MOS Burger:日式快餐餐廳評論

MOS Burger - Japanese Fast Food Review by Calculated Traveller. MOS Rice Burger Yakiniku


One of my favourite things to do when travelling around the world is to try North American fast-food brands to see how they’re regionalized. For example, This is how McDonald’s serves different menus across the globe:

  • McDonald’s 在香港,提供通心粉面條,在日本,提供菜單上的蝦漢堡。
  • 德國麥當勞將為您提供一杯啤酒,並搭配您的餐點。
  • 台灣麥當勞會很高興為您提供一些玉米湯,使您的感官煥然一新。
MOS Burger - PIN


我們簽出了 MOS漢堡 在日本。一家著名的日本快餐連鎖店,設有眾多門店,而在我們街對面便是一家便利店 京都市以外的草津市酒店.

MOS Burger看起來像是典型的北美快餐店,窗戶上貼著明亮的燈光,仿製的餐桌和特色菜海報。 MOS Burger菜單也很像北美快餐店的陳詞濫調,其中包括炸薯條,洋蔥圈,熱狗和 漢堡包. But, if you take a closer look, you’ll start to notice some differences.

根據公司網站,MOS Burger中的MOS是Mountain,Ocean和Sun的首字母縮寫。


MOS Burger is Japan’s second-largest fast-food franchise after McDonald’s Japan. With around 1,300 outlets throughout Japan, the company also plays a significant role in the Asia-Pacific region. There are about 370 outlets of MOS Burger in places such as Hong Kong, Indonesia, Australia, Taiwan, Korea, China, Australia, and Singapore.

該系列由Sakoshi Sakurada創立,體現了其創始人實踐的可持續性原則。一切都是新鮮的訂購。什麼都沒煮熟。根據MOS Burger網站的說法,“ MOS BURGER使用的蔬菜全部來自國內,並由日本3,000名農民組成的網絡新鮮供應。 “

專業旅行提示: The menu is also available in English, ask your server if they don’t immediately offer one. After placing your order at the counter, staff will give you a placard to display at your table and deliver your order to you when it’s ready.

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MOS Burger - Japanese Fast Food Review by Calculated Traveller. Teriyaki Chicken Burger.


– Featuring a tender-grilled chicken with teriyaki sauce, lettuce, onions, and mayonnaise on a regular hamburger bun. The Japanese love mayo, but this was too much for my liking, and I had to scrape some off. However, the meat was flavourful, and the lettuce was very fresh.

MOS Rice Burger烤肉

MOS Burger - Japanese Fast Food Review by Calculated Traveller. MOS Rice Burger Yakiniku


烤肉是您來MOS Burger的原因。糯米麵包上的烤醃牛肉條可以治愈您的靈魂。



  1. 不要將漢堡包從包裝紙中取出
  2. 進餐時旋轉漢堡,使醬汁包好
  3. 吃完漢堡後,將薯條浸入包裝紙中,然後充分利用滴下來的醬汁。





One of the franchise’s most exciting aspects is that it offers a menu for people who have sensitive allergies. Examples include a pork burger made with a bun that doesn’t contain gluten. For dessert, you can indulge yourself in a strawberry mousse cake that is dairy and gluten-free. Although the low-allergen menu may not offer nearly as many delicacies as the regular menu, it does provide a nice switch for people with allergies from their typical cuisine.

我會再次在日本的MOS Burger吃嗎?

Sure, we would eat here again if there was nothing else nearby. The food was tasty and very fresh, the service was fabulous, and the dining environment was bright and clean. However, this wasn’t a budget-friendly meal as the portions were a bit small and considering that I could order a more filling large bowl of rice with grilled and marinated beef, sauteed onions, miso soup, and a hot tea for 600 yen. But for those travellers who like to experiment and try something a little different from the usual, MOS Burger is a great Japanese fast-food alternative.

MOS Burger - Japanese Fast Food Review by Calculated Traveller.

您以前在MOS Burger吃過飯嗎?您的日本快餐經歷如何?


By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。

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