
Niagara Falls NY American Falls

沿著水的邊緣漫步並從viewing望台觀看尼亞加拉大瀑布是一回事,但通過乘船遊覽從水本身的有利位置看瀑布 霧中少女 是完全不同的東西。

Every visitor to Niagara Falls should board a ship and sail right into the mist at least once in their life – at least that’s what I think NOW!


我只能說tsk tsk和羞辱我等了這麼久。

Missed opportunities you say? Pray tell…

解釋一下,我一生都離尼亞加拉瀑布不到2小時的路程。每當外地親戚來加拿大探訪時,我們都會開車,沿著瀑布的頂端行走,從the望台拍攝風景照片,在尼亞加拉瀑布州立公園(Naagara Falls State Park)咬一口小吃或野餐然後我們開車回家。

First-time Experiences on the Maid of the Mist

“A ride on the Niagara Maid of the Mist gives a totally different perspective of the falls. It felt like a little adventure…an amazing experience. It is high on my list of the things to do when I have guests coming from different parts of the world.” — Quote by Olivera V.

我不確定為什麼要等40多年,但是我的時刻終於到了,我跳水了 (雙關語意) 參加尼亞加拉大瀑布女僕的薄霧之旅之一。

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Maid of the Mist Observation Tower view from the bottom


我當時是個女小學生,當時船在尼亞加拉河上緩慢駛入,先駛向美國瀑布,然後駛向馬蹄瀑布。一直以來,這艘船都在花時間,以便船上的每個人都能充分享受到每秒600,000加侖以上的震耳欲聾的轟鳴聲 (和歡樂的尖叫聲) 以及濕透的霧氣。



“If you want to experience the incredible power and be engulfed in the magnificence that is Niagara Falls then you must take the Maid of The Mist tour.” — Quote by James A.

Maid of the Mist Niagara Falls NY



“It’s the kind of touristy thing that I would usually avoid, but in this case heartily recommend. Nothing gives you the sense of the power of all that water like being below it on the river and feeling the boat engines struggling to battle upstream against that force. And you have a whole new respect for the daredevils who threw themselves over the falls and into that mêlée wearing only an oak barrel – or worse!” — Quote by Jane Canapini of 大人旅行

Maid of the Mist Niagara River


Celebrities, royalty and millions of people from all over the world have sailed on the Maid of the Mist since it started taking passengers in 1846 to view Niagara Falls. You just never know who might be standing next to you – Angelina, Brad and the kids perhaps?


“Maid of the Mist was a great way to experience the Falls, particularly for kids. They were really able to grasp the power as it blasted them in the face with wind and water.” — Quote by Jessica of 手提箱和吸管杯


They are included in the ticket price and aren’t just for show because you will get wet — even with the rain ponchos on my shoes were totally soaked and I couldn’t see a thing through my glasses they were so fogged up and covered with water! In fact, I could start to feel the mist on my face even as we were waiting in line for our tickets.

Maid of the Mist Niagara Falls NY by Calculated Traveller

“OMG! It’s so LOUD and I’m absolutely soaked!” — Quote by Calculated Traveller Martin


Avert your eyes when playing this Maid of the Mist video if you don’t wish to see scenes of the beauty and power of Niagara Falls.

“Being up-close to the falls is as riveting as it is majestic. The thundering unleashed power of water in front of your eyes just can’t be experienced anywhere else except on a Maid of the Mist boat ride.” — Quote by Will of 去很棒的地方


Maid of the Mist Calculated Traveller

“I grew up just a one and half hour drive from Niagara Falls and I remember visiting many times as a kid. Both the American and Canadian sides are worth a visit for different perspectives. My favorite memory from my visits, though, is always donning those ugly plastic rain ponchos and getting a thrill on the Maid of the Mist. I haven’t been since I was a teenager and I’m looking forward to re-visiting as an adult.” — Quote by Jennifer, 奢華冒險旅行者

Maid of the Mist Niagara Falls NY

If after all of this convincing you still have zero interest in sailing on the iconic Maid of the Mist NY, that’s okay — fewer crowds for me because I plan on going again!!

Tips for the Maid of the Mist Boat Tour Niagara Falls NY

  • 從5月至10月,每天上午9點開始,每15分鐘便有船航行。
  • 除非鞋子完全防水,否則不要穿名牌鞋。
  • 帶防水相機。
  • 除非您想在烈日下出汗,否則在上船之前不要戴上雨披。
  • Be ready to wait in long lines – It does move pretty quickly when you consider the number of people waiting.
  • After the boat ride you can either take the elevator back up the Observation Tower or you can take the stairs – careful, they are slippery.


Niagara Falls Calculated Traveller

要了解其他旅行者的想法,請查看這些 薄霧少女在Trip Advisor上的評論


提供的旅行協助 尼亞加拉旅遊一如既往,我所有的意見完全是我自己的。

Have you sailed on the Maid of the Mist? Share your experience with us.


By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。

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