紐約沃特金斯格倫的Graft Wine and Cider Bar

Graft Wine and Cider Bar, Watkins Glen New York - Exterior view

在紐約州北部手指湖地區的沃特金斯格倫(Watkins Glen)小鎮,市區幾乎只有幾個街區,我最後發現的就是格拉夫特葡萄酒(Graft Wine)和蘋果酒酒吧(Cider Bar)。

沃特金斯格倫(Watkins Glen)有酒吧和餐館,例如 野花咖啡館和彎曲的公雞, as well as the requisite Chinese restaurant, ice cream shop and pizza joint but a fine dining wine and cider bar – no that’s entirely unexpected.

嫁接葡萄酒和蘋果酒酒吧 不豪華。沒有女主人就座,也沒有著裝要求,這使它成為與美食和好朋友一起度過輕鬆輕鬆的夜晚的理想之地。

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Graft Wine and Cider Bar的Eye Spy

Graft Wine and Cider Bar, Watkins Glen New York

The atmosphere and decor is relaxed, and elegant in style but with a quirky, unexpected side to it. Look around, and it’s like a childhood game of Eye Spy – 用我的小眼睛監視間諜,在酒吧的石頭上放一個塑料鯊魚玩具… or perhaps 酒吧架子上的一個小型機器人。這些小秘密發現隱藏在純淨的視野中,使我感到手頭有個玩笑。它增加了Graft Wine和Cider Bar的魅力,隱藏在裝飾中的這些小玩具讓您在尋找更多隱藏秘密的同時,也能保持精力充沛!

Graft Wine and Cider Bar, Watkins Glen New York - Interior view

There aren’t a lot of tables in the restaurant, but even if there is a seat by the window available, I suggest you sit at the bar as we did. Bar seating adds to the small town charm and the overall experience of dining at Graft Wine Bar plus, that’s where you’ll get maximum face-time with the excellent, friendly staff who proved to be thoroughly capable and willing to suggest wine pairings or offer menu suggestions. The menu changes regularly with availability, season and the whims of the Chef, and that’s the sign, in my opinion, of a restaurant with good eats.



Graft Wine and Cider Bar, Watkins Glen New York Ithaca Soda Company Ginger Beer

– When in 羅馬 或在這種情況下,紐約手指湖(Finger Lakes New York)遍布整個葡萄酒產區,您可以隨意使用各種當地葡萄酒,啤酒和蘋果酒,但就我而言,我選擇了無酒精飲料並嘗試了當地的Ginger Beer;味道十足,還有完美的無酒替代品。


– Freshly baked and comforting this baguette is just as it should be with a crusty exterior and soft interior. Perfect to pair with mussels so that you can soak up the delicious sauce.


Graft Wine and Cider Bar, Watkins Glen New York Blue Point Oysters baked with bacon, shallots and cream

– Another big hit on my list, these oysters were rich and creamy with that touch of smoke from the bacon. A perfect meal starter or go all out and order more oysters and make this your meal.


Graft Wine and Cider Bar, Watkins Glen New York Steamed Mussels with coconut milk broth, sweet onions, fresh ginger, local garlic and tatsoi

– Fragrant and comforting. I must admit that we ordered too much food and tried as we might, we could not finish this entire dish. My suggestion is that you order this one first to ensure you are able to eat the whole plate because you are going to want to complete every single morsel. As mentioned, make sure you order the baguette for dipping into the coconut milk broth sauce.


Graft Wine and Cider Bar, Watkins Glen New York Ricotta gnocchi with sage brown butter, toasted walnuts, roasted Chioggia beets and brussels sprouts

– All I kept thinking while eating this healthy dish was “where have you been all my life?” Perfect for the vegetarian, this salad is ideal for sharing, but you might want to be greedy and keep it all to yourself (這個念頭確實讓我念念不忘)。面柔軟柔軟,與甜菜和球芽甘藍的泥土搭配得很好。我有說過這有多好吃嗎?


Graft Wine and Cider Bar, Watkins Glen New York Savoury Lamb and Brown Ale Pie

– Off the chalkboard at the back of the room, this special of the day was pure comfort food of local lamb shoulder, mushrooms and rosemary wrapped in puff pastry.

As you can well imagine, this dinner for two did not allow our stomachs to order dessert, but next time I’m in town I’ll plan ahead and save room for the house-made pie of the day because I’m sure it would be outstanding.

Looking for a gourmet meal, friendly staff and a delightful evening out when in Watkins Glen New York check out Graft Wine and Cider Bar — you might find me sitting at the bar eating some oysters!

Graft Wine and Cider Bar, Watkins Glen New York Steamed Mussels with coconut milk broth, sweet onions, fresh ginger, local garlic and tatsoi |  #travel #NewYork #FingerLakes #WatkinsGlen #restaurant #wine #bar #cider


紐約州沃特金斯格倫204 N Franklin St,14891,

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提供旅行協助的人 參觀羅切斯特。所表達的所有觀點完全是我自己的觀點。


By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。

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