
A Gentleman's Guide to Vancouver BC - Calculated Traveller

加拿大是世界第二大國家,並且由於其規模和多樣性,它不僅是外界的謎團,也是其本國居民的謎團。作為多倫多人,飛往中歐的布拉格要比飛往加拿大西海岸的溫哥華要便宜。因此,當我從Via Rail得知可以從多倫多飛往溫哥華的廉價機票時,我想:“ Carpe diem!是我第一次加拿大冒險之旅的時候了!”

作為像這樣的雜誌的忠實粉絲 單片眼鏡 and the craft beer scene, I have always dreamed of visiting Vancouver because of its reputation for classy fashion, creativity and high standard of living. Since I was limited to three days, I had nowhere near enough time for mass exploration. In light of this, I decided to focus my time on having a “Gentleman’s Adventure.” This is a concept I have explored in cities like 溫尼伯多倫多。這個想法是,一個現代男人需要穿著漂亮的衣服,懂得如何喝酒,並具有無可挑剔的修飾才能被視為“紳士”。這樣做的原因是,如果一個人對自己感覺良好,他將在社會中發揮更好的作用,過著更幸福的生活。

After contacting the local tourism board, PR agencies and through some plain old fashion research, I came across some great places to check out and tours to better familiarise myself with the city. As a city, Vancouver is interesting. The public library downtown is modelled after the Coliseum in Rome, Chinatown and other main attractions are accessible by foot, and because of the city’s temperate climate, Stanley Park – the city’s biggest urban park – is accessible year round. With an absence of corporate head offices, the city has a huge focus on independent entrepreneurs.

大致了解這座城市的一種好方法是與 陸海之旅與冒險。我們對這座城市有了一個很好的概覽,圖片停下來的數量適中,而我的導遊非常樂意為您提供建議和遇到愚蠢問題的耐心。整個行程大約需要四個小時,可以讓客人在格蘭維爾島或他們的酒店下車。

Gentleman’s Guide to Drink in Vancouver

I will add full disclosure here that I love cocktails and I love beer, which makes this a perilous city for me! Because of Vancouver’s vicinity to Portland, Oregon, the 精釀啤酒現場 在城市中爆炸了,只能與維多利亞島媲美。由於瀏覽此啤酒場景可能會很困難,因此我與 溫哥華啤酒廠之旅。我們參觀了三個啤酒廠,儘管我品嚐了大量的啤酒,但我還是想說我剛剛刮過表面,我期待著我的下一次光臨!

Vancouver Brewery Tour Calculated Traveller

這次旅行給我印象最深的是 奧普斯酒店。這家位於耶魯鎮市區的精品酒店令人驚喜。除了色彩鮮豔的房間,當地藝術品展示和內置壁爐外,它還提供創意的客房服務菜單,搭配小吃搭配,包括熱奶油朗姆酒和美味的熱巧克力。品味奢華!

酒店的酒吧和餐廳“ La Portola”同樣令人讚嘆。在與Barry聊天時(如果我可以選擇下一個生活,他將和他一樣英俊和酷酷)在酒吧聊天,我學到了很多有關溫哥華當地精神文化的知識。他創造的雞尾酒濃郁的風味給我留下了深刻的印象。作為波旁威士忌愛好者,我不得不說它們都很美味。新近裝修的酒吧為客人提供了一個享用第一杯飲料並在城市過夜之前閒逛的好地方。也有謠言說,早餐時間在酒吧里出現了甜甜圈,令家庭和遭受宿醉的人感到高興。

我在餐廳的經歷 La Pentola was equally as fantastic. This restaurant specialises in Northern Italian cuisine and makes their pasta and sausage in-house. Since the restaurant has a family style approach, multi-course options are offered at around $70.00 per person – very affordable for the quality of the food. We enjoyed a parade of oysters, lamb, and lobster-stuffed tortellini with squid ink sauce. Like the hotel bar, Martin, the restaurant bartender, did a fantastic job. He was explaining to me he had studied flavours popular in 1920s Italy and infused them with his own. I did experiment with a couple of these cocktails, and the euphoria has blended into flavours of sambuca, limoncello and blood orange. All amazing. My favourite was a cocktail called “Rosabianca” – who knew rose syrup and sambuca went well together?

