

Finding one’s culinary nirvana isn’t tricky in the South Indian state of Kerala, provided you know what to gourmandize.


那些將印度食品歸類為僅由北印度食品組成的悲劇,如黃油雞,samosa和 可悲的。與北印度食物不同,南印度食物不那麼辛辣,也更辛辣。喀拉拉邦的烹飪方式歸功於印度教徒,阿拉伯人,歐洲人和其他人 亞洲的影響,不僅在素食方面也為非素食方面帶來了許多美味佳餚,而由於喀拉拉邦在地理位置上與海洋相鄰,海鮮經常出現在菜單上。



Follow along on this culinary escapade that provides not just for the stomach but also for the spirit.

11 Delectable Dishes to Eat in Kerala, India


Puttu and Kadala

I’d recommend this breakfast dish to those who believe taste and nutrition don’t go hand in hand. Made out of rice and coconut (Puttu) and served with chickpea curry (Kadala), Puttu and Kadala is my favourite breakfast dish to eat in Kerala. Served throughout South India, the dish’s flavorful, aromatic taste and substantial nutritional value have earned it a spot on Kerala’s breakfast club.


Beef Curry




If you think an Indian breakfast is a quick cup of hot spicy chai and a paratha, then you haven’t had a Keralite one. Appam is a form of pancake made from fermented rice batter. A regular on the breakfast table, the Appam is often served with stew or/and egg curry on the side. This breakfast is ideal for those who fancy a sweet and savoury breakfast without dealing with the thought of impending diabetic doom. Top it off with soothing coconut milk, and you’ve got one heck of a breakfast to wake up to.

伊拉·薩迪亞(Ela Sadhya)

Ela Sadhya one of the key dishes to eat in Kerala India
Ela Sadhya – A Traditional Kerala Dish

Ela Sadhya可能是典型的Keralite餐。也被稱為“用餐大王”,這道素食不僅代表了對飢餓的治療,而且還代表了對口味的誘惑。對許多人來說,這頓飯代表了他們的鉀鹽傳統。典型的Sadhya放在香蕉葉上,單餐至少包含20-30道菜。主菜是糙米,上面放有水鹿(一種西紅柿,土豆和小扁豆的馬薩拉燉菜)。




  • Olan – A light dish made of white gourd, coconut milk, and ginger
  • Avial – A masala mixture of different vegetables
  • Thoran – Dry vegetables with grated coconut
  • Pickles – Mango pickle
  • Koottukari – A sweet yellow curry of banana and coconut.
  • Kichadi – Made of curd, cumin paste, and curry leaves
  • Kaalan – Made of yoghurt, coconut, and yam



Served as a scrumptious side dish on a sadhya, avial is a delectable amalgamation of vegetables such as carrots, aubergines, beans, lentils etc. Often garnished with curry leaves and coconut, avial’s appeal is its tropical taste coupled with its healthy composition. According to local legend, avial was first prepared by the Hindu demigod, Bhima, to serve as meals for King Virata’s guests. Being raised upon this delight, it’s easy to see why even the gods savoured avial.


Idli steamed rice cake with Podi dried chilli blend

Who could forget the Idli? Sporting a healthy and nutritious spot in one’s diet, the idli is a staple of the Keralite household. This “rice cake” can be relished at any time of day. Made with steamed lentil and fermented rice batter, the dish’s bland taste makes it perfect for a condiment’s compliment. Traditional condiments include sambar, chutney, and a dried chilli mixture called “podi.”




Karimeen Pollichathu

Karimeen pollichathu one of the favourite dishes to eat in Kerala India
Karimeen pollichathu是印度喀拉拉邦最受歡迎的美食之一

Words are barely sufficient to describe Kerala’s fondness for Karimeen pollichathu, as this delicacy holds a special place in every Keralite’s heart, as well as their taste buds. This dish is also known as Pearl Spot Fish, which is prepared by deep-frying the green chromide fish and marinating it with spices. Served on a banana leaf, the passion for this dish knows no bounds. In fact, the state government called 2010 the “Year of the Karimeen” to commemorate its significance to Kerala cuisine.

Thalassery Biryani

Thalassery Biryani made of Kaima rice instead of Basmati. A unique dish to eat in Kerala India.

For those unfamiliar with the delight, a Biryani is a rice dish cooked with meat or fish (depending on the region) and spices.  Although savoured throughout the South Asian world, what makes a Kerala style Thalassery Biryani unique is its use of Kaima rice instead of Basmati, thus granting it a more aromatic quality. Named after the seaport, Thalassery, the dish’s savoury blend of different flavours make it the ideal meal for any occasion.


Fish Molee - one of the favourite dishes to eat in Kerala India
A favourite dish to eat in Kerala – Fish Molee – coconut-based fish curry

Ah, fish molee, the Keralite grandma’s treasured pride and joy. Believed to have Portuguese-Malabari roots, this is every Keralite’s childhood yearn. Prepared with fish, a coconut-based curry, and grandma’s love, this seafood dish is often eaten with rice or bread to take advantage of the delicious, comforting gravy. What makes this delicacy unique is its seamless blend of sweet, silky coconut milk and the fish’s piquant taste. Fish molee is genuinely a delight in every sense of the word.



Time for some dessert and the final stop in this culinary journey through Kerala’s kitchen. Payasam (known as kheer in Northern India) is a pudding made by boiling rice, milk, and sugar together. Whilst many consume their payasam as it is, some choose to further complement its taste and texture with a sprinkling of cashews, raisins, shredded coconut, pistachios, etc. If this dessert is new to you, I recommend starting with the vermicelli payasam as it’s the most preferred kind.




特別感謝 美味的瑪雅O美味 與我們分享她的美食照片。

Have you taste-tested any of these foods before? Which of these dishes to eat in Kerala is your favourite?


By Sidharth Krishna

席達爾·克里希納(Sidharth Krishna)是Calculated Traveller的實習生。希德哈特(Sidharth)是旅行和自然的狂熱愛好者,他在自己的文章中表現出自己的出路感到很興奮。他在迪拜成長為早熟的孩子,他一直在纏擾他的父母帶他去觀光。無論是艱苦的公路旅行還是在沙灘上的快速停留,Sidharth都會珍惜他踏上旅程的每一刻。如果您問他,他的珍貴財產是什麼,他肯定會提到他通過Instagram個人資料看到的相機。當他不在路上時,他會花時間閱讀,寫博客和聽音樂。截至目前,他在學習新聞學科的技巧時發現自己在加拿大的汽車之都溫莎安大略省。

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