擁抱怪異。 fish魚壽司漢堡酒吧和藍人集團

Embracing weird: Dinner at The Cowfish and Blue Man Group - Universal Orlando

外面的標誌 fish魚壽司漢堡吧藍人集團 奧蘭多環球影城度假村的信標是旅行者的信標,他們希望擺脫傳統,在大腦的左右兩側進行鬥爭:一條帶有鞍形的魚或漢堡包和壽司,適當地稱為Burgushi®,並經過種植個男人穿著藍色的油漆。

Our minds naturally want to put things into pretty little boxes, so things make sense. Mine put both The Cowfish and Blue Man Group into a group called: “Weird Things.”


Merriam-Webster defines weird as “of strange or extraordinary character; odd, fantastic.” Now, neatly classified in the box marked Weird, the left side of my brain was also surprised when the right side of my brain said that both were odd but surprisingly fantastic.



Embracing weird: Dinner at The Cowfish and Blue Man Group - Universal Orlando

“ Burgushi是通過推倒牆而誕生的!” The Cowfish的共同創始人Marcus Hall說。

Hall, along with fellow co-founder of The Cowfish, Alan Springate, were running a sushi restaurant called eeZ Fusion Sushi, in a Charlotte suburb. As eeZ grew, they sought out a second location in Charlotte, but the space they found wasn’t large enough.

當時,Springate在該空間的隔壁經營著一家美食漢堡店, “那是他提議拆牆並合併兩家餐廳的時候,” 霍爾解釋。

“我立即稱他為白痴,” 說,霍爾。 “但是我們談論得越多,我們就越有道理-我們吃了漢堡,吃了壽司,那為什麼不把它們結合起來呢?”

“壽司和漢堡在當時都是強大的餐廳細分,因此將它們同時放在同一屋簷下的想法開始變得有意義,” 添加Springate。 “成為第一個壽司漢堡吧,我們可以從餐廳及其食物的外觀中獲得很多自由和創造力,我們也感到非常興奮。”

“一旦我們致力於這個看似瘋狂的想法,我們就知道我們想要一件有趣又怪異的東西,而且在您的臉上,” 霍爾補充道。

藉此機會為他們工作很奇怪。奧蘭多環球影城渡假勝地與The Cowfish創始人,馬庫斯·霍爾(Marcus Hall)和艾倫·斯普林特(Alan Springate)密切合作,將這種獨一無二的就餐理念帶入環球影城(Universal CityWalk)。參觀這家三層樓的折衷餐廳的客人可以享用採用新鮮食材從頭開始製作的創新菜單,可欣賞CityWalk美景的戶外座位,多彩的裝飾和定製藝術品,動感的音樂等等。

Embracing weird: Dinner at The Cowfish and Blue Man Group - Universal Orlando

我如何在Cowfish Sushi Burger Bar擁抱怪異事物

I ordered the Cowfish Bento Box: A mini-burger with American cheese, pickles and chopped red onions, sweet potato fries, Thai cucumbers, edamame–and, wait for it–spicy tuna sushi rolls. I also tried the “Prime Time” Filet and Lobster Roll: A combination of lobster and cucumbers, topped with seared rare, seasoned filet mignon, pan-fried portabella mushroom slices tossed in truffle oil, green onions and spicy mayo. They all sounded weird but seemed to trigger a primal instinct for my mouth to start watering, especially with the Prime Time Filet and Lobster Roll.

Embracing weird: Dinner at The Cowfish and Blue Man Group - Universal Orlando

Embracing weird: Dinner at The Cowfish and Blue Man Group - Universal Orlando

Embracing weird: Dinner at The Cowfish and Blue Man Group - Universal Orlando

Embracing weird: Dinner at The Cowfish and Blue Man Group - Universal Orlando

Embracing Weird Blue Man Group Show Orlando

藍人也起源於非傳統。在為小組提出創意後,三個長期的朋友和企業家Matt Goldman,Phil Stanton和Chris Wink(可以輕易地稱為當代喜劇演員)將所有家具從客廳的窗戶扔了出去,為製作演出所需的空間騰出空間,然後添加鼓-使“藍皮人”展示出使鼓具創意和藝術性的方式。該藝術的靈感來自傑克遜·波洛克(Jackson Pollock)等藝術家,他以抽象的方式使用繪畫來表達自己的情感, 20世紀雜技演員.

The group also wanted an element of the show to be primal and tribal, and realised that performing acts, unlike what anyone in the audience could do—yes, this includes catching things in their mouths–and showing imagery no one has seen before, would captivate an audience. Today, they have award-winning shows all over North America, including Boston, Las Vegas, Orlando, Chicago, New York, as well as in Berlin. They seem to wear the weirdness, masked in innovation, splashed in gooey, grease paint quite well.

Embracing weird: Dinner at The Cowfish and Blue Man Group - Universal Orlando


Blue Man forced me, despite my left-brain tendencies, to embrace random. Ignoring cultural norms, I soon found myself waving my hands in their air doing random Rock Concert Movements, and loosening up and laughing when they commanded the audience to do leg stretches behind their head. They managed to literally find humour in every day shit…exploring topics like plumbing and sewage backups. Perhaps that’s the point, and I’m weird for not finding the humour in life’s backups more often.

It’s no wonder Goldman, Stanton and Wink have described their show as a ‘whacked out science fair’. From what seemed to be a science lecture that could be narrated by Ben Stein, on the rods and cones in our eyes, soon turned into flashes on the screen about how our rods help us see naked people. Soon you find yourself writing a love note, asking: Dear left side of my brain, If it’s so weird, why am I laughing?

Embracing weird: Dinner at The Cowfish and Blue Man Group - Universal Orlando

Embrace the Weird — Cowfish Sushi Burger Bar and Blue Man Group





Embracing weird: Dinner at The Cowfish and Blue Man Group - Universal Orlando


  • 你不想遲到!三個人遲到了我們的節目,受到了聚光燈的歡迎……這對觀眾來說很有趣,但是我不確定這對他們有多有趣!
  • 演出前使用洗手間。節目進行了一個小時零45分鐘,沒有中場休息!
  • 在奧蘭多,藍人集團劇院位於環球影城®中的Hard RockCafe®和佛羅里達環球影城®的主要入口之間。
  • 如果您在晚飯後參加“藍人”團體表演,請務必告知您的Cowfish服務器您有觀看表演的門票。我們有點趕時間去參加表演。

Embracing Weird. The Cowfish Sushi Burger Bar and Blue Man Group


我們是The Cowfish,Blue Man Group和Universal Orlando Resorts的客人。這並沒有影響我們的審查。一如既往,我們的意見是我們自己的。

Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament – Orlando, Florida

By Kim Humphreys

金·漢弗萊斯(Kim Humphreys)是加拿大安大略省多倫多市的旅行博客/探險家。她將假期和旅行視為新機遇的機會,並留下了自己和家人永遠不會忘記的回憶。

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