
I’m a bad Torontonian. That’s right. You heard me say it. I’ve lived in Toronto my entire life and I’ve never once visited Historic Fort York. Sure, I studied the history of Fort York in high school, and of course, I knew where it was located; I’ve probably driven by it on the highway about… Continue reading Historic Fort York – Brought to Life Before my Eyes

我們的回憶–巴塞羅那音樂宮(Palau de la Musica),巴塞羅那

Sometimes there are memories, whether out of choice or from just plain age, that I forget but they come back to me when I least expect it. The Palau de la Musica in Barcelona is one of those memories. It’s like that Barbra Streisand song “The Way We Were” Memories, Light the corners of my… Continue reading Memories of The Way We Were – Palau de la Musica, Barcelona


Today’s Memory Monday photo of Taro Pie from McDonald’s comes courtesy of a friend and fellow traveller, Alan Chau. In case you are wondering there isn’t a problem with the photo and your eyes aren’t playing tricks with you, the taro is in fact purple. A man of few words Alan states the following… “McDonald’s… Continue reading McDonald’s Taro Pie – Memory Monday


Alligators, Birds, Snakes…and more! If you’re looking for more than a commercialized airboat ride in Florida, then an airboat tour with Wild Willy’s Airboat Tours, in St. Cloud, Florida is for you. Located less than an hour from Orlando, Wild Willy’s is more than just a ride; it’s an educational adventure too. “Look on the… Continue reading Airboat Tours in St. Cloud, Florida




Skydiving was number 1 on my bucket list. It’s a bit of a cliché; I admit it, but skydiving was something I promised myself I would do. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous. It’s illogical to voluntarily jump out of a plane trusting a complete stranger to 1) deploy the parachute and… Continue reading Cross Off Number 1 on the Bucket List – Skydiving

As I look through photos from past travels I’m always reminded of the smells, sounds and tastes of the place captured within the lens.

Hong Kong is one of those favorite memories.

I’m first generation Canadian Chinese and although my first trip to Asia and Hong Kong was back when I was 18 years old – I don’t really remember much of that trip other than doing a lot of shopping (that was a long time ago!).

This trip however, I remember well…

Big Bus Hong Kong


Hong Kong Shanghai Street

I recall walking down Shanghai Street near our hotel in the area of Yau Ma Tei on the Kowloon side of Hong Kong. My husband and I would often take this back street to avoid the busy hustle and bustle (and pollution) of Nathan Road. There we were with a bag full of freshly baked Chinese buns and egg tarts. We were eating those pastries like crazy they were so yummy and this batch was still warm from the oven.

As we were walking (and munching) along the street we stumbled across this building under construction. We stopped and watched as the workers were strapping the bamboo together for scaffolding.

Hong Kong is such a modern metropolitan city but like all things Chinese…we still follow the ways of our ancestors in our customs, celebrations, food and even construction techniques.

Hong Kong Construction

Read more about Hong Kong:

Big Bus Hong Kong