iClever IC-BTS02藍牙無線揚聲器評測

iClever IC-BTS02 Bluetooth Wireless Speaker


過去,我們一直在使用 iHome水晶調諧器便攜式揚聲器 但是最近我們有機會測試了 iClever IC-BTS02藍牙無線音箱 這就是我們的想法。

iClever IC-BTS02藍牙無線音箱




揚聲器裝在一個外觀很普通的藍色紙板箱中,上面有小字樣,將揚聲器標識為iClever IC-BTS02。盒子的背面有技術規格列表。

iClever IC-BTS02 Bluetooth Wireless Speaker


The “WOW” factor finally introduces itself when you take the speaker out of the clear bag. The speaker looks beautiful!! It’s elegant and sophisticated cube-like shape along with its glossy metallic mirror-like finish immediately catches your eyes.


iClever IC-BTS02藍牙無線揚聲器規格

  • 藍牙兼容V4.0
  • 5瓦RMS功率
  • 全頻45毫米揚聲器
  • 500 mAH鋰聚合物電池可播放8-10小時
  • 尺寸為64.5(長)x 64.5(寬)x 70.1(高)毫米或(2.5 X 2.5 X 2.7英寸)
  • 重量為261克或(9盎司)


iClever IC-BTS02 Bluetooth Wireless Speaker




iClever IC-BTS02藍牙無線揚聲器在運行

iClever IC-BTS02的音質出色,聲音清晰悅耳,高音質無明顯失真。

This speaker may not satisfy some audiophile’s need for hi-fi sound because of the speaker’s limited size and its inability to produce thumping bass notes. Its niche is to quickly fill an average room with bright/crisp sounds along moderate bass levels while in a comfortable listening environment.

I didn’t use the hands-free phone connect feature but was glad to know it’s there if needed. Also, there was no detectable change in sound quality when linked to either Bluetooth or the auxiliary connection.

Over the test period, I averaged 8-9 hours of music time at moderate volumes, to fully recharge the speaker with a 1.8 amp adapter it needed about 2.5 hours. The recharge time may vary depending on your adapter’s amperage.


  • 優雅時尚的設計
  • 很好的音量和聲音清晰度
  • 電池續航時間長
  • 物超所值

iClever IC-BTS02 Bluetooth Wireless Speaker


  • 聲音/音軌和電源控件位於揚聲器的底部,因此使用起來不方便
  • 光滑的金屬表面容易顯示指紋和污垢


Overall, the iClever IC-BTS02 Bluetooth Wireless Speaker is artfully designed, well priced and sounded great for a compact speaker. Now, my major dilemma is that this speaker is so elegantly sculptured and finished that I don’t want any scratches or dirt on it.

In my opinion, it’s too “nice” for a suitcase or backpack where it could get scratched and dirty. Its place is to look pretty while sitting on my desk getting attentive looks from others as they walk by all while playing beautiful music.

Ahem, settle down everyone… this one’s mine.

Hisgadget Inc. 提供了 iClever IC-BTS02藍牙無線音箱 用於測試目的。這與我對此項目的評論無關。一如既往,我所有的意見都是我自己的。

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By Ray Chong

Ray Chong居住在加拿大安大略省多倫多市。作為一個狂熱的旅行者,戶外活動者和討價還價獵人,雷(Ray)希望留在幕後並隱居在計算旅行者(Calculated Traveller)中,但偶爾會成為中心和中心,分享旅行優惠並撰寫有關健康,自然,汽車和遊輪的話題。有人稱他為拉蒙·德拉克魯斯(Ramon de la Cruise),但瑪麗稱他為老公。

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