
lowcountry backyard restaurant charleston tea

It’s just after noon as we park our car (帶國外車牌),在前面的停車場 希爾頓黑德島的低地後院餐廳, 南卡羅來納。

當我們走近時,紳士在餐廳前的長凳上和他的孫子一起玩時微笑著笑著說。 “well, that’s a far drive to come for brunch”,而且是-有點。

我們實際上正在回家的路上 加拿大 在度過了一周之後 從邁阿密駛出的加勒比海遊輪 希爾頓黑德島(Hilton Head Island)是一個很棒的進站,距北面僅8小時 邁阿密.


You can dine indoors, but we wished to have the full “backyard” experience, so we waited for a table to be available on the patio. As we waited, we continued our conversation with the gentleman.

“那麼為什麼他們稱這個地區為低地國家呢?” 我們問。

“低國?我喜歡稱它為緩慢的國家,因為沒有人急著要任何東西。” 他回答。

He continued to explain that the term “low country” refers to the fact that Hilton Head Island and the neighbouring town of Bluffton are very close to (or even below) sea level. According to a chart, we picked up in town, in April the tide pattern fluctuates from 1 foot below sea level in the morning to 8 feet above sea level in the evening. Now that’s low!

Here’s a wiki explanation of the term “low country”.



對低地烹飪和美食感興趣?看看這些 圖書 在亞馬遜上。

Our table was ready, so we excused ourselves from our new friend and walked into the restaurant’s backyard. I’m so glad we waited for a table outdoors because once we entered the garden, we quickly realised how beautiful and charming the garden was and how the ambience of the entire space was so tranquil. Cast-iron tables and chairs under a large umbrella for shade, a lovely garden next to the outdoor seating area with water feature and cocoa mulch underfoot. At night there is a fire pit, patio lanterns, candles and entertainment events.

lowcountry backyard restaurant
lowcountry backyard restaurant


在希爾頓頭島的餐廳裡,菜單上有2件值得您指望的東西–美味的海鮮和美味的菜餚 燒烤 –但我從沒想過要為周日早午餐訂購這2件商品。但是我們畢竟是假期,您只能住一次!

I ordered the oh so decadent “James Island Benedict”. Poached eggs on biscuits with crab cakes and creamy lemon-dill sauce (代替傳統的培根培根和荷蘭醬) with a side of fresh seasonal fruit. Hubby ordered the “BBQ Benedict”. Biscuits topped with house-smoked barbecue pulled pork, poached eggs and creamy barbecue Hollandaise with a side of Aunt Sarah’s hash brown casserole”. Both dishes are perfect to share.

lowcountry backyard restaurant
lowcountry backyard restaurant


We had the best time here from the ambience to the friendly staff and patrons and to the heavenly food all made from scratch. If this place is what slow country in the low country is all about then I’ll happily take some more! Plus it’s a great place to bring the kids.

順便說一句,如果您是粗粒粉絲,那麼它們是鎮上最好的蝦和粗粒食品 (at least that’s what our gentleman friend told us)

A Lowcountry Backyard Restaurant in Hilton Head Island South Carolina


南卡羅來納州希爾頓黑德島Palmetto Bay Road 32號

點擊這裡閱讀更多 TripAdvisor.com上洛特鄉村後院希爾頓頭餐廳的住客評語.

點擊這裡閱讀更多關於 島古拉文化 和我們的訪問 希爾頓黑德島布拉夫頓 南卡羅來納。

想知道我們住的地方嗎?查看我們對酒店的評論 希爾頓頭島希爾頓花園酒店,南卡羅來納

點擊這裡了解更多 食物冒險.

By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。


  1. 嗨,瑪麗,








    1. 如此眾多的餐廳吸引了我的喜愛-燒烤和海鮮-但一個女孩一定要注意她的身材嗎? HH是放鬆和飲食的好地方!感謝您停下瑞恩(Ryan)!

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