’s still looking brand new. It’s an essential part of our travel gear.


If the airline recommends that you arrive 2 hours before your scheduled flight – do it. We know it’s a pain but you never know if there will be delays at security and you don’t want the extra stress of rushing around the airport at the last minute.



16 Awesome Airport and Airplane Travel Tips


  • Once you pass through security, go directly to your gate before you shop duty-free. We find it’s best to know where you ultimately need to be before you start wandering around wasting time. You don’t want to be rushed to locate the gate later on.
  • 找出最接近洗手間的位置。
  • 找到一個面對登機口代理人的座位,以便您可以在登機口更換,升級機會等情況下保持警惕。
  • 等待期間,請為電子設備充電。


  • People always complain when the flight crew/flight attendants insist on checking your luggage at the gate because it won’t fit in the overhead compartment. Me on the other hand, I welcome it because I just got a checked bag for free and saved $25! The key is to be prepared ahead of time and to have anything you’ll possibly need during the flight in your “other bag” such as your backpack before you reach the gate.
  • 上網查找為您的航班分配的飛機類型。它經常指出是否有進行登機門檢查的可能性。



16 Awesome Airport and Airplane Travel Tips


  • 將手提袋放在頭頂上的行李箱中,然後將背包/錢包放在我前方的座位下面,這是我們要做的第一件事。
  • 接下來,我們將對可能接觸到的所有物體進行消毒-扶手,任何按鈕,安全帶和托盤桌。我們打包 旅行裝消毒濕巾包裝 專門用於此目的,但是您可以在家中從一個較大的容器中快速抓取一些並將其裝在一個小拉鍊袋中。
  • Don’t forget to wipe the headrest!
  • Don’t put anything into the seat-back pocket — nasty because it never gets cleaned and people often put their garbage in there.
  • During the flight, we don’t touch our face or mouth, and we disinfect our hands before eating.
  • Turn on the overhead air vent. It may be purely in our mind, but we feel as if it’s blowing away the germs from coming near us.

16. Our final airplane travel tip — ‘X’ marks the spot

  • 如果您的朋友或家人在您回國時接您,請讓他們在出發而不是到達時接您。機場的起飛區比到達的人群少。
  • If the person that dropped you off is also returning to pick you up, use the same drop-off spot for pick up, so you won’t get lost or miss each other.
16 Awesome Airport and Airplane Travel Tips by Calculated Traveller Magazine

Smile! You’re going on a journey! There may be delays or ticketing issues but if you stay positive and smile it will go a long way. Remember sugar is always better than vinegar if you want excellent customer service.




快速旅行提示#3 –在旅行前後預訂額外的休息日

By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。


  1. 作為將來對航空旅行感興趣的人,您的文章的第11點闡明了輕裝行李的重要性,以降低在其他州丟失物品的風險。我喜歡您也提到準時到達機場所帶來的重要性,因為通常情況下會有相當多的安全防線。我和我的妻子一直在考慮旅行一段時間,以度過一段短暫的假期,我們一定會在未來牢記這些技巧以及更多建議。

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