
Nine Dishes in Nine Cities as Recommended by Nine Food Writers - Chinese Egg Tarts

On every journey I make to some far off place in the world, I find I return home with the memory of one meal, one particular dish that remains with me forever. This unforgettable memory is the best souvenir because it involves all five traditional senses — sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste.





What makes egg tarts in Hong Kong especially delightful is that they are incredibly fresh, warm from the oven and can be found on practically every street corner in Mong Kok. You don’t even need to enter inside the bakery to purchase them; there is a clerk out in front of the shop and a glass door built into the window for fast service.

當我訪問 香港, my morning begins with me convincing myself that I should watch my diet and limit myself to one tart for breakfast. As the day progresses and I pass corner bakery after corner bakery, that sweet aroma of freshly baked egg tarts calls to me. Before you least expect it, I’ve eaten about half-dozen egg tarts.

前往 香港 與風景秀麗的海港,購物或大嶼山的大佛陀無關。對我來說,香港只關乎食物和蛋t。


食物作家喬莉·平克(Jolee Pink)

Nine Dishes in Nine Cities as Recommended by Nine Food Writers - Local Tap House Biscuits

金色,低俗,片狀,黃油狀的餅乾愛。新推出的House Made Warm Cheddar Scallion Biscuits是在加利福尼亞風格的菜單上令人心動的秋季新品 本地自來水屋 (LTH)在加利福尼亞州歐申賽德。這些美味的餅乾具有完美的外部麵包屑外殼,輕盈的內部蓬鬆感和濃郁的奶酪風味,是對南方家庭烹飪經典產品的懷舊懷舊。細香蔥的斑點在整個過程中增添了淡淡的胡椒洋蔥味和色澤。這道菜在一個可愛的金屬鍋中盛放並保持熱氣騰騰,金屬鍋的三個美味:粗大的蜂窩狀,醃製的黃油和烤的大蒜啤酒奶酪。儘管餅乾是單獨存在的,但其中一種或多種調味品的分量都很大,這使它們更加令人滿意。這種富含碳水化合物的令人上癮的零食非常適合與他人共享。富有想像力的LTH廚師Daniel Pundik在他不斷發展的菜單中融合了新鮮的時令產品。工業時尚的環境,有趣的休閒氛圍和友善的服務以及令人難以置信的美食,使LTH成為無可爭議的Oceanside熱點地區的統治。

進一步了解 本地酒樓.

作者Jolee Pink為Visit Oceanside,Miles Geek,Wabisabi Green Eco Blog等撰寫。

探索海灘?查看我們的華麗指南 加州海灘!


食品作家凱瑟琳·沃爾斯(Kathleen Walls)

Nine Dishes in Nine Cities as Recommended by Nine Food Writers - Miss Hattie's Cheesecake

Brenda Gunter是德克薩斯州聖安吉洛的Hattie小姐餐廳和Cathouse Lounge的所有者兼廚師,不僅創造了精美的菜單,而且發明了一些適當的名稱。 “ Brothel Burgers”,“ Hot as you make it Mary”和“ XXX Burger”增加了一些當地色彩。她的菜單是西德克薩斯州和紐約風味之間的美味交融。名字之所以合適,是因為她的餐廳通過一條隧道連接到聖安吉洛最著名的妓院。我採樣的她的菜很好吃,但蛋糕上的糖霜是甜點。

芝士蛋糕是天堂般的。 Chocolate Kahlua是我的最愛。但是卡梅爾山核桃和果仁蜜酥餅讓它搶了一筆錢。芝士蛋糕部分光滑且濃郁。剛好足以給人很好的味道,但也不會讓人感到壓倒。巧克力是如此豐富,以至於感覺就像是液化的黑巧克力糖塊。攪打好的奶油餡料是乳脂狀的和自製的。簡單來說,好吃!

進一步了解 Miss Hattie’s Restaurant and Cathouse Lounge.

凱瑟琳·沃爾斯(Kathleen Walls)是《美國道路和全球公路》的出版商,並為許多出版物撰寫了有關食物和旅行的文章。

Masala Dosa和印度班加羅爾的瑜伽

美食作家艾琳·瑪麗·音樂(Erin Marie Musich)

Nine Dishes in Nine Cities as Recommended by Nine Food Writers - Masala Dosa

As part of my yoga teacher-training program in India, we were required to become vegetarian. Since it was something I always wanted to try, I decided to stick with it as long as I could. India is an easy place to be vegetarian with seemingly endless options. During those seven weeks in the country, I tried everything and enjoyed almost every dish. We even joked that I was going to gain back all the weight I had lost in the yoga program. But, the one dish I still can’t get out of my mind is the masala dosa from Central Tiffin Room in Bangalore. A dosa is a pancake-like wrap made from fermented rice and lentils, which is then filled with a mixture of spices and potatoes. The outside is crispy, and the inside is warm and soft. It’s the perfect comfort food and easily eaten with the hands. Often masala dosa is served with a lentil soup called sambhar and chutney. While I had dosas several times while travelling through India, the best by far is from CTR.

Erin Marie Musich是The World Wanderer的創始人,這是一個自由精神旅遊博客,他們希望體驗這個世界所提供的一切。


食品作家艾琳·萊文(Irene S.Levine)
推特:@ moretime2travel

Nine Dishes in Nine Cities as Recommended by Nine Food Writers - Rosette

意大利面的世界上沒有哪個地方比意大利的艾米利亞-羅馬涅大區更受人們的讚譽。每次我們參觀時,我們都會在 La Baita Vecchia馬爾加 to enjoy one of our favourite pasta dishes. This rustic “restaurant” is located on a second-floor balcony atop a salumeria on 通過佩舍裡, one of the oldest streets in Bologna’s historic centre.