Gentleman's Adventure in Vancouver British Columbia

霍克斯沃思餐廳, is a fantastic restaurant located in the Rosewood Hotel Georgia (one of the most luxurious hotels in Vancouver – think gold leaf, marble and elegant design). Businessmen in expensive suits, well-dressed ladies, and a serving staff that could double in Calvin Klein ads are everywhere. As the restaurant changes with the season, you can see a variety of local ingredients infused into the dishes such as a plate of raw fish with green apple, ramen noodles, scallops and tofu in a Malaysian style sauce. However, their in-house hamburger is very popular, and it is a little comical to see the juxtaposition of a man in a three-piece suit devouring a burger.


有一天,在溫哥華的另一場冒險活動中,我希望去看看“ Prohibition”,這是一家秘密的1920年代風格的酒吧,據說最近在酒店開業。祝您好運,找到酒店旁邊的暗門!

Gentleman’s Guide to Grooming in Vancouver

像加拿大其他許多城市一樣,溫哥華的理髮店也有所增加。該市最傑出的公司之一是 理髮師和公司 Though it is rare to see the old-school barbershop as a chain, I was told these guys have locations all over the city but was assured each site has its own charm and uniqueness. Though I can’t comment on the other locations, I loved my experience at their shop in the financial district at 905 Dunsmuir St, Vancouver BC.

Barber and Co. Vancouver British Columbia


Gentleman’s Guide to Dress in Vancouver

As a rule of thumb, I never tell men how to dress. One man’s Sinatra is another man’s Elton John; both fabulous, but just different. From what I have seen, the epicentre of fashion in the city is Gastown. This once rough area has cleaned up nicely and is now a beautifully lit neighbourhood with bars and boutiques converted from old warehouses and other industrial space. Here you will find expensive boutiques and pop-up shops like Indochine, who make bespoke dress shirts and suits, as well as the Monocle shop, which brings the best of fashion, grooming and art from all over the world.

我的小巷上方是Main Street,也被稱為Mount Pleasant地區。該社區將通過其老式布鋪,獨立時裝店和咖啡店的混合,甚至使最艱難的時髦者融為一體。哦,還有一兩個理髮店和紋身店!我在四處流浪,與友好的商店老闆交談,尋找價格實惠且折衷的服裝來突顯我的服裝,這很有趣。

I was sad that my adventure in Vancouver had come to an end – not only for the sun or the abundance of cheap Japanese fast food but the overall vibe the city gave off. After a day drinking my way through the city and meeting awesome bar tenders, getting a great shave and looking through countless boutiques, I had reached the ultimate goal of a gentleman: I felt awesome! I had a mere taste of Vancouver, and now I want more. I may just skip that trip to Europe and return to the West Coast and explore Victoria. Who’s with me?

A Gentleman's Adventure in Vancouver British Columbia by Calculated Traveller



By Michael Soncina

邁克爾·松奇納(Michael Soncina)是馬尼托巴省溫尼伯市的一名可持續旅遊業愛好者。他住在新加坡,花了很多時間在WOWOOFing上,並作為青年志願者在日本各地工作。他對冒險的熱愛將他帶到了中亞,通過一系列令人難忘的經歷,他愛上了該地區。在他的帶領下,他在旅遊業工作了10多年,在過去的六年中,他擔任豪華旅遊公司Tauck的旅遊總監。他有幸帶領整個歐洲和日本進行了無數次旅行。他的下一個項目是他自己的旅行社, 松奇納旅遊和活動,位於溫尼伯。邁克爾旅行團的主要特色是他在每次旅行中都留下了自己的個性,同時他還為那些來該省旅行的人提供了旅行計劃的幫助。

1 comment

  1. 看到您的紳士一天在電影中的冒險真是太酷了!我希望看到您與商店老闆聊天,品嚐美食和飲料。您的描述性和塗色文字使我對您的冒險經歷有一個很好的了解,但是與您一起欣賞和欣賞風景和聲音真是太酷了!繼續!

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