起飛:劉易斯·N·克拉克(Lewis N Clark)壓縮襪和壓縮包裝工

Taking Flight with Lewis N Clark Compression Socks and Compression Packers


COMPRESSION is defined as “the effect, result, or consequence of being compressed” and the word COMPRESS is defined as “to press together; force into less space.”

How does “pressing together” and being “forced into less space” have to do with travel you ask? Well, read on fellow travellers…

A Tale of 2 Compressions – Socks and Packers

我剛發現的一個新產品是 Lewis N Clark飛行壓縮襪。這些男女通用的小腿襪子專門為預防深靜脈血栓形成(DVT)而製造,可提供逐步的腿部壓力,以改善飛行時的血液循環。這些不適用於腿部靜脈曲張的人,但適合那些尋求不太緊繃的輕度壓縮的人。

Lewis N Clark飛行壓縮襪







忠實的讀者知道,我們定期 僅隨身攜帶 並且拒絕支付與托運行李相關的額外費用。

As a result, we’ve come to rely on various packing accessories to help keep our bags organised such as 包裝立方體 和壓縮封隔器。

Lewis N. Clark壓縮包裝機,三包

小:20英寸x 14英寸
中:23英寸x 16英寸
大:28英寸x 18英寸

壓縮封隔器 通過壓縮諸如毛衣之類的笨重物品,非常適合在家里和行李箱中節省空間。

它們是如何工作的,您可以將物品整齊地折疊起來,然後放入袋中。來回移動滑動封口幾次,將袋子密封好,然後將袋子放在牢固的表面上,並從拉鍊末端開始,滾動袋子,並通過底部的單向閥將空氣排出。 (我發現緩慢坐著並通過減輕體重來節省一些肌肉力量很有幫助) 要重新打開袋子,只需在中間拉開拉鍊即可。

I like to use the bag size that fits my suitcase perfectly so that it will lay flat and I don’t need to fold it in half. I travel to my destination with the bag empty, and then on my way back, I put my dirty laundry inside it for the return trip. I typically only use them on the return journey home since that’s when I need more space for all the souvenirs I’ve collected.

Lewis N. Clark Compression Packers

Another reason why I only use them on the return trip back is that I find that the pure act of compressing your clothes causes wrinkles. It isn’t a huge issue if you use it for soft clothing such as sweaters or sweatshirts but for anything that isn’t wrinkle-free, using a compression bag for packing causes a tonne of wrinkles so be careful.


Taking Flight with Lewis N Clark Compression Socks and Compression Packers - A review by Calculated Traveller

我收到了用於測試目的的樣品產品 劉易斯·克拉克。這項審查沒有給我經濟上的補償。所有意見完全是我自己的。


By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。

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