
Love locks in Venice

We travel to Europe for all different things – history, art, culture, food, and adventure but did you know that you can find unexpected romance in Europe?


Croatia, now famous for being one of the filming locations for the television series the “Game of Thrones” is known for castles and historic architecture.

鵝卵石街道和紅色屋頂,城市 杜布羅夫尼克 和斯普利特(Split)是尋找意想不到的浪漫的理想之地。

Finding an Unexpected Romance in Europe by Calculated Traveller


在舊城 杜布羅夫尼克, you can pledge your undying love to each other as you stroll along the top of the outer wall of the city, share an ice cream as you sit on a bench along the water’s edge watching the sail boats come in and out of the harbour or perhaps gaze into each other’s eyes as you sit in one of the many cafés during a meal of fresh seafood.

Finding an Unexpected Romance in Europe by Calculated Traveller

的舊城 分裂 is famous for the ancient ruins of Diocletian’s Palace, built by the Roman emperor in 4th century AD but it also has the most beautiful of waterfronts with palm trees offering shade, benches galore and cafés lining the entire promenade — it’s the perfect place to people watch and waste the day away…


When I think of romance in Italy, I think of the animated Disney movie “Lady and the Tramp” when the two dogs go on a date and share a candlelit meal of spaghetti and meatballs. I always smile when the Tramp nudges the last remaining meatball over to the Lady with his nose… sweet.

When it comes to food I’m in control of my own love life but I 將要 share a bite of my pasta, pizza, Porchetta sandwich or Cannoli with my honey…but just a bite, no more! 呵呵

讀: La Vita Sicilia –對西西里美食的熱愛

Finding an Unexpected Romance in Europe by Calculated Traveller

從沿著纜車在纜車上航行,而船夫會用詠嘆調為您演唱小夜曲,再到在橫跨大運河的Ponte Dell'Accademia橋上偷吻。 威尼斯 絕對是尋找浪漫的地方。

This is a great article with a list of the best hotels in Venice.

龐特·戴爾學院橋在這裡,夫妻倆曾經將自己的名字寫在掛鎖上,用一個吻將其密封,然後將掛鎖鎖在欄杆上 (請參見照片頂部). Just don’t put your own “love lock” on the bridge because it is no longer allowed.

羅馬 是最令人難以置信的歷史,文化和藝術的發源地,但我喜歡看這座城市幾乎每個廣場上的噴泉。

Finding an Unexpected Romance in Europe - Trevi Fountain Rome

The most famous of fountains in Rome is, of course, the Trevi Fountain. It is said that if you stand with your back to the fountain and toss a coin over your left shoulder that you are guaranteed a return trip to Rome. But, did you know that there is a miniature fountain on the left side of the Trevi Fountain where legend says that if a couple drinks from the “small fountain of lovers” that they will be forever faithful to their partner?

Big Bus Rome



當在 巴塞羅納, no trip is complete without tapas, wine and a view of some of Antoni Gaudi’s amazing architecture.

從奇妙的永生建築大教堂聖家族教堂到他的家,上面蓋滿了奇妙的瓷磚馬賽克,這就是CasaBatiló (見下文) to an afternoon spent in Park Güell. When you look at Gaudi’s metal work, carpentry and plasterwork in all his projects all you see are sensual curves, and undulating patterns — it’s as if he didn’t like square corners or straight lines. You don’t have to be a lover of architecture to marvel at his creative, imaginative mind.

Finding an Unexpected Romance in Europe by Calculated Traveller

The next time you are planning a trip to Europe for some art, history, culture and food, don’t be surprised if you find a little unplanned romance too.

By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。

1 comment

  1. 威尼斯是我有史以來第一個列入“遺願清單”的城市。我可能只有9或10歲,而佩佩·勒·皮尤(Pepe Le Pew)的漫畫在吊船上漂浮在城市中時,卻失去了他的愛,這使我勝過。那是將近50年前,我還沒去過威尼斯!

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