
Local Fare Delights at Ontario’s Southwest City Fare 2016

Organised by the Ontario’s Southwest Tourism and iYellow Wine Club, City Fare 2016 brought together the best of food and drink from Ontario’s Elgin, Windsor-Essex, Chatham-Kent, Norfolk, Middlesex, Sarnia-Lambton, Oxford, and Haldimand counties. This event allowed Toronto and area residents a rare treat of sampling the best fare and drink vendors from these areas under one roof, without having to make the 2 to 4-hour journey.

Local Fare Delights at Ontario’s Southwest City Fare 2016 - Colio Estate Wines

我的第一站是 科里奧莊園葡萄酒,還有什麼比喝一杯清爽乾淨的起泡酒Lily更好的開始活動的方法了。作為該酒廠最古老的產品之一,難怪它被吹捧為科里奧最大的成就之一-它可能是我擁有的最好的起泡酒。您可能會認識到科里奧(Colio)最受歡迎的品牌之一“女孩之夜(Girl's Night Out)”,其中有各种红色,白色和其他與葡萄酒相關的產品(您好,桑格利亞汽酒!)。 Colio Estates最初由三名意大利瓦工在1980年建造,在溫莎郊外的安大略省哈羅市擁有200英畝的葡萄園。市場營銷副總裁Danielle Giroux的採訪顯示,科里奧成功的關鍵在於房地產。葡萄園位於與北加利福尼亞和意大利的托斯卡納地區相似的緯度。氣候是加拿大最長的生長季節之一,氣候使葡萄在葡萄藤上成熟,使其成為生產紅葡萄酒的理想之選。吉魯(Giroux)透露,科里奧(Corio)面臨的最大挑戰是兩年前,由於嚴冬的影響,它不得不重建一半的葡萄園。但是,科里奧(Corio)希望在全加拿大範圍內推廣自己的葡萄酒,並且基於其艱苦奮鬥和決心的根基,未來將在精釀啤酒和可能的精釀酒市場中擴大其市場。專業,有條理和精緻的Colio Estates絕對是我要參觀的酒莊之一。

Local Fare Delights at Ontario’s Southwest City Fare 2016 - Gunn's Hill Cheese

方便地,距離酒店僅幾步之遙 岡恩山奶酪位於牛津縣安大略省乳製品之都伍德斯托克(Woodstock)外面。 Gunn's Hill生產五種主要類型的奶酪,但全年還攜帶其他多種奶酪,還為阿米甚當地居民提供綿羊和水牛奶酪。它只有5年的歷史,是一家相對年輕的奶酪工廠,已經成為該地區最好的奶酪生產商之一,在經營僅一年半的時間裡,憑藉其5 Brothers奶酪贏得了加拿大奶酪大獎賽的類別冠軍。該獎項推動了銷量的增長,使Gunn's Hill成為了該地區的熱門景點之一。 牛津縣奶酪徑 (是的,這是一回事,它還包括麵包店,茶室和其他甜點)。共同擁有者Shep Ysselstein具有荷蘭風度,但他的奶酪遵循瑞士傳統。在獲得成功的同時,Ysselstein希望減緩他的成長,以免他對工作失去熱情。他還堅信將其本地化:他使用的大部分牛奶都來自家人的奶牛場。前往Gunn's Hill Cheese工廠的遊客將希望預訂一次遊覽,他們可以看到從母牛到過程的所有內容,最後品嚐最終產品。您的訪問還將使您體驗特色奶酪,例如“ Tipsy”(用紅酒醃製)和“ Beaus”(注入啤酒)。註冊我!

