
Alt hotel Montreal exterior

Alt Hotel酒店位於新興的新興高檔化地區,稱為蒙特利爾格里芬敦(Griffintown Montreal)。這家Le GermainHôtels酒店在加拿大各地有12個地點,是一家經濟實惠的時髦新鮮酒店,是在城市度過週末逍遙遊的理想之選。

走進迷人的大廳 蒙特利爾阿爾特酒店 (法國阿爾特飯店) 我們被高高的天花板,高高的窗戶和非常現代的家具所歡迎。黑色與牆壁上的明亮色彩交替出現,毛絨枕頭和座位與水泥地板形成鮮明對比,天然木材的裝飾使此大堂比酒店大堂更像咖啡吧/酒廊。

Funky Fresh Affordable Alt Hotel in Griffintown Montreal - Hotel Lobby



Alt Hotel Montreal – Room 1801

Funky Fresh Affordable Alt Hotel in Griffintown Montreal - View



  • 埃及棉亞麻
  • 鵝絨被
  • Keurig咖啡機和膠囊
  • 免費WiFi
  • 高清電視
  • 在床上讀書燈
  • 帶USB的時鐘收音機
  • 桌子/椅子
  • 邊椅
  • USB充電插頭
  • 熨斗/熨板
  • 貝拉佩拉洗浴用品
  • 吹風機
  • 放大鏡

專業旅行提示: If you are wondering what the big transparent plastic box found on the shelf underneath the desk is — it’s the ice bucket. We thought it was a recycle bin or a garbage can.

Funky Fresh Affordable Alt Hotel in Griffintown Montreal - Interior Suite 1810




Funky Fresh Affordable Alt Hotel in Griffintown Montreal - Interior room 1810


Regarding that ice bucket. There aren’t any plastic bags to hold your ice at the ice machine nor are any bags provided in your room. We also asked the front desk staff for bags, and they said that they do not provide them. As a result, we didn’t get any ice. The rooms don’t have a refrigerator, an amenity we sorely missed since we had no ice.


The biggest problem with our room, however, is the bathroom. The swinging café door doesn’t shut completely nor do the two doors meet in the middle leaving a half-inch gap down the middle that anyone passing by the bathroom can see through. The gap isn’t the biggest problem though. It’s the fact that there is zero soundproofing in the bathroom and you can hear everything that’s going on in there! A soundproof bathroom isn’t necessarily a problem if you are travelling with a spouse or partner, but it’s a bit embarrassing if you are staying with a friend.


如果您想體驗帶有公寓開發和改建的倉庫閣樓的新蒙特利爾市區,格里芬敦是一個不錯的遊覽區域。 Alt Hotel便利地有一座星巴克,乳品皇后和附設於該建築物的餐廳,並且在數個街區之內還有其他便利設施,例如藥店,雜貨店,優勝者,麥當勞和 蒂姆·霍頓(Tim Hortons) 以及其他更高檔的就餐選擇。

Funky Fresh Affordable Alt Hotel Montreal in Griffintown - Pizzeria Moretti

專業旅行提示: 在吃晚餐 比薩店莫雷蒂 在街對面。披薩很美味,服務也很棒,裝飾很華麗而且很放鬆。

Here’s the not so convenient; it’s an approximately 20-minute walk to the nearest metro station and another 25-minutes or so walk to Old Montreal.

Funky Fresh Affordable Alt Hotel in Griffintown Montreal - Exterior view
Funky Fresh Affordable Alt Hotel Montreal in Griffintown



It’s a more restful stay after a long tiring day touring Montreal in the Griffintown neighbourhood since it is away from the tourists compared to the loud music and noise from the bars heard late at night if you stay directly in Old Montreal.

Funky Fresh Affordable Alt Hotel Montreal in Griffintown


120 Peel Street,蒙特利爾(魁北克)H3C 0L8

進一步了解 Alt HotelMontréal的住客點評.


By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。

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