
Glamping it UP at Long Point Eco-Adventures Ontario

“Glamping” is a mash-up of the words “glamour” and “camping” and after staying in a wilderness suite at Long Point Eco-Adventures, two hours from Toronto Ontario on the shores of Lake Erie in 諾福克郡,豪華露營是我當然可以習慣於再次做的事情。

To be clear — I do not enjoy camping. I’ve tried camping twice, and it didn’t “take”. Sleeping on the ground is not for me.

My husband, on the other hand, is a hardcore camper. He doesn’t just “car camp” at a park campsite using the facilities provided. Nope. Hubby and his group of friends go into full survivor mode. They drive hours into the country, park their car, load all their belongings into kayaks/canoes, then paddle to a secluded island and dig a hole for use as a toilet.

As you can well imagine, we don’t see eye to eye when it comes to camping.


Glamping — More Glamour / Less Camping

我知道當我們辦理入住手續時,我在做非常不同的事情 長點生態冒險 每個人都拿到了一個皮革檔案袋,其中包含有關該大院的信息,這是我們各個荒野套房的鑰匙。然後,高爾夫球車來接我的行李,工作人員把我送到了甜蜜的套房!

進入Suite 7之後,我就一個人呆了。興奮超載時間!

Glamping it UP at Long Point Eco-Adventures Ontario


  • 豪華床上用品,浴袍和亞麻
  • 雙人區電熱毯,在毛絨特大號床上,帶有蓬鬆的枕頭
  • 硬木地板上的地毯
  • 露台滑動門鎖,帶Adirondack椅子的私人甲板
  • 電加熱器和立式風扇
  • 一桌兩椅
  • 私人連接浴室帶外部熱水花灑淋浴和沖水馬桶
  • 太陽能和電燈
  • 時鐘收音機和閱讀燈
  • 免費WiFi
  • 迷你冰箱
  • 環保洗浴用品
  • 無菸
  • 24小時現場工作人員

Glamping it UP at Long Point Eco-Adventures Ontario - Interior

I have to mention this because I think it’s very thoughtful of the gang at Long Point Eco-Adventures, but the key to my suite was on a carabineer, and it also included a flashlight! No worries about losing my key or losing my way in the dark.

At first sight, the wilderness suites seem to be very close together. When in reality there is a lot of privacy built into the layout and landscaping. I kept my side window panels open the entire time I was there to allow the natural light to shine in — the tall grass plantings on either side of the unit and the overhanging dome blocked the view of any wandering eyes.

Long Point Eco-Adventures可以做什麼?



Glamping it UP at Long Point Eco-Adventures Ontario - Map

拉鍊線 (它們有八條線和兩個吊橋),釣魚/皮划艇/乘船遊覽,SUP,遠足和騎自行車 (75公里小徑) 冒險都在等著你。 Long Point生態冒險樂園位於聯合國教科文組織的北部 長點世界生物圈保護區土耳其點省立公園.



Glamping it UP at Long Point Eco-Adventures Ontario - Observation Tower

A professional facility with a state of the art 16-inch telescope able to see 100 million light-years away is on site and available every night (weather permitting) for viewing. With the help of staff, we were able to see Saturn and Mars. Even without the assistance of the telescope, from the vantage point of the treetop observation deck and your binoculars, you’re able to see the stars.

Glamping it UP at Long Point Eco-Adventures Ontario - Bonfire


Glamping it UP at Long Point Eco-Adventures Ontario


Brrr…It’s 7:30 in the morning and I just took the fastest shower I’ve ever had in my entire life. I’m one of those girls who has a systematic bathing regime – an order of events that takes 15-20 minutes to complete.

Glamping it UP at Long Point Eco-Adventures Ontario


To be truthful, I did rush back inside, throw on the fluffy bathrobe that Long Point Eco-Adventures left for me in my suite and got back under the electric blanket on my bed. I’m still a wilderness wimp after all!