Local Fare Delights at Ontario’s Southwest City Fare 2016 - Railway City Brewing

The Ontario’s Southwest City Fare showed a strong undercurrent of a desire to create products using local ingredients. The honey and lavender used in 鐵路城市釀造 公司的吉普賽算命啤酒來自 野花茶,恰好是它對面的攤位。休閒高級餐廳 六十九 例如,位於安大略省伍德斯托克(Woodstock)的麵包使用CK Table中的穀物。沒有食物浪費 藍象工藝釀酒廠 和便餐餐廳:他們提供了美味的自製軟啤酒奶酪,並使用釀造過程中的廢穀物製作了甘藷布丁,使其他所有人都感到羞恥。他們還用這些用過的穀物製作了狗餅乾,這是我的皮毛寶寶非常喜歡的。

Local Fare Delights at Ontario’s Southwest City Fare 2016 - Wildflowers Tea

這場當地美食運動的核心是來自 CK表. C-K Table was born out of an annual signature event that allowed consumers to visit farms and meet farmers as well as local chefs and ended with the culmination of the two: bringing the farm to the table in a feast celebrating local fare and culinary talents. But such a noble and strong theme quickly grew into a movement—one to “create a viable, self-sustaining, local food economy.” It took only seconds for me to realize that Farmer Paul believes in what he’s creating, and while I grew up in the country and in a small town, my current near-urban lifestyle had me craving this new (old?) world order in which consumers are informed about the food they are putting into their mouth and choose to support the farmers in their area. Paul’s passion for creating a sustainable local food economy is infectious. Look for C-K Table’s upcoming “Be a Farmer for a Day” experiences and learn for yourself what goes into growing and harvesting your food. This will be a great opportunity for people of all ages and from all walks of life to become part of something that is larger than ourselves and that affects us at the basic level. C-K Table is still growing into itself, but it is leading a movement that I believe will consume the agriculture industry in Ontario. When asked about C-K Table’s greatest accomplishment, Paul said that seeing people dialogue about this issue and seeing the desire consumers have to become more involved and educated about what they eat is extremely rewarding. You can become part of the dialogue and become part of the movement by engaging in the conversation on social media at #FoodStartsHere. Together we can change the course of the local food economy to make it local and keep it real.

Local Fare Delights at Ontario’s Southwest City Fare 2016 - C-K Table

Attending the Ontario’s Southwest City Fare opened my eyes not only to the richness and diversity of products this area of Ontario has to offer but also to the role we play both as individuals and collectively in driving and maintaining a thriving local economy. I had no idea just how many wineries and breweries are in this area, most of which are family-run. While I wasn’t able to sample all the products I wanted to, I did help myself to Sprucewood Shores Estate釀酒廠的紅色女士,我很高興自己做到了。我終於找到了一種非常好的安大略紅酒,而且價格也很實惠-我知道,因為我剛從LCBO買了一瓶。從薰衣草農場到特色巧克力店;未經巴氏殺菌的蜂蜜注入威士忌;特色咖啡,茶和奶酪;甚至小麥草鏡頭和鮮活的有機果嶺,這一事件凸顯了安大略省西南部必須提供的多樣性。

Here’s a video with more photos from the Ontario’s Southwest City Fare 2016 event

餐館將其當地美食的創意組合展現出他們的才華。通過葡萄酒,啤酒和奶酪騎行路線和旅遊使所有這些愉悅性變得更容易獲得,確實沒有任何藉口不計劃不去遊覽這個地區並發現並慶祝西南安大略省所提供的東西。您可能要在旅行中做的最重要的停留是參觀沿途的歷史遺跡 查塔姆-肯特的安大略省地下鐵路 並讚揚該地區在幫助尋求自由者擺脫奴隸制自由方面所發揮的作用。

Local Fare Delights at Ontario’s Southwest City Fare 2016 - Chatham-Kent Underground Railway

我已經在計劃下一次旅行 安大略西南,我為自己將要發現的東西以及將要見到的人們而感到興奮。你這個夏天要做什麼?

我是客人 安大略的西南旅遊iYellow葡萄酒俱樂部。所有意見完全是我自己的。


By Heather Stuart

Heather Stuart是一位自由作家和編輯(HH通訊服務)居住在ON的Waterdown。不寫作時,她會與丈夫,狗和兒子一起跑步,騎自行車,旅行和享受戶外活動。

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