
Horseback Riding with Painted Bar Stables at Watkins Glen NY - Trail riding Burdette New York

“來蘇格蘭吧” 我對我從紐約沃特金斯格倫(Watkins Glen New York)的彩繪馬St(Painted Bar Stables)騎著一匹美麗的棕色馬小聲說著,她小心翼翼地走在我們周圍田野的水坑里,試圖避開泥濘。

An American Paint Horse, “Double my Scotch” is named for the drink, not the candy (although the name Butterscotch fits just as well). Scotch has a personality and a mind of her own as she ignores my gentle tug on her reigns and my pleading whispers. She is being a bit of a princess and doesn’t want to get muddy. But I also think that Scotch senses that I’m an inexperienced newbie rider because an inexperienced rider is what I am.

Horseback Riding with Painted Bar Stables at Watkins Glen NY - Double my Scotch

我的講師,所有者的所有者Erika Eckstrom較早地學習了騎馬的方法 彩繪馬St, this is my first ever attempt at riding a horse and Scotch is entirely correct in her assumption of my abilities. A pro, Scotch can navigate this trail with her eyes closed — I could sit here and enjoy the journey but I’m supposed to be learning how to ride her, and I vow that I will.

Horseback Riding with Painted Bar Stables at Watkins Glen NY by Calculated Traveller


Horseback Riding with Painted Bar Stables at Watkins Glen New York

It’s early springtime in Watkins Glen New York or more precisely Schuyler County, and there are still remnants of the snowy winter all around us. There is a chill in the air, and I catch glimpses of my breath, but the cold doesn’t bother me. I’m having a blast and this moment I’m sharing with my new friend Scotch is slowly being etched into my memories with each clop clop clop of her hooves as we explore the surrounding woods.

Horseback Riding with Painted Bar Stables at Watkins Glen NY

隨著對景觀的探索不斷發展,騎手和馬匹之間的自信心和舒適度不斷提高,我們在微微的山丘上上下行駛,並在樹木和灌木叢周圍迴旋。一路上學習其他生活在Painted Bar Stables,Watkins Glen,Finger Lakes和Finger Lakes National Forest的馬匹。

In silence we ride…

Horseback Riding with Painted Bar Stables at Watkins Glen NY

As our ride progresses, we stop talking. In silence, we can hear the breathing of the horses mixed with the rustling of the trees in the wind and the distant sound of the nearby stream. It’s peaceful, relaxing and tranquil.


Horseback Riding with Painted Bar Stables at Watkins Glen NY

It’s a picture perfect moment. The sound of the water as it flows over the rocks in the stream, the slight brush of the breeze on our faces as we sit atop our horses watching them drink the refreshingly cold water. I close my eyes, breathe in the fresh air and savour this moment.


I stroke Scotch’s beautiful mane, shut my eyes tight and wish like a little girl for a pony of my own for my birthday — wishful thinking for this old city girl. I’ll have to make due with this beautiful memory until I return to Watkins Glen and Painted Bar Stables.

Horseback Riding with Painted Bar Stables at Watkins Glen NY with Calculated Traveller | #horse #trail #ride #NewYork #WatkinsGlen #FingerLakes #USA #travel




Horseback Riding with Painted Bar Stables at Watkins Glen NY | #FIngerLakes #NewYork #USA #outdoors #horse #trail #riding #travel

– Wear long pants, and long sleeves since you are riding through the woods and want to protect your skin.
– Wear close-toed shoes that have a separate heel – so that your shoes don’t slip through the stirrups.
– If bringing a camera/cellphone to take photos, ensure you have a strap so that you don’t drop it while riding.
– Best to lock up your belongings in your car so that you enjoy the ride hands-free.

我們住在沃特金斯格倫港酒店,發現它很可愛,可以欣賞海港景色。好處是,這是到彩繪馬St的快速車程。請繼續關注Watkins Glen Harbor Hotel的專題文章。
同時, 在TripAdvisor上查看酒店評論.

閱讀有關的評論 TripAdvisor上的彩繪馬St.

紐約沃特金斯格倫的Graft Wine and Cider Bar

了解我們在德克薩斯州阿馬里洛的野外騎行體驗 這裡.

我是Painted Bar Stables的客人,沒有評論或批准這個故事。 Calculated Traveler對在此網站上發布的所有內容保持完全的編輯控制權。

By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。

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