Glamping it UP at Long Point Eco-Adventures Ontario - Breakfast

包含在您住宿中的早餐從7 AM到11 AM在Kambuka帳篷中提供,包括熱的,新鮮烹製的和豐盛的美食。菜單上有當地麵包,炒雞蛋,香腸,土豆,法式吐司以及各種冷熱穀物和飲料。一切都如預期的那樣,都是自助的。

荒野套房在任何時候都不允許進食,但不要擔心午餐;在屢獲殊榮的27英畝的Burning Kiln葡萄園,步行不遠或乘坐高爾夫球車即可在街對面享用晚餐。他們還提供野餐裝箱和葡萄酒。


Glamping in UP at Long Point Eco-Adventures St. Williams Ontario - Dining at Burning Kiln Winery

餐飲服務可在 窯燒酒廠 五月至九月。主廚斯科特·麥克雷(Scott McRae)指導下的美食 大衛餐廳 在附近的多佛港(Port Dover)非常出色,而且令人驚訝的是,所有這些都是在停放在露台外面的食物拖車中生產的。

Glamping in UP at Long Point Eco-Adventures St. Williams Ontario - Dining at Burning Kiln Winery

Speaking of wine — since you are coming here to eat you might as well indulge yourself in some of their excellent award-winning wines with a tasting and a tour. (我最喜歡的是2014年甜葉雷司令)


Glamping in UP at Long Point Eco-Adventures St. Williams Ontario - Dining at Burning Kiln Winery - Aranchini Balls


Glamping in UP at Long Point Eco-Adventures St. Williams Ontario - Dining at Burning Kiln Winery - Fish Cakes

– When in this part of Ontario, one just has to order the perch without question.

Glamping in UP at Long Point Eco-Adventures St. Williams Ontario - Dining at Burning Kiln Winery - Cauliflower

– Amazing! It’s meant to be an entrée, but we shared this as an appetiser. Next time I eat here — I’m not sharing sorry! (wink).

Glamping in UP at Long Point Eco-Adventures St. Williams Ontario - Dining at Burning Kiln Winery - Steak

– Perfectly cooked, perfectly satisfying

Glamping in UP at Long Point Eco-Adventures St. Williams Ontario - Dining at Burning Kiln Winery - Dessert

– Perfect end to a perfect meal.


Glamping in UP at Long Point Eco-Adventures St. Williams Ontario - Dining at Burning Kiln Winery - Tasting Room


I think a return trip is in order…

I had a unique luxury glamping experience at Long Point Eco-Adventures, and although I didn’t get to try the zip line, explore the hiking trails or take a kayak out for a run, I still had a fabulous, memorable time.

Long Point Eco-Adventures offers various one-night and two-night pre-set packages, but you can also create a custom package with the help of the staff. Another cool accommodation option they have to offer is their brand-new wilderness pods (AKA “hobbit huts”). They are smoke-free with comfy deluxe beds (queen or 2 twins), heat, electricity, linens, and private decks but without the ensuite bath — located nearby are shared facilities.

Glamping it UP at Long Point Eco-Adventures Ontario - "Hobbit Huts"

Long Point Eco-Adventures的未來計劃是提供全方位服務的廚房,室內舒適站和室內會議中心。

Glamping it UP at Long Point Eco-Adventures Ontario. A glamourous camping experience in Ontario's SouthWest Canada by Calculated Traveller


閱讀有關的更多評論 在TripAdvisor上的Long Point生態冒險.
查看燃燒窯的評論 這裡.

提供的旅行協助 諾福克郡旅遊安大略西南旅遊.

Have you tried Glamping before? I’d love to hear about it so that I can put it on my list.

Check out more good eats in Ontario’s Southwest:

By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。


  1. 看起來很棒!奇怪的是,引起我最大關注的照片是炸花椰菜…炸花椰菜在我的“五大食物清單”上,在美國,很難在菜單上找到它。但是整個體驗看起來很舒適又有趣。我將把這件事傳遞給我所有喜歡露營的丈夫的家人,但他們討厭露營!

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