

Calculated Traveller has been a participant in quite a few winter activities in Ontario as of late. You can check the articles here This brought to mind a couple of situations that make photography a bit more challenging – snow and sand scenes. To understand these similar situations we need to first consider what the… Continue reading Snow and Sand – Opposites Except When it Comes to Photography


You’ve planned a great trip with the family. You have some great photos of the daytime scenery and everyone enjoying themselves at the beach or exploring the surroundings. At night though, you seem to slip into another world. A world where everyone is a cardboard cutout against a dark nondescript background. You wish you could… Continue reading Travel Photography Tip – Night Portrait Mode


No one wants to hear the words: “Honey, I can’t find the camera!” Yet every day, throughout the world, people leave their camera, with those perfect pictures, in hotels, on buses, at the pool. They get stolen in crowds and from restaurant tables and beach chairs. They get dropped overboard, or bounce out an open… Continue reading How to minimize the loss of your pictures during vacation