Intocircuit Power Castle 15,000 mAh移動電源評測

Intocircuit Power Castle 15,000 mAh Power Bank Review

我有機會從輕量級的3000 mAh移動電源轉換為重量級的電源 IntoCircuit Power Castle 15,0000 mAh移動電源 (第二代)。

My mind was spinning as I thought of the Tim Allen “Home Improvement” TV Series where he was always overwhelmed by a super-charged power tool. I also thought about those days in my youth when I would drive my Dad’s Buick fitted with the strength of a V8 gas guzzling engine instead of my Mazda 3’s environmentally friendly engine.


Cruising with a “Testosterone” Loaded Power Bank


出乎意料的是,考慮到便攜式移動電源的15,000 mAh容量,該設備採用相對較小的包裝。

12.5(長)x 7(寬)x 2(深)厘米


移動電源看起來很堅固,堅固的鋁製外殼中帶有令人愉悅的藍色藍寶石色。它的尺寸類似於Samsung Mini智能手機的尺寸,可輕鬆放入錢包,公文包或大衣口袋中。

Intocircuit Power Castle 15,000 mAh Power Bank Review

移動電源的正面有一個方便編號的% LED顯示屏讀數,可顯示可用電量,並且有一個指示燈可顯示正在使用的USB端口。

Intocircuit Power Castle 15,000 mAh Power Bank Review



Intocircuit Power Castle 15,000 mAh Power Bank Review

Dual USB (2.1A &1A) output ports where up to 2 devices can be charging at the same time along with micro-USB port functions as an input to recharge the power bank. For convenience, a small light on the cap can be turned on/off with the little button next to the display readout. The unit also has “SmartID” technology to ensure maximum charging efficiency of your devices in the USB output ports. I have no way to confirm this claim however based on the power bank’s performance; it recharged all of my devices without any issues.


  • Lenovo S6000 tablet was fully recharged from 10% to 100% in about 4 hours using about 50% of the power bank’s capacity.
  • Blackberry Bold智能手機需要1個小時。充電並使用15%的電源。
  • Sansa Fuze mp3播放器 (don’t laugh I still use one) 需要20分鐘和5%電源。
  • My other test observations revealed that when fully charged, the power bank’s stored capacity could recharge my tablet 2x’s and the Blackberry phone 7x’s.

Overall, I was very happy with the IntoCircuit’s 15,000 mAh capacity and efficiency; especially when compared to the 3,000 mAh power bank I was previously using.

Intocircuit Power Castle 15,000 mAh Power Bank Review

Conclusion: IntoCircuit Power Castle 15,000 mAh Power Bank (2nd Gen)

總之,IntoCircuit Power Castle 15,000 mAh Power Castle使用簡單,堅固耐用,非常便於日常使用或幾天旅行。現在,我可以放心了,不必擔心會離開電源或耗盡充電容量。


我使用了Blackberry 1.8A 120V AC適配器,它需要4個小時才能為移動電源充滿電,而1A AC適配器可能要花費8個小時才能達到滿容量。

我計劃將移動電源帶到3天的野外露營旅行中,享受為平板電腦加電以在篝火旁看電影或享受mp3播放器上我最喜歡的Bob Marley音調放鬆的奢華享受。


IRIE !!!

我收到了 IntoCircuit Power Castle 15,0000 mAh移動電源 出於以下目的 HISGADGET Inc.這與我對此項目的評論無關。一如既往,我所有的意見都是我自己的。

閱讀更多 旅遊科技評論 在計算的旅行者上。

By Ray Chong

Ray Chong居住在加拿大安大略省多倫多市。作為一個狂熱的旅行者,戶外活動者和討價還價獵人,雷(Ray)希望留在幕後並隱居在計算旅行者(Calculated Traveller)中,但偶爾會成為中心和中心,分享旅行優惠並撰寫有關健康,自然,汽車和遊輪的話題。有人稱他為拉蒙·德拉克魯斯(Ramon de la Cruise),但瑪麗稱他為老公。

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