
Fort Worth Water Gardens, Fort Worth Texas - Active Water Pool

如果您正在尋找一個安靜的綠洲 (還有很多水) in downtown Fort Worth Texas, a stroll through the 4-acre 沃思堡水上花園 designed by architects Philip Johnson and John Burgee should be the first place you look.

Calculated Traveller Mary recently stayed at the Four Seasons Hotel directly across the street and stumbled upon this little gem when she went for a walk in the neighbourhood. Read her article 點評:德克薩斯州沃思堡喜來登水療酒店

Opened in 1974 the Fort Worth Water Gardens consists of a central square and event stage as well as 3 water features that you can walk through and explore. According to the signage onsite “每分鐘,有19,000加侖的水通過花園的10英里長的管道,流過7英里的擋土牆。”

The architecture is quite chaotic, considering it is built by one of the pioneers of early modern architecture: Philip Johnson. Johnson’s most famous work – the Glass House – seems a complete contrast to the Water Garden, though it continues a connection to the theme of a natural landscape.

The Water Garden itself is a true landscape – and sometimes I wonder how this even got built, considering the risk the various forms take with respect to public safety.

I almost appreciate the fact that no handrails were included – as that would have hindered the overall exploratory feel.

The original intent is clear – create an oasis that transports urban dwellers away from the city, and to a place hidden below the city – a “crater” to explore and engage the body.

The garden takes the form of cracked earth, water seeping and snaking through the massive concrete forms, spraying across the warm concrete but resulting in several waterfalls that only amplify the water’s auditory experience adding to the park.

It’s this chaotic release of nature and its natural flows that results in an almost calm atmosphere – it truly allows for an experience only matched by actually leaving the urban core and finding a far and remote waterfall or river.

Active Water Pool (photo above) consists of a waterfall with steps. There is a warning sign but as you can see in the photo many people walk down to the bottom platform for a closer view as mentioned previously there are no railings so definitely walk with caution.

Fort Worth Water Gardens, Fort Worth Texas -  Mountain

Mountain sits in the middle of the garden and is essentially terraced levels of concrete.

Fort Worth Water Gardens, Fort Worth Texas - Aerated Pool

Aerated Water Pool is full of water spray and mist but it was designed in such a way so that when you walk next to it you don’t get wet. There are 38 special nozzles, which spray 871 gallons of water per minute. Rainbows are a regular occurrence.

Fort Worth Water Gardens, Fort Worth Texas - Quiet Pool

Quiet Water Pool is located in the back of the gardens down a long set of narrow stairs to which water slowly drips down the sides. As you walk down the stairwell there is nothing to indicate what can be found at the bottom.

It isn’t until you turn the final corner at the bottom of the stairs that the large pool appears. With a mirror like surface on the water, its exactly as titled – a quiet, tranquil, secluded pool of water surrounded by trees…

The Fort Worth Water Garden a perfect place to escape and explore the next time you are visiting Fort Worth and is conveniently located next to the Fort Worth Convention Centre.

Fort Worth Water Gardens, Fort Worth Texas by Calculated Traveller


1502 Commerce St, Fort Worth, Texas 76102
Open daily from 7 am to 11:30 pm.

退房: Kimbell美術館的藝術和建築沃斯堡Tx

By Jamie M. Kwan

Jamie Kwan是加拿大安大略省多倫多市的多學科建築設計師和戰略家。雖然不是最大的冒險家,但他會竭盡所能地檢查並體驗城市中最隱藏的建築瑰寶……並找到有史以來最棒的烤奶酪三明治。

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