
A One Day Itinerary for Curacao Calculated Traveller Cabana Beach

Curacao beaches — the sun, surf, sand and the palm trees swaying in the ocean breeze – it’s the ultimate in relaxation. No trip to this Southern Caribbean island is complete without a trip to the beach!

Part 1: Curacao – The Meaning of Dushi.

Curacao has 17 beaches on the island and when I was there recently I had the chance to visit 2 of the most gorgeous beaches that you’ll ever see – 卡巴納海灘帕帕加約海灘度假酒店。島嶼東部的同一海灘系統的兩個部分,但氣氛略有不同。

(編輯添加:實際上總共有 35個海灘而不是17個. Not all the beaches are developed, in the sense that you have to pay entrance, some of them are secluded, or small, or they are beaches that you have to park your car at a distance or walk to via stairs or even reach by boat – Thanks 查拉 進行更正!)

要到達海灘,您可以乘坐出租車,但您也可以乘坐公共巴士(我的喜好). The bus terminal is outside the post office in Punda (downtown Willemstad). Take the “Punda/Caracas Baai Bus #6″(Cost is 1.50 Nafl) headed East and ask the driver to let you off at your destination. There are designated well-marked bus stops and signs for your return trip back downtown.

You can’t get lost taking the public bus as there are only two routes Otrobanda (West) and Punda (East).

Curacao Beaches


Beautiful soft sand under foot, the ocean and shade and I’m totally there.

Wait a minute — SHADE? Yup! You read that correctly. People tease me because I visit the Caribbean often, but I don’t like the sun – the heat I like but not the rash that the sun regularly gives me. I’ve been called the “English Patient” so many times due to all the clothes and the large brimmed hat that I always wear!

技術上 卡巴納海灘, 也 曼波海灘 隔壁就是 Seaquarium Beach. But who cares what they call it, it’s all the same sand and ocean.

– Classic Bed (which is your standard reclining lounge chair)
– Luxe Bed (single mattress)
– Lounge Bed (double mattress)
– Club Cabana (sitting area plus mattress for 2)

Incidentally, there are multiple signs on the beach stating that there is free Wi-Fi. Hmm, this would be the perfect place for a working holiday! I’m not sure how much work I’d get completed, though.




緊鄰卡瓦納海灘的是 康提基海灘度假村 with their wooden exterior and thatched roofs — the perfect base station for fast, easy access to total relaxation.

Curacao Beaches


發現更東邊是 帕帕加約海灘度假酒店 它是Jan Theil Baai的一部分,也是Curacao的新高檔度假勝地和住宅區。



I see myself coming here dressed up for a nice dinner or drinks or for a party. Special of the day sounded delicious – surf and turf of lobster and steak.

I wouldn’t come here to lounge beforehand, though. I would just hate to be all sticky and sandy, etc. and then sit down to linen napkins and an excellent meal. But that’s just me because during my visit there were a lot of people lounging and quite a few families with children.

Curacao Beaches





This public beach is found at the less developed western side of Curacao and is perfect for a relaxing beach day. The beaches aren’t as crowded as some of the other popular tourists’ spots and you can rent loungers and use the restrooms for a fee. The waters are calm, beautiful blue and the beach is actually sheltered between cliffs on either side making it the perfect spot for couples or family beach trip.



克萊恩·克尼普(Kleine Knip)



Hmm…with 17 beaches that would mean I would need at least 17 days to experience them properly…good thing they have Wi-Fi!

A Guide to Curacao Beaches Sun, Surf and Sand by Calculated Traveller  |  #Curacao #Caribbean #travel #beach

尋找更多探索加勒比海的海灘嗎?看看我們的 加勒比檔案館.


By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。


  1. 很棒的信息,我喜歡海灘,庫拉索島是我列表中最熱門的目的地之一。問題–海灘上有貝殼嗎?我是貝殼收集者,喜歡去海灘散步和收集東西!

    1. 嗨,帕姆…對您有好處–我們也可能會在12月乘船遊覽。如果您的船停靠在Mega Terminal,請越過浮橋並向左轉。走向水上市場-向右轉(無論如何您都不能再走了),它剛剛經過大型圓形建築(市場),玩得開心!

  2. 愛庫拉索島!那些海灘看起來棒極了-我必須將它們標記為下一次訪問。還有,wifi?那很有意思!做一些工作不是一個壞地方;)我們主要在島的西端,但是我喜歡停下來的任何地方!

  3. 優秀的文章,附有精美的照片和信息!我還沒去過庫拉索島(Curacao YET),但這絕對是我的清單。由於我對海灘的熱愛,因此閱讀此書後,它在列表中排名上升:-)謝謝!

    1. 感謝您的評論特蕾莎修女!如果您喜歡海灘,那您就必須去庫拉索島(Curacao)……這也是一個很棒的遊輪港口,而且真的很容易到處走走……

  4. 你好,

    1. 實際上有35個島嶼(查拉糾正了我的疏忽),但其他島嶼卻不如17個主要島嶼那麼發達且易於訪問……那麼,您什麼時候預定假期?

  5. 嗨,瑪麗,很高興閱讀您的帖子。很高興讀到您實際上乘坐了公共交通工具。如今,有些遊客仍在猶豫不決。它可以為您節省很多錢,尤其是出租車的價格高於$25時。


    1. 感謝Sheedia的評論。實際上,我這次沒有乘公共汽車(我和庫拉索島旅遊局的查拉在一起)。但是我通常在旅行時都會做……這就是您真正體驗生活真正方式的方式。

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