
Great Choices in Grand Cayman Resorts

Grand Cayman has undergone significant growth in the past few years. There is a steady rise in local population as well as the number of tourists that regularly visit the island. New commercial and residential properties have surfaced and so have a large number of resorts that cater to every type of tourist and budget. The popular resorts and hotels are ideally located and offer easy access to major tourist attractions of the Grand Cayman Islands. Enjoy duty-free shopping as well as excellent restaurants in the island’s capital.

住在以下任何一個度假勝地,都是在Cayman Islands充分利用假期的理想居所。這些酒店和度假村的清新現代內飾旨在營造島上輕鬆的氛圍。


在佈置精美的客房中放鬆身心,或者一邊享受美食,一邊欣賞壯麗的景色和壯麗的日落美景。 大開曼島萬豪海灘度假酒店 是探索充滿活力的海底世界的理想場所。得益於附近的人工珊瑚礁,您可以安排潛水旅行並在海灘附近享受浮潛。


金銀島酒店的生活煥然一新,因為它變成了一家 瑪格麗塔維爾海灘度假村. Shaking off the old and somewhat faded look, redevelopment plans are underway. The new resort will boast nearly three hundred rooms with special designated kid’s zones plus multiple bars.

Great Choices in Grand Cayman Resorts


麗思卡爾頓酒店 是七英里海灘上最好的度假勝地之一。在島西海岸的壯麗,可步行的珊瑚沙灘上悠閒散步。在這家新鮮的藍色海邊的豪華酒店裡,體驗難忘的回憶。在Stingray City進行令人難忘的游泳,或在輕輕漂浮的水上吊床上放鬆。


被棕櫚樹和海灘所包圍, 假日度假村 擁有世界上最令人嘆為觀止的目的地之一,從海灘或海邊游泳池即可欣賞到夢幻般的日出美景。乘坐免費班車前往餐廳或觀光區。



By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。

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