
bluffton south carolina

Bluffton South Carolina is a short drive from Hilton Head and boasts a history dating back to the antebellum period. Steps that saw South Carolina’s succession from the Union were set in motion here. Steeped in history, this Lowcountry region is a popular vacation destination. There are many 希爾頓黑德島的觀光例如海鮮節或沿海發現博物館,遊客可以從中了解這個昏昏欲睡的南部小鎮的歷史。

不過,可以考慮到布拉夫頓(Bluffton)遊覽,這是在附近的希爾頓黑德奧特萊斯購物中心購物一天的輕鬆方式。布拉夫頓舊城區(Old Town Bluffton)歷史區由一平方英里組成,步行即可輕鬆橫穿。沿著五月河的河岸漫步,在散佈著西班牙苔蘚的鮮活橡樹的樹冠下,遊客將欣賞河壁的微風。 

如果您從I-95高速公路下車,然後沿著美國278號公路行駛,然後直接走 (沒有停止或通過去) to Hilton Head Island you are surely going to miss out on some great small-town charm if you don’t stop in Bluffton along the way.

Here’s why Bluffton South Carolina is so Charming

Photo Essay of Bluffton SC by Calculated Traveller




由奴役的非洲人於1841年為當地種植園主建造, 海沃德故居 was designed to be a Summer respite from heat and humidity of plantation life. John James Cole had it built for his wife and family. They later rented the house to the Heyward family. Daniel Heyward’s family and their descendants stayed here for five generations. In 1998, the Bluffton Historical Preservation Society purchased The Heyward House. In the year 2000, the property officially became the town of Bluffton’s official welcome centre. Guided tours are offered to introduce visitors to life in the antebellum South.


Enslaved West Africans arriving by force to the Southern states, were freed as a result of the Emancipation Proclamation. Several soon fled to Bluffton, South Carolina. Here they created the first Freedman’s village called Mitchelville. Over the years, descendants of these enslaved Africans, called Gullah, had their own unique language and culture. The English language that was thrust upon them interspersed with bits of several West African languages became a way for the Gullah people to protect their heritage and work toward building independent lives. One Lowcountry Gullah tradition passed down through generations for over 300 years is the art of sweetgrass basket-making. Visitors to the area can find these baskets sold at markets, and roadside stands from the sea islands to Charleston.

布拉夫頓的賽勒斯·加文·豪斯(Cyrus Garvin House):著名的南卡羅來納州歷史

Cyrus Garvin House Bluffton South Carolina
Garvin House – thought to be the earliest known freedman-owned home on the May River

在最有可能是奴役非洲人解放的最早代表之一中, 加文樓 in Bluffton stands as a testament to the sordid history of the United States. On property now owned by Beaufort County, the Freedman’s Cottage located in Oyster Factory Park stands where the former home of Joseph Baynard stood. Freedman’s Cottages, built in the 1890s, met the increased demand for housing of formerly enslaved Africans.

The homes were usually less than 1,200 square feet divided into two or three rooms. Garvin worked on the Baynard plantation for several years. The Baynard home was burned down during the Union attack on the town of Bluffton in 1863. Approximately 30 years later, Garvin was granted property rights by the state of South Carolina, and the Freedman’s cottage was built. The Garvin house overlooks High Bluff and offers tours to visiting guests.

Eggs N Tricities Shows Bluffton’s Quirky Side


Eggs N Tricities exterior view

布拉夫頓鎮可能是最古怪的商店之一,因此得名 蛋三三部曲. Located in Old Town Bluffton, visitors will find a mix of everything from ladies’ clothing and accessories, jewellery, home decor items, and stationery and cards. The shop features one-of-a-kind Lowcountry themed art from Margaret Golson Pearson. An assortment of quirky gifts and sundries rounds out the store’s offerings. The location, formerly an actual filling station on the corner of Calhoun and Bridge, is a sight to behold. Shoppers in the market for a little something Southern living inspired will enjoy perusing the Eggs N Tricities aisles. Visitors window-shopping after a trip to the farmers market around the corner will also enjoy a stop inside. The building alone is Instagram-worthy and ideal for an eye-catching photo.

Peaceful Serenity at Bluffton’s The Church of the Cross


The Church of the Cross, Bluffton South Carolina

十字架教堂 俯瞰布拉夫頓(Bluffton)卡爾霍恩街(Calhoun Street)盡頭的梅河(May River)。這座教堂是1857年基督教徒湧入的結果而建,是著名的布拉夫頓地標。會眾領袖意識到,他們需要更多空間來選擇將此建築物放置在原始教堂旁邊。教堂目前在國家歷史名勝古蹟上。根據其歷史意義,此列表包括受保護的建築物和場所。十字架教堂的哥特式風格讓人聯想到歐洲建築風格。教堂距離小鎮僅5分鐘的步行路程。 Bluffton Farmer’s Market (僅在周四下午開放),因此是停下來仔細閱讀地面的理想場所。



Bluffton Oyster Factory shrimp boat

If there’s one thing, the area is known for besides 南部風格的布拉夫頓燒烤 it’s seafood. Local seafood like oysters, clam, and shrimp are the speciality at The Bluffton Oyster Company. The company dates back to the early 1920s. Said to be one of the oldest businesses in South Carolina, it still thrives today. Bluffton Oyster Factory provides a real ‘river to table’ seafood experience. The newest addition to the company’s shrimp boat fleet, shown here, is Daddy’s Girls. Enjoy a freshly caught meal overlooking the water to finish out your day in Bluffton. If you’re visiting the area, especially from September to May during prime oyster season, the 布拉夫頓牡蠣公司餐廳 是必去的。

Bluffton South Carolina – A Hidden Gem

大多數人都可以輕鬆到達布拉夫頓 希爾頓黑德島地區酒店 值得一日遊。為了獲得最真實的南方體驗,布拉夫頓全年提供各種活動來協調您的訪問。 布拉夫頓商會提供了更新的日曆 where you can cross-check your vacation dates to see what’s going on in town during your vacation.

A "Charming" Photo Essay of Bluffton South Carolina by Calculated Traveller


So the next time you are visiting Hilton Head Island, spend some time in Bluffton I swear you won’t be sorry.

Have you visited Bluffton before? Are there any other small towns near major tourist destinations that deserve a second look? Tell us in the comments below, we’d love to hear about them.

Flames and Tattoos at One Hot Mama’s American Grille

By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。

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