
Taling Chan Floating Market

You can lead a Man to a Fish Market…

Wherever I travel, I like to see the “local”.

Local streets, local restaurants and of course local markets – that’s the only way that you’ll be able to see what life is genuinely like and immerse yourself in the culture of the place you are visiting.


I asked a few of my fellow travel writers to share some of the fish markets that they’ve visited. Enjoy!


Taling Chan Floating Market

塔林陳水上市場在 曼谷 has the freshest catch – its almost as if they reach over from the side of their boat, scoop them right out of the water, season and stuff them with herbs and then toss them directly into the wok and onto your plate. 安東尼·布爾登(Anthony Bourdain) 許多年前,我參觀了這個市場,所以,我當然必須親自去體驗一下!

巴拿馬市的馬卡多·德·馬里斯科斯(Mercado de Mariscos)

panama city fish market

The seafood market in Panama City, Panama (or Mercado de Mariscos, as it’s called in Spanish) is THE place to go for fresh seafood. Here you can choose from a broad range of fish, lobster, shrimp, octopus and crab, all at amazingly low prices. This picture shows a range of fish for sale (including the most popular variety: Corvina, or White Sea Bass), and some mangoes for decoration. In the background, you can see a fish being filleted to order for a customer. The market is located on Panama Bay, at the southern end of the Cinta Costera Boulevard, just before Casco Viejo.

由Pening de Vine(《旅行的彭斯特》的作者和作者)貢獻


Tsukiji Fish Market

It’s 4 o’clock in the morning, and you’re still half asleep. Still, this is the best time to visit the Tsukiji fish market in 東京, Japan. At this hour of the day, the biggest fish market in the world is buzzing with small motor carts racing around, wet floors, loud auctions and tons of fresh fish around you. On the photo you see a giant tuna getting sliced into pieces. After your visit to Tsukiji, make sure to have some fresh sashimi in one of the nearby stalls. It can’t get any fresher than this!

由的Manouk Bob貢獻 一群背包客


Pike Place Fish Market


Pike Place Monk Fish market

Pike Place是一個成熟的露天農貿市場,靠近華盛頓州西雅圖市中心。魚市場擁有新鮮,可持續的魚,並擁有真正有趣的氛圍。員工以與客戶互動時彼此來回拋魚而聞名。最有名的可以說是他們的和尚魚,其目的是搶購毫無戒心的顧客!

由《從海岸到天際線》的凱蒂·盧茲(Katie Lutz)供稿



計算旅行者Lea在她的文章中談到了這個市場 對西西里美食的熱愛 article and how she had to hold her breath the majority of the time and look away from some of the sights of fish eyes staring straight into her soul….


Maine Avenue Fish Market

當在 華盛頓特區, Main Avenue Fish Market is the place to go. Located just South of the L’Enfant Plaza Metro Station you can find vendors galore. Just walk up to any booth, choose your catch, and they will cook it on the spot for you. There are also ready cooked items waiting for you in case you are in a hurry. Standing room only for eating though and bring some napkins and hand sanitizer because you are going to need it.

Maine Avenue Fish Market
Maine Avenue Fish Market
Maine Avenue Fish Market
Maine Avenue Fish Market
Maine Avenue Fish Market
Maine Avenue Fish Market
Maine Avenue Fish Market
Fish Markets Around the World - Photo Essay. Maine Avenue Fish Market.


By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。


    1. 我一直想去東京和那個著名的魚市場-據我了解,您必須在一天的早些時候到達那裡,但是從您的照片中我可以看出,這是完全值得的。非常感謝您的貢獻!

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