根據當地的傳說,一串意大利麵條的寬度對應於博洛尼亞兩座中世紀塔樓中較高的Torre Degli Asinelli的高度的1 / 12,270,並以意大利貴婦的頭髮為模型。

進一步了解 馬焦雷廣場和博洛尼亞.

Irene S. Levine is a freelance travel journalist and blogs at MoreTimeToTravel.com for the “over-50” luxury traveller.


美食作家特蕾莎·卑爾根(Teresa Bergen)

Nine Dishes in Nine Cities as Recommended by Nine Food Writers - Vegan Schnitzel

參觀歷史悠久的德國小鎮 德克薩斯州弗雷德里克斯堡的廚師亞當尤霍(Adam Yoho) Otto’s German Bistro created a special dish for me, a Portobello mushroom schnitzel. It’s hard for vegans and vegetarians to get a good meal at a German restaurant, but Yoho went out of his way to make sure I got more than a salad. My schnitzel had a red pepper sauce and sat atop a bed of kale. I like to think the sprout topping and accompanying roasted carrots offset the fried and breaded decadence of this schnitzel. It turned out so well, I’m hoping they’ll add it to the menu – and maybe name it after me. Otto’s has been serving locals and tourists since 2013. It combines a dedication to local, organic produce with an exploration of German, Austrian, Northern Italian and Texan cuisine. So if you’re travelling through Fredericksburg, stop by Otto’s and request Teresa’s Portobello schnitzel.

Teresa Bergen是位於波特蘭的旅行作家,擅長健身,保健和純素食生活方式。訪問她的網站 vegtravelandfitness.com


食品作家雅克·吉布森(Jacqui Gibson)

Nine Dishes in Nine Cities as Recommended by Nine Food Writers - Sri Lankan Curry

I had this tasty Sri Lankan curry at Nisala Arana, a rustic heritage resort in Bentota, a coastal region about two hours’ drive south of Colombo. The wonderful thing about Sri Lankan curries is they’re made fresh, on site, from local ingredients, often taking most of the day to prepare and with spices plucked straight from the garden. This assortment of dishes made by Aroy, Nisala’s talented chef, was no exception. Clockwise from the top left: a seeni sambol (or onion sambol), a pol or coconut roti, a pol sambol (or coconut sambol) and the kiri malu (or white fish curry). The standout dish, for me, is the kiri malu, made from white rockfish and coconut milk, seasoned with onion, garlic, ginger, green chilli, curry leaves, fenugreek seed, cumin, saffron, salt, pepper and goraka (a fruit commonly used in Sri Lankan cuisine to give dishes a sour flavour). It’s definitely a memorable meal in a wonderful place.

有關尼薩拉阿拉納(Nisala Arana)的更多信息,以及在那裡可以做什麼和吃的東西, 閱讀FWT雜誌上的文章.

雅克·吉布森(Jacqui Gibson)是新西蘭的旅行作家,居住在首都惠靈頓。


食物作家拉奎爾·皮涅拉(Raquel Pineira)

Nine Dishes in Nine Cities as Recommended by Nine Food Writers - Roman Pizza

儘管意大利提供了許多精美的海鮮和麵食,但我在旅途中最喜歡的難忘美食之一就是我們在羅馬的Campo di Fiori餐廳享用的披薩。 yyy廣場距離我們的酒店只有一個街區,而中央空間(與許多其他類型的空間一樣)擁有自己的生活。



我最近重新製作了比薩餅,這使我回到了那一刻。 食譜在這裡.

Raquel Pineira是來自加利福尼亞橙縣的旅行和美食作家。她經常在自己的博客“有組織的島嶼”中分享因旅行和其他秘訣而靈感的食譜。



Nine Dishes in Nine Cities as Recommended by Nine Food Writers - Cream of Pejibaye

哥斯達黎加人崇拜pejibaye,桃棕櫚樹的果實。偏愛的食譜包括蒸的佩吉巴耶奶酪(pejibaye),將其切成薄片並浸入蛋黃醬中,有時塗在玉米麵中油炸。 Peace Lodge的大廚Diego Seitour在他無與倫比的Ceviche Tucurrique鱸魚中加入了薄片。聖何塞格蘭諾德奧羅酒店的廚師弗朗西斯·運河·巴爾多特(Francis Canal Bardot)以最受歡迎的化身為特色,將這種水果作為pejibaye湯的奶油。


What I’ve created is in keeping with my culinary belief that a recipe should enhance and not mask the natural flavour of the prime ingredient. I also like the silky mouth feel of adding heavy cream and the depth of flavour from a good chicken stock. 在這裡查看食譜.

馬克·恩特雷蒙特(Marc d'Entremont)是發現地球文化和美食的大廚兼旅行作家,IFWTWA會員主席/董事會以及美國烹飪聯合會的專業會員。

Nine Dishes in Nine Cities as Recommended by Nine Food Writers by Calculated Traveller - because food writers know where to find good eats!


By admin

Mary Chong的總部位於加拿大安大略省多倫多市。美食和旅行作家,Calculated Traveller的創始人,不擔任自由圖形設計師的時候,瑪麗要么跟丈夫雷一起旅行,要么計劃下一次大冒險。


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